Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 247 Emperor Wang Escapes & Wang Jian Meets With Mei Yan

The detonation of Emperor Wang's Golden Tiger spirit proved to be an audacious and devastating move.

It unleashed a cascading series of explosions, rippling throughout the entire battleground.

Each fragment of the Golden Tiger Spirit ignited in a spectacular display of power.

The sheer purity of the unleashed qi was nothing short of lethal, capable of snuffing out the lives of even Emperor Realm experts caught within its grasp.

The devils bore witness to the catastrophic aftermath, as four Devil Emperors met their untimely demise.

One among them hailed from the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan, while the other three were members of the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan.

The surviving Devil Emperors, caught within the explosive radius, either managed to escape its deadly embrace by swiftly retreating or endured the onslaught by erecting formidable elemental barriers as a shield.

However, even those who took precautionary measures suffered significant injuries.

Healing their wounds would prove to be an arduous task, for Emperor Wang's potent Spiritual Energy had infiltrated their bodies, ruthlessly suppressing their bloodlines.

In the aftermath of the detonation, a total of seven Devil Emperors were left injured and vulnerable.

Four hailed from the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan, while the remaining three were from the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan.

Out of the initial count of nineteen Devil Emperors, only eight managed to escape unscathed, their lives narrowly preserved.

As for Malachi, the Abyssal Archon, his survival was owed to his cunning strategy.

He utilized the remaining Devil Beasts to form a protective spherical barrier around his body, barely withstanding the onslaught of Emperor Wang's spirit detonation.

Malachi found himself fortunate, positioned near the outer range of the explosion, while multiple Beast Emperors contributed to the creation of the protective shield.

However, fortune came at a great cost for Malachi.

All of the Beast Emperors who sacrificed themselves in the process became victims of the unbridled power unleashed by the detonation of Emperor Wang's Golden Tiger Spirit.

Wounded and weary, Emperor Wang swiftly returned to the nearby city, concealing the true gravity of his injuries.

Despite the pain gnawing at his body, he maintained a stoic facade, determined to safeguard the truth of his cursed condition.

Boarding a majestic griffin, he embarked on a swift journey back to the royal capital, his determination unwavering.

News of Emperor Wang's momentous battle and its harrowing aftermath quickly permeated the land, spreading like wildfire.

As the tales circulated, it was the Emperor himself who divulged select details, carefully omitting the cursed affliction that now plagued him.

Instead, he attributed his injuries to a valiant fight, stating that he required seclusion and time for closed-door cultivation to facilitate his recovery.

Meanwhile, Emperor Wang set his grand plan into motion, mobilizing every Emperor-Realm expert within the Royal Capital.

However, one formidable individual remained conspicuously absent from this assembly.

This expert, personally groomed by Emperor Wang himself, possessed battle prowess nearly on par with his own.

Knowing the gravity of the situation and the potential involvement of the vile Demon Emperor Malachi, Emperor Wang opted to assign this trusted subordinate the vital task of safeguarding his life.

He understood that sending his most capable warrior into the heart of danger would prove unwise at this critical juncture.

With Malachi's penchant for treachery and insidious schemes, they needed to be prepared for any and all malevolent ploys the devil might conjure.

Though remedies existed to counteract the curse without sacrificing his own life force, Emperor Wang deemed it too risky to reveal his dire condition at this juncture.

The revelation could potentially sow panic and unrest among his forces.

Instead, he resolved to keep this information shrouded in secrecy for the time being, reserving it for when all the Emperor-Realm experts had been mobilized to confront the encroaching devilish forces.

It was then that he could discreetly dispatch his loyal subordinates to procure, purloin, or borrow Holy Artifacts from various religious institutions or the esteemed Church.

Unbeknownst to the Emperor, his efforts to conceal the insidious curse that plagued him were in vain, as there was one astute individual who remained keenly aware of his predicament—Wang Jian.

Wang Jian possessed an extraordinary sensitivity to Demonic Qi, making it nearly impossible for the curse to elude his discerning senses. A sinister smile curled upon his lips as he realized the Emperor's vulnerability.

The curse had effectively stripped away the Emperor's combat prowess, leaving him vulnerable and unable to utilize his formidable powers. It was a stroke of fortune, an opportunity that Wang Jian eagerly embraced.

Furthermore, the ongoing war against the devil forces presented Wang Jian with another prospect—to forge stronger alliances with the various groups and organizations affiliated with his siblings, the royal factions.

Without wasting another moment, he decided to pay a visit to the person who had thus far neglected to extend her greetings to him since her arrival in the Royal Capital—Mei Yan, the newly appointed sixth elder of the prestigious Celestial Dragon's Sect.I think you should take a look at

With the Emperor Realm experts occupied in establishing defensive barriers and fortifying defense lines to impede the advance of the devil forces, the sects and organizations were left vulnerable, their guard temporarily lowered.

