Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 250 Hunter In The Shadow [Bonus ]

Villain Ch 250. Hunter In The Shadow 

The impostor's panic was palpable, his eyes darting anxiously around the crowd, desperately seeking a lifeline amidst the sea of disbelieving faces. His heart pounded in his chest, a relentless reminder of the imminent defeat that loomed before him. In a last-ditch effort to salvage the situation, he clung to the fragile thread of accusation.

"You're cheating!" he gasped, his voice strained with desperation. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead as he struggled to catch his breath. Every second counted, his HP rapidly dwindling, teetering on the brink of oblivion.

Allen's cold gaze pierced through the impostor's feeble attempt at deflection. He maintained his grip on the dagger, unwavering in his position of dominance. A mirthless smile played at the corners of his lips as he responded with a calculated calmness.

"Cheating?" Allen repeated, his voice laced with disdain. "With so many witnesses here, how can I possibly cheat?" His words reverberated through the air, challenging the impostor's feeble accusation. He gestured toward the spectators, his eyes scanning the faces that surrounded them. "Besides," he continued, a hint of sarcasm tinging his tone, "aren't most of them your own guild members?"

"There must be your group among the crowd. A healer, he gives you buffs secretly," the impostor hastily excused, grasping at straws in an attempt to salvage his rapidly crumbling facade.

But, to everyone's surprise, it was Father^Alex who interjected, his voice laced with skepticism. Stepping forward, he confronted the impostor with a pointed question. "But we didn't see any glow from the buff. How do you explain that, Godlike?" He deliberately emphasized the name, emphasizing the weight it held. As a seasoned healer, Father^Alex possessed a keen understanding of the mechanics behind support skills and buffs.

The impostor's gaze shifted, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. His eyes met Father^Alex's unwavering stare, unable to escape the doubt that simmered within those scrutinizing eyes.

"Thank you," Allen said, his voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and disappointment. "Your words confirm what I suspected. This Godlike is not the same guy who won in the tournament two years ago."

Red_King's voice dripped with disappointment as he echoed Allen's sentiment. "He has deceived us all," he muttered, his frustration evident. Without a moment's hesitation, his fingers danced across the guild status screen, his decision resolute. With a single click, the impostor was swiftly expelled from the guild, his false identity laid bare for all to see.

But the impostor, consumed by rage and humiliation, could not accept the consequences. His face contorted with fury, his voice booming through the arena in a fit of anger. "I am the real Godlike! How dare you!" he bellowed, his threats laced with venom. His eyes blazed with a mixture of indignation and wounded pride. "If you dare challenge me, I will rally my friends and reduce your pathetic guild to ashes!"

Red_King maintained a cold, unyielding stare, refusing to be swayed by the impostor's futile attempts at intimidation.

The air crackled with tension as Allen's mocking laughter reverberated through the crowd, slicing through the impostor's feeble facade of authority. His words carried a biting sting as he directed them toward the impostor, firmly cementing the truth in everyone's minds. "Remember this," Allen sneered, his voice laced with contempt. "The real Godlike is a soloist, a lone wolf. Whether surrounded by allies or standing alone, he fearlessly faces his foes and fights until the bitter end. That's how he claimed victory two years ago."

Then mercilessly, he slashed his dagger at the impostor's neck.

[Congratulations! You won the duel!]

[You have managed to kill a player]

Allen stood over the impostor's lifeless body. A mixture of triumph and disdain painted across his face. The crowd's gasps and murmurs washed over him, but he paid them no mind. His focus was solely on the fallen pretender before him.

With a scoff of derision, Allen couldn't resist the urge to speak, his voice dripping with sarcasm and mockery. "Well, well, well," he drawled, his tone laced with an arrogant edge. "Thank you for your oh-so-valuable instructions, Godlike," he sneered, his words punctuated by a derisive chuckle.

Mastercraft stepped forward, a mixture of gratitude and admiration in his eyes as he approached Allen. "Thank you, Al," he said sincerely, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You've unmasked the imposter and saved us from further deception. We owe you a great debt."

Allen's gaze met Mastercraft's, a nod of acknowledgment passing between them. "No need to thank me," he replied with a modest smile. "I couldn't stand by and let someone tarnish Godlike's name."

Red_King approached Allen with newfound respect gleaming in his eyes. He extended a hand towards Allen, a proposition hidden within the gesture. "You've shown incredible skill. Our guild, Celestial Vanguard, could use someone like you. Join us, and together we can achieve great things."

Allen's gaze lingered on Red_King's outstretched hand. However, after a brief pause, Allen shook his head with a grateful smile. "Thank you for your kind offer," he replied. "But I must decline."

Red_King nodded understandingly, though a hint of disappointment flickered across his face. "I respect your decision," he said, his voice tinged with a touch of regret. "If ever you change your mind, remember that Celestial Vanguard will always be open to you."

With a final nod of appreciation, Allen excused himself from the gathering. As he made his way through the dispersing crowd, whispers and murmurs trailed in his wake.

"He's something else, that Al," remarked one player in awe.

"Did you see how he effortlessly exposed the imposter?" another chimed in, clearly impressed.

Father^Alex, still reeling from the revelation, approached Red_King with a concerned expression. "What will you do with the impostor now?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of worry.

Red_King's gaze hardened as he turned to face Father^Alex. "We can't let this impostor continue deceiving others," he replied firmly. "We need to spread the word and make sure no one falls victim to his lies."

With a swift movement, Red_King's fingers danced across the keyboard, navigating through his inventory screen. His eyes scanned the vast array of items at his disposal until he found what he was looking for—a special item he had obtained from the in-game store, a megaphone.

A grin spread across Red_King's face as he grasped the virtual megaphone in his hand. It was an item of great power, capable of broadcasting his message to every player in the entire server.

With a few deft clicks, Red_King activated the megaphone and began to type his message. The words flowed effortlessly from his fingertips.

[Red_King announces: Attention all players! Beware of an impostor masquerading as Godlike! He is not the real one. Be careful!]

That announcement echoed through the virtual world, spreading like wildfire across every map and server. Players from all walks of life paused in their quests and battles.

In the orc field, Mac's group halted their steps. The once lively atmosphere turned somber, and a heavy silence settled among them. Mac, Yora, Greg, and Player_Eater stood in a small cluster, their gazes fixed on the glowing screen displaying the message.

Greg's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "That guy surely has fans everywhere. Disgusting," he grumbled, his voice laced with skepticism.

His words hung in the air for a moment before Player_Eater nudged him discreetly, shooting a warning glance in Yora's direction.

"Just concentrate on the hunt," Mac interjected, his voice firm but gentle, diverting their concentration.

Unbeknownst to Mac's group, there were a pair of red eyes watching them from the shadows, between the trees.

"There you are~," Jane murmured with a twisted sense of delight, her gaze fixed on Yora. She had been observing the group, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. 

Note: So I found a lot of you guys giving this story reviews but it never shows up in the review section because the system deletes it automatically. So I decided to give a bonus chapter for every 5 reviews until the end of July.

*5 reviews = 1 bonus chapter.

This only apply for different accounts. Please avoid cursing words (fucking, shit, damn, smut, sex, harem, die and kill) or the system will delete it automatically. Max 4 chapters for this month.

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