Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 195 Connection And Loss

Villain Ch 195. Connection And Loss

Allen hesitated for a moment, his hands hovering in mid-air, unsure of whether to reciprocate the embrace. But a surge of longing overpowered his reservations, urging him to take hold of this fleeting moment of solace. With a mix of trepidation and longing, he slowly raised both his hands and wrapped them around Jane's body. The act itself was not unfamiliar to him; he had embraced the others before without hesitation. Yet, when it came to forging a deep connection, a fear tugged at his heart—an apprehension that this too would slip through his fingers, leaving him empty-handed once again.

He clung to Jane, his grip tighter than usual, as if his very existence depended on it. It was a paradoxical dance of vulnerability and self-preservation, his heart yearning for the connection while simultaneously fearing its loss. He had experienced the pain of separation before, the agonizing void that remained when someone he cared about drifted away. The wounds were still there, and the fear of repeating past heartbreaks loomed large in his mind.

But somewhere within him, a voice whispered—a voice that reminded him of the importance of fighting for what mattered, of defending the bonds that held meaning. If he didn't take the risk, if he didn't express his desire for them to stay, he would be left with nothing. The thought of losing everything he held dear was unbearable.

With each passing moment, as they held each other in the midst of their virtual refuge, Allen began to realize that vulnerability didn't equate to weakness. It meant opening his heart and embracing the uncertainty that came with genuine connections. Yes, there was a chance of pain and loss, but there was also the potential for profound joy and fulfillment.

As expected, the game mechanics caught his action as a lewd action and asked if he agreed or not. He chose yes. It wasn't long before Jane also gave the same response. Yet that didn't mean it was based on lust, but it was just a man and woman trying to share some comfort.

"I will try," he said softly, his voice laced with vulnerability. "But I can't promise you," he added, aware of the limitations he faced in his battle against his own inner demons. "But for sure, I know my limit." Allen's voice was filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty, his words carrying the weight of his inner struggle.

A bitter smile tugged at Jane's lips as she released her embrace, her eyes fixed on Allen's face. There was a flicker of worry in her expression.

"Know your limit?" she echoed, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Why do I see differently today?" Her words carried a hint of concern as if she feared the consequences of Allen's uncharted territory.

Allen took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "Today is an exception," he confessed, his voice tinged with surprise. "I didn't anticipate this overwhelming surge of emotions either. I thought it would be enough to release my pent-up feelings during the events, but it seems I was mistaken." He paused, his gaze searching for understanding in Jane's eyes.

"Is that mean… Are you feeling better?" Jane's touch on his cheek brought a sense of comfort and reassurance. Her question hung in the air, seeking an honest response. Allen met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and uncertainty. He couldn't deny that her presence had a calming effect on him, slowly extinguishing the embers of his bloodlust. It was as if her touch held the power to quell the storm brewing within him.

He remained silent, unable to put into words the profound impact she had on him. Instead, he chose to let his actions speak for him. With closed eyes, he inhaled deeply, drawing in the virtual air as if it held the answers he sought. His breaths became rhythmic, a deliberate effort to find serenity amidst the chaos that had consumed him.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, expecting to respond to Jane's question, only to find her face inches away from his. The sight of her rosy cheeks and the softness in her eyes caused a flutter of surprise within him. Before he could fully process the moment, their lips met in an unexpected collision.

His mind momentarily froze, caught off guard by the suddenness of the kiss. Yet, deep down, he understood that this was Jane's way of trying to bring him solace. It was an unspoken gesture of comfort and understanding.

For a brief moment, time stood still. The world around them faded into the background as their lips lingered, gently exploring the connection between them. The warmth of the embrace enveloped them, carrying a mix of emotions—reassurance, tenderness, and a hint of passion.

The taste of their shared kiss lingered on Allen's lips, leaving behind a sweetness that mirrored the tenderness of their connection. It was like savoring a delectable, soft pudding that melted with every delightful sensation.

As their lips parted, Jane took a moment to observe Allen's countenance. The fire of his bloodlust had waned, replaced by a renewed sense of calmness. His once piercing gaze softened, reflecting a newfound tranquility that hadn't been there before. It was as if the storm within him had been quelled, replaced by a serene clarity.

"Yes." A warm smile played on Allen's lips, transforming his face into a portrait of contentment.

Due to his answer, without a hint of hesitation, Jane instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer in an embrace that conveyed relief, joy, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude. She held him tightly, pressing his face against the gentle curve of her chest.

"Thank God!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness. The weight of worry that had burdened her heart seemed to evaporate in that instant. The sight of Allen finding peace within himself brought her immeasurable relief.

Little did she know, her action triggered another beast…

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