Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 305 Wang Jian's Decision To Stay In Central Region For Some Time

As Wang Jian stepped into the disciplinary pagoda, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. The atmosphere and setting reminded him of the medieval period dramas he had watched in his previous life on Earth.

"Ah, so you're Wang Jian, and these are your companions," spoke the elderly man seated on the right, identified as Wu Long.

"That's correct," Wang Jian replied in a casual manner.

"Elder Zhao Tao informed me that you and your companions hail from the Everlasting Mystical Empire and that you were traversing the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion on a fleet of seven wyverns," Wu Long continued, his tone carrying a certain chill.

The man standing to Wu Long's left was likely Zhao Tao.

In a relaxed tone, Wang Jian responded to Wu Long's words, "The laws of the Central Region aren't widely known in the Southern Region. I'm accustomed to traveling by air, so I didn't anticipate any issues. Moreover, as far as I've come to understand, flying over Immortal Dominions isn't outright forbidden; it's just not a common practice."

"You claim ignorance of the laws, yet your statement seems to suggest otherwise," Cao Xin, an old man among the trio, interjected with a frosty tone.

Unfazed, Wang Jian maintained his composure and replied, "I became aware of these regulations through conversations with the disciples who graciously shared their knowledge of the Central Region with us."

"Oh, really? I'm sure you've also discovered that while flying over Immortal Dominions isn't against the rules, it's deemed unlawful for a fleet of beasts to traverse through them. If you were personally flying on your own sword or using elemental abilities, this might not have caused such a stir. However, you were riding on seven King Realm Wyverns, each possessing immense strength and the potential for significant destruction should they become uncontrollable. This is a risk we cannot afford to take," Huang Zhi, the third member of the trio, calmly explained.

He seemed to be the most intelligent and reasonable among them, likely holding a superior rank since he occupied the central seat.

Wang Jian locked his gaze on Huang Zhi, studying him carefully. Huang Zhi's points were valid, but Wang Jian could have countered them if he wished. After all, the Wyverns had been flying at such a high altitude that they would have been virtually unnoticed by the populace of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion.

However, Wang Jian saw little value in engaging in a debate or argument. Instead, he chose to let it rest.

"I acknowledge your point. It's true that my lack of knowledge about the region might have led me to make an error," Wang Jian admitted.

The trio of seated old men were somewhat taken aback by Wang Jian's lack of resistance. They had anticipated a prolonged dispute, knowing that young men like Wang Jian often didn't yield easily when they believed themselves to be in the right.

Zhao Tao, the elder standing beside Wu Long, frowned. He had been counting on Wang Jian's error not being significant enough for severe punishment. He had hoped that Wang Jian would react rudely or defiantly, providing an excuse for the disciplinary committee to impose a heavy penalty.

Once Wang Jian had been penalized, Zhao Tao intended to exploit his reputation as a respected elder within the Wind Cloud House's disciplinary pagoda to make contact with Wang Jian's four alluring companions.

Unfortunately for Zhao Tao, Wang Jian had thwarted his sinister plans with his unexpectedly calm response.

Huang Zhi chimed in, "Since you've acknowledged your mistake and considering it's your first time here from the Southern Region, unaware of our laws, the disciplinary committee will clear your name."

"You can take your Wyverns with you. Additionally, we'll provide you with a Visitor Command Seal from the Wind Cloud House, allowing you to stay within our territory, the Zephyr Zenith Terrace. If you intend to explore other areas of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, you'll need to obtain a pass from the branches of the two sects within the Zephyr Zenith Terrace. They must approve your request before you can venture into their regions," Huang Zhi concluded, a friendly smile gracing his lips.

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow, surprised by the lenient outcome, and then nodded appreciatively, "Thank you."

He and his four companions then exited the disciplinary pagoda.

Once they were out of earshot, the trio of elders engaged in a hushed conversation.

"Why did you show him such leniency, Elder Huang?" Wu Long inquired, curious about the unusual turn of events.

"True, you're usually the one who sticks to the rules most rigorously," Cao Xin added casually.

