Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 194 Healing The Wounded Beast [Bonus ]

Villain Ch 194. Healing The Wounded Beast

"A wounded beast?" Allen repeated, his confusion etched across his face in a deepening frown. He struggled to make sense of Jane's words, grappling with the implications behind her chosen metaphor. A mix of emotions swirled within him—defensiveness, vulnerability, and a twinge of fear. He desperately hoped she wouldn't say what he feared most.

"Please don't..." His voice trailed off as he caught a flicker of understanding in Jane's eyes. His heart sank as her next words materialized in his mind. "Please don't say you pity me," he interjected, his voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. The mere thought of being pitied sent a shiver down his spine, striking a chord deep within him that he wished to keep buried.

"I'm not pitying you, Allen," Jane explained, her voice gentle yet resolute. She reached out and tenderly touched his cheek, her touch warm and reassuring. "It's a worry, not pity. I may be a stranger to you in the grand scheme of things, but right now, at this moment, there are only the two of us here. And if something is hurting you, you have to let it out."

Allen's frown deepened, his brows furrowing as he struggled to comprehend Jane's words. Confusion swirled within him, mingling with the tumult of emotions that had plagued him since their victorious battle.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration. His inner turmoil threatened to boil over, his defenses straining to contain the flood of emotions threatening to engulf him.

Jane's eyes bore into his, unwavering and understanding. She spoke softly, her words a mirror to his innermost struggles. "I know your adrenaline is still coursing through your veins from the previous battle. You've suppressed your emotions throughout the day, seeking an outlet to release the pent-up energy. But somehow, the event didn't provide the satisfaction you were seeking. There's something more you're searching for, something you can't quite grasp."

Allen's eyes widened, and for a moment, he found himself at a loss for words. Jane had hit the mark with her astute observation. She had seen through the facade he had carefully crafted, unraveled the tangled web of emotions he had been grappling with. It was true, he had sought something in that battle—some elusive satisfaction derived from vanquishing players and decimating Mac and his guild. Yet, despite the chaos and carnage, he remained unfulfilled. There was an emptiness within him, a void he couldn't quite define.

"Yeah..." Allen admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance. He slowly made his way to the plush couch in the corner of the room and sank down onto it, his body sinking into the soft cushions. "I'm usually in this state after a significant war or battle. It's a sort of aftermath, a lingering residue that takes time to fade away. But this time... this time it feels different." His gaze shifted to his hand, still stained with the remnants of blood from the last battle. The sight sent a chill down his spine, a stark reminder of the monster lurking within.

"I feel like a beast consumed by rage," he confessed, his voice heavy with a mix of self-disgust and vulnerability. He let his hand drop to his side, taking a deep breath in an attempt to steady his racing heart. "Unfortunately, I don't even know what this is... It's like an invisible force gripping me, refusing to let go. And that's why I thought I needed to go AFK, to find a way to calm myself down." He closed his eyes momentarily, trying to quiet the lingering echoes of the battlefield that seemed to reverberate within his very being.

Jane sat down beside him, her presence a source of comfort in the midst of his internal storm. Concern was etched across her features as she gazed at him, her eyes filled with genuine worry. She wanted to understand, to offer a helping hand in whatever way she could.

"Has this ever happened to you before?" she asked softly, her voice laced with genuine concern. Her gaze never wavered; her attention fully focused on him.

Allen shook his head slowly, his fists clenched tightly as he struggled to contain the turmoil churning within him. "Normally, everything that happens in the game stays in the game," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "I usually can find a way to calm myself down, to let go of the pent-up emotions that come with battle. But this time... it feels different." His words were tinged with a sense of vulnerability, a rare glimpse into the depths of his inner struggle.

Once again, he closed his eyes, seeking solace in the darkness behind his eyelids. He took a deep breath, attempting to quiet the maelstrom raging within his mind and body. But this time, his efforts felt futile, as if the very essence of the game had seeped into his being, refusing to be contained or dismissed.

Jane gazed at Allen, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and surprise. She had never expected him to possess such a vulnerable side, hidden beneath the facade of strict control and calmness. Without hesitation, her hands reached out to him, gently cupping his cheeks, and began to rub them soothingly. Allen's gaze shifted towards her, his initial response tainted with uncertainty, but as his eyes met hers, he felt a warmth radiate from her touch. It stirred something deep within him, something he hadn't realized he longed for, yet it also triggered a sense of alarm—a fear of losing this connection one day.

Her voice, soft and tender, broke the silence. "Not everything will remain confined to the game, Allen," Jane murmured, her words carrying a gentle reassurance. Her hands dropped from his cheeks, and she drew him closer, enfolding him in her embrace. The proximity of their bodies brought a sense of comfort and safety, blurring the lines between the virtual realm and reality. "In this game, you may be the Devil Emperor, but in the real world, you are human. Please, don't be too hard on yourself," she whispered, her words carrying a plea that resonated deep within his soul.

Allen felt a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Her words cut through the walls he had erected around his heart, reaching the core of his being. He had always strived to maintain control, to bury his vulnerabilities beneath a facade of strength. But now, in the presence of Jane's compassion and understanding, he couldn't help but question the weight he had placed upon his own shoulders.

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to surrender to the comfort of her embrace. He found solace in the connection they shared. The warmth of her presence enveloped him, offering a respite from the tumultuous emotions that had plagued him.

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