Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 304 Four Immortal Dominions Of The Central Region

Interestingly, just as Wang Jian and his group of four women arrived in the Central Region, a startling development took place.

The Barbarian Race launched coordinated attacks on three different Empires simultaneously: the Jade Sea Empire, Ebon Star Ascendancy, and Amber Horizon Dynasty.

Equipped with weaponry provided by the Dwarven Race, these Barbarian warriors swiftly breached the frontlines of each Empire.

Despite the impressive defensive barriers erected by these realms, the onslaught of cannon fire shattered the defenses after only a few dozen volleys.

It wasn't solely a matter of the barriers' strength, or the quality of resources invested. The three Empires had poured their resources and manpower into constructing these defenses, striving to fortify their realms against any threat.

Interestingly, the Empires' talisman experts believed their defenses could repel attacks even from a fleet of Emperor Realm experts, provided those experts didn't utilize their potent domains.

This revealed a peculiar discrepancy—the issue lay not in the barriers' might, nor in the resources utilized.

Rather, the attacks from the dwarven-powered cannons and lasers seemed to pinpoint a specific vulnerability of the barriers, an aspect that had eluded their reinforcement efforts.

Inevitably and as expected, the three Empires reached out to the Everlasting Mystical Empire, seeking aid and solutions to their predicament caused by the Barbarian Race's assaults.

At the helm of the Everlasting Mystical Empire was Su Xian, responsible for handling matters of such urgency. The pleas from the rulers of the besieged Empires naturally reached her ears.

Recognizing the importance of extending help, Su Xian saw this as an opportunity not only to shield the imperiled Empires from the onslaught of the Barbarian Race but also to evaluate the capabilities of the newly acquired dwarven-powered weapons and armors.

Su Xian's hesitance to test these unfamiliar weapons and armors on her own land was apparent. The situation now offered her a controlled experiment, where the Empires in jeopardy became suitable testing ground.

Presently, the Everlasting Mystical Empire boasted an array of four distinct types of talisman barriers, each tailored to various needs.

The first variant was the conventional human defensive barrier infused with elemental and standard qi. These barriers served as the foundation for the Empire's defensive formations.

The second type comprised defensive barriers formed from Holy Qi, intermingled with elemental or human qi. These were the protective measures embraced by the church, and with Hong Meilin's influential role in the church, commanding its experts was a manageable task.

The third variation involved defensive barriers intricately woven with the skills of Stella and her beast companions. They harnessed the power of beast bloodlines, enhancing the barriers with specific elemental energies. These barriers could only be strengthened using their corresponding elemental qi.

Additionally, Stella and the Silver Tailed Fox Clan possessed a knack for employing illusionary barriers, a useful tool against the Barbarian Race.

Lastly, the devil race contributed their own unique defensive barriers to the Empire's arsenal. With the Everlasting Mystical Empire hosting two prominent Devil Clans, each clan possessed a distinct style of defensive barrier techniques.

Seeing the ineffectiveness of the standard human defensive barriers against the onslaught of the dwarven-powered weapons, Su Xian made the strategic decision to disregard this type of defense.

Instead, she turned her attention to the Holy Defensive Barriers, the Beastly Defensive Barriers, and the devilish defenses.

Taking action, Su Xian dispatched specialized teams to aid each of the embattled Empires – the Amber Horizon Dynasty, the Ebon Star Ascendancy, and the Jade Sea Empire.

For the Amber Horizon Dynasty, a contingent of church members was assembled and sent forth.

This team would be under the guidance of Hong Meilin, a figure of great influence within the church.

The Ebon Star Ascendancy received a team of formidable beasts, including members of the Silver Tailed Fox Race.

Leading this group was Stella alongside Bixi Shuyan, both empowered to guide their companions effectively.

In the case of the Jade Sea Empire, a team of skilled devils was chosen to bolster their defenses.

Zyrithia assumed leadership of this group, known for her prowess and command over the devilish techniques.

Right now, Su Xian had entrusted her with a powerful weapon that greatly boosted her curse abilities.

Well, not to the same level as that of the Ancestral Nether Devil Scythe, but it was good enough for her current level.

Su Xian placed her faith in these women, recognizing their considerable power and diverse skills.

