Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 251 Torture Show [Part 1] [Bonus ]

Villain Ch 251. Torture Show [Part 1]

Mac's group trudged through the orc field, their weapons slicing through the air with precision. Each swing and strike was executed with a calculated fluidity, their movements synchronized like a well-oiled machine. One by one, the monstrous creatures fell, their screams echoing through the virtual landscape.

But, while the rest of the team remained focused on the task at hand, Yora's was on what happened at the agency and the announcement.

Mac noticed the change in Yora's demeanor, the heaviness in her eyes, and the subtle slouch in her shoulders. However, he chose to give her the space she needed to process her emotions before intervening.

After their eventful encounter at the agency, Mac knew that Yora needed an outlet for her frustrations. He took her to a secluded beach, a hidden gem nestled amidst the bustling city. The sound of crashing waves and the gentle touch of the sea breeze had a soothing effect, providing solace in the midst of her chaotic emotions.

There, her emotions overflowed, finding release in tears and anguished cries. Mac stood by her side, a silent pillar of support, allowing her to vent and express her pain. He understood her disappointment and pain.

Once Yora's sobs subsided, Mac gently urged her to share her story, to unload the burden that had been weighing her down. And she did, her voice quivering with a mix of sadness and anger as she recounted the painful details. It was a bitter tale, of seeing Allen in the agency, posing as a model alongside another woman. To make matters worse, the client had asked Yora to create illustrations based on the very images that had shattered her heart.

But what shattered Yora's spirit even more was the female model who stood in her way, preventing her from approaching Allen. The model took advantage of the situation, taunting and mocking Yora for her past mistakes, adding insult to injury.

As Mac witnessed Yora's heartbreak, he felt a mixture of anger and empathy. He couldn't comprehend what had driven those individuals to be so cruel to her. Yora had only sought forgiveness and understanding, and he saw no harm in that. He wanted to shield her from such toxicity and ensure that she received the love and acceptance she deserved.

On the other hand, Mac couldn't fully grasp Yora's unwavering determination to make things right. He understood that forcing her feelings on Allen would only push him further away, rather than bring them closer. However, he sensed that Yora's attachment to Allen ran deep, fueled by her longing for someone who could reciprocate her love and make her feel special. This mindset had likely developed as a result of the emotional scars left by her past relationship.

So, after witnessing Yora's pain and the impact it had on her, Mac's resolve solidified. He made up his mind to win Yora's heart and replace Allen's position in her affections. He was determined to show her that Allen wasn't the only man capable of bringing her happiness. However, he understood that it wouldn't be an easy task, especially considering the ongoing rivalry between him and Allen both in the game and in the real world.

Lost in his thoughts, Mac was suddenly interrupted by Player_Eater, who nudged him and leaned in closer, his voice low and hushed. "Hey, do you know what happened to her?" he inquired with genuine concern evident in his eyes.

Greg, who had overheard their conversation, joined in with a scowl on his face. "Let me guess, does this have anything to do with Allen?" he asked, his voice laced with contempt.

Mac nodded in response, a mix of frustration and resignation washing over him. "Yeah, kinda," he admitted, his tone reflecting his disappointment.

The trio stood in solidarity, their jaws clenched, as they contemplated the havoc Allen had wreaked on Yora's happiness. It seemed that wherever he went, trouble followed, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in his wake.

"I can't believe he always manages to ruin everything," Greg muttered through gritted teeth, his frustration palpable.

Player_Eater's eyes blazed with anger as he added, "That arrogant jerk knows exactly how to crush people's spirits and spoil their happiness."

Mac was about to explain the situation to Greg and Player_Eater when a sudden disturbance interrupted their conversation.

The previously solid and stable ground beneath their feet began to convulse violently, causing them to lose their balance. It felt as if the very foundations of the earth were quivering with an otherworldly force. It was as if the very earth itself had come alive.

Then, with an eerie and unsettling silence, the disturbance reached its crescendo. Like phantoms emerging from the depths of darkness, skeletal hands erupted from the soil. They emerged one by one, their bony fingers stretching out towards the sky as if yearning for release, seeking vengeance or a taste of the living once more.

With chilling precision, the skeletal hands reached out towards Mac, Greg, and Player_Eater, their movements swift and purposeful. They coiled around their legs, immobilizing them without mercy.

"What the hell?!" Greg shouted, his voice tinged with panic as he struggled to break free from the skeletal grasp. He kicked and thrashed, but the hands tightened their grip, unyielding in their hold.

Just when they thought things couldn't get any worse, the shadows around them seemed to come alive with sinister energy. Red eyes glimmered in the darkness, peering out from the depths of the shadows like hungry predators stalking their prey. The eerie glow cast an eerie hue on the scene, adding an extra layer of dread to the unfolding situation.

Hideous grunts echoed through the air, resonating with an unearthly ferocity. It was a sound that struck fear deep into the hearts of the trapped players. The chilling growl reverberated through the surrounding trees, sending a chill down their spines.

In the middle of that chaos, a woman's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

"Got you~" she taunted, her voice dripping with a mix of amusement and malice. Her words sent a shiver down their spines, adding another layer of terror to the already dire situation.

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