Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 246 Emperor Wang Vs Devil Emperors

The Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan and the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan had anticipated the Emperor's arrival, but they were taken aback by the swiftness of his assault.

They had expected a more cautious approach, with the Emperor sending out scouting parties and then launching a full-scale attack with his amassed forces.

However, the Emperor's arrogance and audacity surpassed their wildest expectations. He soared alone, fearless, straight into the heart of the Devil Camp, fully intent on single-handedly exterminating every Emperor Realm devil.

This brazen display of power showcased his unrivaled strength and unwavering confidence in his abilities.

The Devil Emperors quickly assembled as they sensed the Emperor's presence. A total of eighteen formidable Devil Emperors stood before him.

Seven hailed from the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan, ten from the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan, and one lone Devil Emperor, who remained unaligned with either faction.

Each of these Devil Emperors possessed a myriad of skills and techniques, ready to confront the Emperor as a united force.

Their intention was clear – to fight him simultaneously, overwhelming him with their combined might.

In a blaze of Golden Aura, the Emperor arrived, exuding an unwavering resolve as he fixed his gaze upon the assembled Devil Emperors. There was a hint of conceit in his powerful voice as he addressed them.

"It appears that all of you have conveniently gathered here. How fortunate that I won't have to waste time hunting each of you down from your cowardly hideouts," the Emperor proclaimed, his tone laced with both confidence and disdain.

The Devil Emperors, undeterred by his bold words, stood their ground, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of defiance and determination.

"Charge!" The Devil Emperors wasted no time, their swords raised high as they lunged towards the Emperor with fierce determination.

Emperor Wang, however, wasted no time in responding.

He swiftly expanded his qi and created a formidable domain, a fusion of two potent elements—the Gold Element and the Lightning Element.

The domain Emperor Wang conjured was no ordinary one.

It was a superior domain, born from his peak insight and unrivaled comprehension of both the Gold and Lightning Elements.

This fusion of elements imbued his domain with unparalleled power and potency.

The Gold Element added unmatched strength and resilience to the Lightning Element, intensifying the destructive force of every lightning strike.

Each attack unleashed by Emperor Wang carried the amplified might of the Gold Element, while simultaneously diminishing the powers of the Devil Emperors within his domain.

This domain, known as the Radiant Golden-Lightning Domain, stood as a testament to Emperor Wang's indomitable strength and his mastery of the combined forces of Gold and Lightning.

As the Devil Emperors plunged into the domain, their attacks were met with the full force of Emperor Wang's dual-element prowess.

As the Devil Emperors bore the brunt of Emperor Wang's relentless attacks, they were astonished to find themselves sustaining injuries with each powerful blow.

The sheer magnitude of the Emperor's might struck fear into their hearts, surpassing even their greatest expectations. The vast chasm between their battle prowess and his left them shaken to the core.

Desperate to turn the tide, the Devil Emperors attempted to unleash their own domains, hoping to unleash their full potential.

However, to their dismay, they soon discovered the overwhelming supremacy of the Radiant Golden-Lightning Domain.

Emperor Wang's domain not only suppressed their own, but it completely dispelled them, revealing the vast superiority of his combined elemental power.

With a smug sneer adorning his face, Emperor Wang continued his assault, dominating each Devil Emperor in battle.

Though the Devil Emperors possessed superior numbers, remarkable regenerative abilities, and coordinated attacks, they only managed to hold their ground due to these advantages.

However, there was one Devil Emperor who proved to be a formidable adversary for Emperor Wang.

This lone Devil Emperor, unaligned with either of the Devil Clans, possessed a rare Heavy Sword crafted from the bones of a Devil Dragon Emperor from the underworld.

He had personally slain the dragon and forged the sword, imbuing it with the immense power and aura of the Evil Dragon.

With this weapon in hand, he was able to engage Emperor Wang on equal footing for a time.

The battle between Emperor Wang and the Devil Emperors raged on for more than half an hour.

During this time, three Devil Emperors from the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan and five Devil Emperors from the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan suffered grave injuries, forcing them to retreat from the fierce clash.

Emperor Wang's confidence in his victory grew, but it was abruptly shattered by a shocking turn of events.I think you should take a look at

Blood trickled from his nose, and his eyes widened in disbelief. The Devil Emperors' attacks suddenly struck him with an unprecedented force, sending his body hurtling through the air.

In the midst of the chaos, the Radiant Golden-Lightning Domain dissipated as Emperor Wang struggled to maintain his concentration.

It was then he realized that these nefarious demons must have poisoned him. In reality, this was not a poison, but a curse!

"Hahahaha! Emperor Wang, how do you relish our newest creation? You have fallen prey to the Curse of Frailty, specially designed to vanquish your overwhelming power! It will gradually weaken your meridians until you are rendered incapable of harnessing your formidable qi in battle," the voice proclaimed, emanating from the enigmatic figure who revealed himself as the powerful Grand Elder of the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan.

