Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 306 Alerting The Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion

While Wang Jian attentively absorbed his women's thoughts, he found himself largely in agreement with their observations.

"Actually, I have a question, Husband," Han Xifeng interjected.

Wang Jian responded with a warm smile, "Sure, my dear. What's on your mind?"

Han Xifeng continued, "You must have noticed that creepy old man who was eyeing us. And then he led us to that disciplinary pagoda for seemingly no reason. Why haven't you taken any action against him?"

Wang Jian replied playfully, turning the question back to her, "Why do you think I haven't taken action?"

"Ah, I knew it! You've done something, haven't you? Tell me, what is it?" Han Xifeng asked with a touch of excitement.

Meanwhile, Lady Zhuoran, Luo Qiu, and Yan Niu leaned in, their curiosity evident. They too were eager to know what Wang Jian had up his sleeve.

Wang Jian's smile turned mysterious as he answered, "You'll find out tomorrow."

"But I want to know today!" Han Xifeng pouted, attempting a cute and playful expression.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Wang Jian replied, "Well, if you can satisfy my desires, I might just spill the secret."

Han Xifeng retorted with a playful snort, "I can't do that alone, you know."

Wang Jian's grin widened, "Then why not ask for assistance?"

Understanding his implication perfectly, Han Xifeng, Lady Zhuoran, Luo Qiu, and Yan Niu exchanged knowing glances, realizing what Wang Jian was suggesting.

Soon, the four women embarked on a passionate mission to extract the secret from Wang Jian by indulging in intense lovemaking with him.

Despite their efforts, taking turns to fulfill his desires, they found themselves unsuccessful.

Almost thirteen hours had elapsed, leaving only Wang Jian still awake and aware.

Despite their inability to extract the information they craved, the act of lovemaking itself brought pleasure, joy, and excitement to all participants.

Since the pleasure and excitement had been great, Wang Jian finally decided to share the coveted secret with them.

Amid their exhaustion and satisfaction, Wang Jian spoke softly, "When I initially encountered that man, I subtly implanted a tendril of my demonic shadow within his body. Then, under the cover of darkness, I triggered the demonic shadow's activation. By now, his body must have been torn asunder by the relentless power of the shadow. The experts will likely discover the demonic shadow and detect traces of storm elements in it."

He continued, his voice holding a sense of finality, "The only devil clan that can harness the abilities of the demonic shadow and storm elements is the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan. This act will lead them to suspect that it was this clan aligned with Jiang Chen who has infiltrated the Immortal Dominion and orchestrated the demise of that creepy old man."

Unfortunately for the four women, the truth they eagerly awaited was revealed only after they had all fallen unconscious from their passionate efforts.

At that moment, Wang Jian initiated contact with Su Xian, keen to receive updates on the current state of affairs in the Everlasting Mystical Empire and address any arising complications after his departure.

Su Xian shared the latest developments with him. She described how the Barbarian Race had orchestrated simultaneous attacks on three prominent Empires: the Jade Sea Empire, Amber Horizon Dynasty, and Ebon Star Ascendancy.

In response, she had dispatched teams to these territories to provide protection against the impending onslaught.

Wang Jian expressed his approval of her actions, saying, "For the time being, we'll safeguard them. However, ensure you also prioritize the expansion of Lady Xia's Elysian Blossoms Organizations across the other Empires."

"Of course, Husband. So, how's everything progressing on your end?" Su Xian inquired with curiosity.

In response, Wang Jian recounted the events that had transpired during his journey, from the encounter with the creepy old man to the fascinating details he had learned about the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion and the Central Region as a whole.

Once the exchange was complete, they severed the connection between their Telephone Artifacts.

The following day dawned, and Wang Jian and his group of four women found themselves amidst a tumultuous uproar that had swept across the entire expanse of the Zephyr Zenith Terrace.

An atmosphere of terror hung in the air, permeating both the disciples and elders of the sect. The cause? The discovery of a lingering trace of demonic shadow within the tranquil premises of the Zephyr Zenith Terrace.

The fact that this particular demonic shadow had managed to elude the perceptive gaze of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion's Spirit struck fear into the hearts of all who heard. It was an unsettling notion, to say the least.