Huang Zhi responded, his tone measured, "I had a feeling that punishing him might lead to undesirable consequences for us."

Cao Xin scoffed, "Come on now, you're reading too much into it."

"Perhaps. But I didn't want to risk escalating matters over something relatively minor," Huang Zhi calmly explained, his gaze steady.

In the meantime, Wang Jian and his four women were roaming around the Zephyr Zenith Terrace.

In reality, Wang Jian had a pressing desire to head northward, venturing into the Northern States of the Continent. His intention was clear: he aimed to abduct a couple of dwarves.

The purpose behind this audacious plan was to harness their unparalleled expertise in talismans, a crucial step in crafting countermeasures against the formidable dwarven-powered weaponry and armor.

Wang Jian was equally eager to further expand his repertoire of artifacts, much like the Telephone he had previously introduced.

But this time, the knowledge and proficiency of the Liu Family were simply inadequate. To achieve his goal, he recognized the indispensable need for the experience and wisdom of the Dwarven Race.

However, despite the brewing tension brought about by the Dwarven Race's weaponry sponsorship to the Barbarian Race, which risked tipping the scales in favor of the barbarians within the Southern Region, Wang Jian held back from hastening his journey northward.

His decision wasn't guided by ignorance, but by strategy. He perceived the inherent value of the Central Region on the continent—the very nucleus of power and influence. He acknowledged that focusing his efforts here would yield greater dividends in the long run.

Moreover, Wang Jian had a shrewd plan. He envisioned seizing control over the Central Region, the most potent and influential domain on the continent.

By establishing his dominance here, he could effectively limit the Dwarven Race's distribution of weaponry to the Barbarian Race through the Central Region.

In doing so, he would alleviate the threats looming over the Empires in the Southern Region, ensuring they could deal with the encroaching Barbarian Race.

So, Wang Jian secured a room at an inn and decided to make the Zephyr Zenith Terrace his temporary home.

He had purchased a single, remarkably spacious room that could comfortably accommodate both him and his entourage of women.

Obtaining the room was a breeze, as the herbs he had brought from the Southern Region were highly sought after in this area. With the Chaos Essence Bead in his possession, he had the ability to conjure these herbs at will, making the transaction virtually cost-free.

Word of Wang Jian's prolific herb dealings quickly spread throughout the Zephyr Zenith Terrace, solidifying his presence in the locale.

At this moment, Wang Jian was unwinding in the tranquility of his room, accompanied by his four women. He was reclining with his head resting on Han Xifeng's lap, while Luo Qiu and Yan Niu flanked him on either side, fanning him to alleviate the warmth.

In the midst of it all, Lady Zhuoran infused the atmosphere with an aura of sensuality through an exotic and enticing dance.

Wang Jian savored the moment, a contented smile gracing his lips. After a while, he motioned for Lady Zhuoran to conclude her dance and take a seat nearby.

With a serene smile, he inquired, "So, what are your impressions of this place?"

"It feels almost heavenly. The spiritual energy here is incredibly potent and pure, surpassing anything I've experienced even in our own Empire. Oddly enough, despite not being proficient in Wind Element, I sense the Laws of Wind more readily here. The Laws of Water Element are equally accessible, allowing me to tap into perhaps three or even four times my usual strength," Lady Zhuoran exclaimed with excitement.

Han Xifeng chimed in, her expression contemplative. "My Holy and Demonic Attributes feel relatively unchanged, but my lightning attribute seems to have diminished slightly. I estimate I can only wield about half or even one-third of my usual strength here."

Luo Qiu's voice followed, thoughtful and reflective. "The size and scale of the sects here are remarkable, dwarfing those in our own Empire. It's as if their communities are built around these sects, and their dedication to cultivation is both impressive and slightly overwhelming."

Yan Niu offered her perspective next, her tone thoughtful. "The Immortal Dominion being divided into three parts, with the sects coexisting without large-scale battles between their experts, showcases the emphasis on tournaments and resource allocation. It's a level of cooperation and respect not commonly seen in our Empire."

Wang Jian listened intently to each woman's perspective, absorbing their insights into the new environment they found themselves in.

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