Emperor Wang's eyes widened in astonishment as they beheld the devilish presence before him. "You... You are Malachi, the Abyssal Archon! But you should be dead! I witnessed your lifeless body with my own eyes!" he exclaimed, a hint of disbelief mingling with the intensity of his gaze.

Malachi responded, a smug grin playing upon his lips. "Deceiving one's senses is far simpler than you can fathom, Emperor Wang. It was our fateful clash that allowed me to transcend the boundaries of my curses, bestowing upon them a newfound potency. Nevertheless, you too have grown immeasurably stronger since that day. To my astonishment, you managed to merge both elemental forces and conjure forth a profound domain. Furthermore, your qi is so formidable that I had to sacrifice three centuries' worth of life force from ten esteemed Emperor Realm experts of my Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan."

A flicker of defiance ignited within Emperor Wang's gaze, his teeth grinding with determination. "...It appears that I must rectify my past mistake! This time, I shall ensure your complete annihilation!" he vowed, his words resonating with unyielding resolve.

"And how do you plan to accomplish that when your power wanes with each passing moment? The feeble strength you possess now is insufficient to harm me," Malachi retorted, his voice dripping with smugness.

Emperor Wang responded with a contemptuous snort, his fists clenching tightly as he delved deep into the recesses of his being.

With an indomitable will, he summoned forth an enigmatic force, coursing through his veins, setting his blood ablaze with an unprecedented power.

Within moments, the visage of a majestic Golden Tiger materialized, enveloping Emperor Wang's form. The sight sent shockwaves through Malachi, his victorious grin transforming into sheer disbelief.

"Y-you can still harness the power of your Bloodline and Spirit?! Impossible! The curse was meant to seal them away!" Malachi exclaimed.

Soon, realization dawned upon him as he mused aloud, "I see now! You are sacrificing your Life-Force to fuel your resistance against my curse! By doing so, you can tap into the full potential of your Spirit and Bloodline!"

With a contemptuous snort of defiance, Emperor Wang vanished from his original position, reappearing in a flash directly before Malachi.

He unleashed a relentless onslaught of punches, each strike tearing through Malachi's formidable Devil Body, which had been bolstered by an array of potent elixirs.

Despite the enhancements, Emperor Wang's fists effortlessly carved gaping holes into his opponent's seemingly invulnerable frame.

Meanwhile, the Golden Tiger Spirit surged forward, engaging the remaining Eighteen Devil Emperors in a furious clash. Its commanding presence kept them occupied, ensuring they could not meddle in Emperor Wang's pivotal battle against Malachi.

Gritting his teeth, Malachi swiftly retrieved a pair of ornate gourds, releasing a formidable army of Devil Beasts into the fray.

These fearsome creatures, still possessing their Emperor Realm strength, had been subjugated through a series of taming techniques that subdued their minds while leaving their combat prowess untouched.

Telepathically commanding the Devil Beasts, Malachi ordered them to unleash relentless assaults and serve as a barrier to keep Emperor Wang at bay.

Obediently, the creatures lunged forward, launching their savage attacks upon Emperor Wang.

The raw power emanating from the Devil Beasts demanded Emperor Wang's undivided attention, granting Malachi a precious moment to retreat.

His gaze fixated on Emperor Wang as he witnessed the valiant monarch engage in a ruthless battle, swiftly slaughtering the Devil Beasts that had once been the fruit of Malachi's arduous taming efforts.

It became clear to Malachi that Emperor Wang needed to be swiftly dealt with, lest his relentless rampage claim the lives of all before his own life force waned.

In that pivotal moment, an idea sparked within Malachi's mind.

Realizing that Emperor Wang was utilizing his life force to counteract the curse's effects, Malachi devised a plan to bolster the curse's power by harnessing the life force of the ten Devil Emperors connected to his spiritual energy.

Without a need for their consent, he resolved to sacrifice their vitality.

Emperor Wang soon sensed a weakening of his energy output, his gaze narrowing as he locked eyes with Malachi, understanding the malevolent devil's hand in this sinister turn of events.

As he surveyed his surroundings, his heart sank upon witnessing the Devil Emperors successfully neutralize his formidable Golden Tiger.

Time pressed upon him, urging him to return swiftly, for failure to do so would result in a grim fate befalling the Empire.

Yet, retreat alone was not within Emperor Wang's character. He resolved to exact the greatest possible damage upon these nefarious devils before his departure.

Summoning the Golden Tiger to his side, a resolute gleam flashed in his eyes.

With a swift and decisive motion, Emperor Wang made a fateful decision—he would detonate the very essence of the Golden Tiger, unleashing a cataclysmic force upon his adversaries.

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