But that wasn't all. This sinister entity had not only remained hidden, but it had also wrought devastation.

It had ruthlessly slain Elder Zhao Tao, a respected figure within the Wind Cloud House.

Zhao Tao, boasting the prowess of a Second Stage Emperor Realm cultivator, had earned his reputation through his formidable combat skills, earning him a coveted spot within the disciplinary committee of the Wind Cloud House.

The news of such a gruesome incident had sent shockwaves through the Zephyr Zenith Terrace, leaving everyone grappling with a mixture of dread and astonishment.

As Wang Jian had anticipated, it didn't take long for the experts within the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion to cast their suspicions upon the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan. The sudden appearance of the elusive demonic shadow only fueled these suspicions.

In response to the prevailing sense of urgency and apprehension, the three dominant sects of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion promptly called for an emergency assembly. The aim was clear: to devise a comprehensive strategy to address this newfound threat.

After intense deliberation, a decisive plan was forged. The three regions of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion would be armed with specialized devil sensory artifacts. These devices, constantly active, had the ability to detect the presence of devils within a radius of ten kilometers.

Notably, they could also facilitate the tracking and locating of these malevolent entities. However, the upkeep of these artifacts required the daily consumption of rare holy crystals.

A minor hurdle presented itself in the form of acquiring these precious resources.

As the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion lacked the native production of holy crystals, the three sects were compelled to engage in trade with other Immortal Dominions, bartering for these essential materials.

Despite the constant vigilance enforced by the devil sensory artifacts, Wang Jian astutely observed that his mastery over the Laws of Shadow enabled him to remain undetected, shielding his devil bloodline even from these advanced sensing devices. This revelation bolstered his confidence in his shadow manipulation skills.

However, Wang Jian and his four women didn't remain passive observers. They actively gathered intelligence about the three major sects within the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion. Their focus extended to sect masters, elders, and other key figures.

The wealth of information they acquired painted a vivid picture of the power dynamics within the Immortal Dominion.

The Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion was composed of three prominent sects, each boasting nearly equal strength. The Spirit Affinity Sect, with its age-old legacy, was the oldest among them, while the Heavenly Lotus Sect was the most recently established.

Across these sects, the count of Emperor Realm experts ranged from fifteen to twenty, a formidable force by any measure. Ancient sects like the Spirit Affinity Sect held twenty Emperor Realm experts, while the newer Heavenly Lotus Sect boasted fifteen.

On average, each sect possessed around 18 Emperor Realm experts. When extrapolated across all ten major sects of the Central Region, this cumulative count exceeded a staggering 180 Emperor Realm experts.

This figure was nothing short of daunting, particularly when compared to the comparatively meager total of 50 to 60 Emperor Realm experts within the human race of the Southern Region.

What made the Central Region's Emperor Realm experts even more formidable was their superior mastery of the Laws due to the support provided by the Immortal Dominion.

This advantage set them apart from their Southern Region counterparts, who lacked such a resourceful environment.

Wang Jian's mind raced with possibilities as he contemplated the idea of gaining influence over key sects within the Immortal Dominions.

Among the trio of sects in the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Heavenly Lotus Sect stood out due to their predominantly female membership. These sects specialized in refining their spirit, mind, and physical form, while drawing power from the natural energy around them.

This unique approach not only magnified their beauty but also bestowed them with an ethereal grace that made them exceptionally appealing Wang Jian.

Given Wang Jian's particular inclinations and his love for beauties, these sects were practically tailor-made for his plans. The allure of the gorgeous women from the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Heavenly Lotus Sect was enough to pique his interest and lead him to consider integrating them into his influence.

However, Wang Jian was well aware that his approach needed to be strategic and subtle. Unlike the Lotus Blossom Sect, where a hierarchical structure enabled easy control, the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Heavenly Lotus Sect operated differently as they had a decentralized structure.

Wang Jian recognized that forcing himself upon the respected women of these sects would be foolish because it would trigger the Spirit of the Immortal Dominion to intervene and deal with him as a threat. He needed to employ his charm and wiles to win them over in a more nuanced manner.

Fortunately, this sort of thing was his specialty.

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