She believed that their contributions would prove vital on the battlefield against the encroaching Barbarian Race.

As these events unfolded, Wang Jian found himself within the tranquil surroundings of the Zephyr Zenith Terrace within the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion.

Alongside his four women, he engaged in conversation with a group of youthful beauties who were disciples of the Wind Cloud House.

In the course of their conversation, Wang Jian learned valuable insights about the Central Region. He discovered that the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion was one of the four prominent Immortal Dominions in this area.

Within it, three distinct sects held their positions, each situated strategically to align with their teachings and cultivation practices.

Besides the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, there existed three more Immortal Dominions. These included the Radiant Oasis Immortal Dominion, the Elemental Nexus Immortal Sanctuary, and the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion.

Among this quartet of dominions, it was the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion that reigned supreme in terms of strength.

This dominion was perched above a Heaven Vein, nestled within the sky. It also housed the illustrious Heavenly Court, a center of immense authority within the Central Region.

The Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion boasted unparalleled might, even when measured against its peers.

What set it apart was its unique ability to connect with all other human Immortal Dominions in the Central Region, effectively assimilating them. This extraordinary versatility made the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion a formidable entity.

It was no wonder that not even the esteemed Jiang Chen at the peak of his power managed to rattle the foundations of the Heavenly Court, nestled within the powerful Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion.

Moreover, it wasn't just its strength or versatility that made it so fearful. It was actually What added to the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion's fearful reputation was not just its strength and versatility; it was its remarkable longevity that truly struck terror into the hearts of many.

Unlike other Immortal Dominions unable to generate their own Immortal Qi, the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion possessed a unique capability. It could swiftly convert the Yin-Yang energy present in nature and harness the Heaven Qi from the Heaven Vein on which it stood. This enabled it to rapidly produce its own Immortal Qi, allowing it to sustain itself perpetually, seemingly unfazed by the passage of time.

With gratitude in his voice, Wang Jian addressed the group of young women, "Thank you for patiently explaining everything to us."

One of the young women among them timidly piped up, "It was our pleasure. Umm, may I have your Telephone's Identity Number?"

Wang Jian raised an eyebrow at the question, nearly amused by the familiarity of the request. For a moment, it felt like a nostalgic echo from the modern world had reached him in this fantastical realm.

"Sure thing. Just keep in mind that I'm often quite busy, so I might not be able to respond promptly," Wang Jian replied earnestly, a warm smile gracing his face.

The girl who had asked for his number blushed furiously at his words and nodded eagerly. "Yes, I understand. I won't mind at all."

However, it seemed his offer had ignited a flurry of requests among the other girls as well.

"We'd love to have your number too!"

"Don't forget about me!"

"Count me in too!"

Their eager voices overlapped as each girl expressed her interest in connecting with him.

Meanwhile, the young men who were disciples of the Wind Cloud House attempted to strike up conversations and ask for contact information from Wang Jian's four beloved women.

Unfortunately for them, these men were met with icy glares that radiated coldness and disdain.

Each of these women had a unique relationship with Wang Jian, one that had evolved from initial resistance to a complex bond forged through intimate experiences.

While they had initially fought against the pleasure that coursed through their bodies, over time, that resistance had transformed into a shared desire that bound them to Wang Jian.

Their minds and bodies were now intertwined with him to an extent that they couldn't fathom being with another man. The mere thought of another man touching them was unthinkable, igniting an instinctive protectiveness that glimmered in their stern gazes.

As luck would have it, while Wang Jian engaged in conversation with the group of young women, the line gradually moved forward. Eventually, it was his turn, along with his four women, to enter the disciplinary pagoda.

As they entered the pagoda, Wang Jian couldn't help but take in the spaciousness of the chamber. On either side stood elderly individuals positioned behind wooden partitions that lined the walls, creating a sense of order and organization.

In the center of the chamber, a substantial table dominated the space. Seated behind the table were three elderly men, occupying imposing thrones that exuded an air of authority. Adjacent to one of the thrones stood another old man, his demeanor reflecting a mixture of displeasure and frustration. He was the individual who had guided Wang Jian to this disciplinary pagoda.

With a composed expression, Wang Jian and his four women approached the table, ready to engage with the proceedings that lay ahead.

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