Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 193 Post-Battle Fervor

Villain Ch 193. Post-Battle Fervor

After the conclusion of the second event, Allen and the girls found themselves standing once again at the Cursed Crypts' gate. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the girls, brimming with excitement, couldn't wait to regale each other with tales of their triumphs. Their faces lit up with pride as they boasted about the number of players they had killed.

But amidst the cheerful chatter and the exchange of stories, Allen stood apart from the group.

A series of announcements appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations you have completed an event!]

[You have killed 639 players!]

[You have killed 12 NPCs!]

[You have destroyed 32 structures!]

[Eyon Village destruction is 76%!]

[Level up!] X3

[You are now level 70!]

[You got 16801 Coins]

Despite the announcements, Allen stood silently, his mind still reeling from the exhilarating events that had just transpired. The rush of battle still coursed through his veins, refusing to subside. His body still trembled with the remnants of adrenaline, a constant reminder of the fierce clashes he had engaged in.

"Breathe... Just take a breath..." Allen whispered to himself, his eyes tightly shut as he attempted to regain control of his racing heart. This was a familiar state for him, the aftermath of a real battle that had demanded his utmost focus. It always took time for him to find his center again, to calm the storm within. During this period, he often withdrew into himself, becoming unusually quiet and unresponsive to those around him. His lack of verbal response was inversely proportional to his heightened reflexes, which seemed to sharpen even further in the aftermath of combat.

But this time, the process of finding his inner calm felt more challenging than ever. The echoes of clashing swords and thundering spells still reverberated in his mind, making it difficult for him to silence the battle cries that echoed within him. He knew he needed some time alone.

Breaking the silence, Allen finally spoke up, his voice firm and resolute. "Guys," he began, his eyes meeting theirs, The girls turned their attention to him, their curious gazes fixed upon his face. "I need to log out for a while."

"Is there anything you want to do?" Bella asked curiously, her brow furrowed in concern. It was an unusual question since Allen was typically free to join their virtual adventures during the late hours of the night.

Allen took a moment to ponder Bella's query, his mind still consumed by the residual effects of the intense battle. He knew he couldn't reveal the true reason behind his need for solitude - the lingering bloodlust that pulsed through his veins. They would undoubtedly find it strange, perhaps even alarming if they discovered the depth of his post-battle fervor.

Allen, trying to appear nonchalant, shrugged his shoulders casually. "Yeah, I need to write," he replied, hoping his response would be enough to divert their attention from his inner turmoil. He couldn't possibly confess that he was still grappling with the remnants of his bloodlust from the recent battle. They would surely find it strange and question his sanity.

Understanding that Allen needed space, Bella nodded in acceptance, though a hint of confusion lingered in her eyes.

However, Jane, with her keen observation skills, immediately noticed that something was amiss with Allen. There was a subtle shift in his gaze, a flicker of intensity that lingered even after the adrenaline of battle should have dissipated. As an avid reader of his Discord server, she also recalled his earlier excitement about having plenty of chapter banks to indulge in his gaming spree throughout the night. This behavior was a stark departure from his usual self.

Her curiosity piqued, Jane couldn't ignore her concern any longer. With determination in her eyes, she reached out and gently grasped Allen's hand. His immediate reflex to dodge her touch only solidified her suspicion. She quickly caught the lingering effects of battle on his senses.

"Allen," Jane spoke up, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Before you go AFK, mind accompanying me for a while?" Jane's concern was evident in her eyes as she locked gazes with Allen. She knew there was something deeper troubling him.

"For what?" Allen replied, attempting to dismiss any emotional vulnerability in his tone. He tried to maintain his usual composed facade, refusing to let his guard down.

"I need to show you something. Just follow me." Jane's determination remained unwavering as she grabbed hold of Allen's hand and tugged him towards the nearby mansion without hesitation. Her urgency was palpable.

Confusion etched across his face, Allen reluctantly followed Jane. The other girls, perplexed by the sudden departure, voiced their complaints, expressing their disappointment at being left out. But Jane swiftly turned toward them, pressing a finger to her lips, her expression filled with worry and apprehension.

The gesture silenced the girls, their curiosity now mingled with concern. They realized that something had indeed transpired to affect Allen deeply, an occurrence that had evaded their observation until this moment. Jane's unspoken plea for their understanding and support resonated within them, compelling them to let the pair go.

Jane and Allen stepped into the mansion, their footsteps echoing softly in the corridors. The usual banter and light-hearted chatter that often accompanied them were conspicuously absent, replaced by an uncharacteristic silence that hung heavy in the air. Jane sensed the subtle shift in Allen's demeanor. His heightened sensitivity to his surroundings, the way his eyes darted and his every movement exuded an air of heightened awareness—it was as if the echoes of battle still reverberated within him.

Finally arriving in her private chamber, Jane turned to face Allen, her eyes brimming with compassion and understanding. The room was an oasis of tranquility, adorned with shelves of carefully curated books and trinkets.

Allen, breaking the silence, voiced his confusion. "Why did you bring me to your chamber?" His tone carried a hint of speculation as if he suspected her ulterior motives. "Are you planning to take your additional attribute now?" he guessed.

Jane, her hands falling to her sides, released Allen's hand. She turned to face him fully, her expression a mix of empathy and concern. "No," she replied, her voice soft yet firm. "I brought you here because you look like a wounded beast, Allen." Her words hung in the air, heavy with meaning.

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