Wang Jian could easily infiltrate their ranks without fear of detection by the eyes of Emperor Realm cultivators.

Meanwhile, the remaining members of the sects were diligently preparing for the imminent conflict, gathering vital resources, artifacts, medicinal pellets, and various other necessities to ensure their victory against the devilish forces.

This applied not only to the sects but also to all the organizations, sects, and smaller groups allied with the Empire.

At this critical moment, Mei Yan had been entrusted with the crucial task of safeguarding and organizing the precious artifacts that would be transported to the battlefield. She was fully focused on carrying out her duty.

It was in the midst of her responsibilities that Mei Yan saw a figure entering her office through the front door—a man with striking silver hair and piercing ocean-blue sapphire eyes that seemed gentle to the world.

Yet, Mei Yan knew better than to be deceived by his seemingly benign appearance.

The gentle smile playing upon his lips appeared pleasing to all but held an underlying sense of malevolence and depravity that sent shivers down her spine.

It was none other than Wang Jian, the man who had brutally assaulted her, subjecting her to countless acts of violation, until he had satisfied his depraved desires.

He had then exploited her authority, manipulating her to aid King Chen of the Windhaven Kingdom.

Fear gripped Mei Yan as she locked eyes with Wang Jian. His depraved smile only deepened as he relished the terror he incited within his slave.

"You have blossomed into an even more captivating beauty since the day we last parted ways. I must admit, Mei Yan, it brings me immense delight to see you standing before me today," Wang Jian spoke with a tone laced with debauchery.

A flicker of humiliation danced within Mei Yan's eyes, but she swiftly gathered her resolve, gracefully sinking to her knees and bowing submissively. "Greetings, Master. It is my utmost honor to be in your presence," she responded, her voice resonating with deference.

Wang Jian, seemingly satisfied by her greeting, stepped closer, his voice tinged with self-satisfaction. "It seems fortune has bestowed upon you a fortuitous opportunity. Your cultivation has broken through to the esteemed sixth level of the King Realm."

"It was merely a stroke of luck, Master," Mei Yan replied humbly, maintaining her bowed position.

"I see. Very well, you may raise your head and stand," Wang Jian commanded nonchalantly.

Mei Yan nodded, complying with his directive, her gaze now fixed upon Wang Jian.

Throughout their encounter, Wang Jian had gradually closed the distance between them, his hands audaciously exploring the contours of Mei Yan's elegant and alluring form. His touch lingered on her curves, eliciting sensations of intense pleasure that escaped her lips in soft, involuntary moans.

While his hands indulged in their sinful exploration, Wang Jian continued to speak, his voice filled with a perverse delight. "...Now, enlighten me about the inner workings of the Celestial Dragon's Sect. Who among them dares to oppose the Crown Prince's Faction?"

Overwhelmed by the ecstasy coursing through her body, Mei Yan struggled to maintain her composure, her voice quivering with each breathless response.

In the midst of her moans, she mustered the strength to provide an answer, her words punctuated by gasps of unbridled pleasure.

"Aahh... Ahh... The sect... mostly submits to the Crown Prince's Faction... Many among them are utterly convinced of the Crown Prince's unparalleled power..."

Wang Jian's lips curled into a smug smirk as he absorbed Mei Yan's words. "Power, you say. So, if I were to demonstrate that my strength surpasses even that of my eldest brother, would they consider switching sides?"

His fingers continued their sinful caress, brushing against Mei Yan's sensitive nipples, exerting a mixture of gentle tugs and forceful yanks that sent waves of intoxicating pleasure cascading through her body.

Overwhelmed by the immense ecstasy coursing through her, Mei Yan's mind struggled to maintain coherence, and she blurted out her thoughts without restraint.

"...Perhaps... In truth, the Crown Prince's faction has invested considerable time and effort in cultivating relationships with the sect's elders and core disciples. They offer lavish gifts, rare pellets, precious weapons, and equipment. Loyalty is rewarded with the promise of even greater rewards."

"Intriguing. And have you received any of these gifts?" Wang Jian inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"I... I have received ten gifts, Master," Mei Yan responded submissively.

With a depraved tone, Wang Jian sneered, "Heh. So, you accept gifts from factions other than my own. Are you planning to betray me? Such disobedience deserves punishment."

And with those words, Wang Jian's palm descended upon Mei Yan's firm and curvaceous buttocks, delivering firm and powerful spanks that elicited lewd and ecstatic moans from Mei Yan's lips.

Her unrestrained cries showcased the immense pleasure she derived from this act.

It was astonishing, for Wang Jian was not employing his usual arsenal of evil enchanting techniques.

Yet, Mei Yan's body responded unabashedly, succumbing to the intoxicating allure of his touch.

Months of separation had left her body longing for that exquisite pleasure.

No matter how many times she had sought solace in self-pleasure, it paled in comparison to the unbridled ecstasy that Wang Jian effortlessly bestowed upon her.

Thus, her body hungered for his touch, aching for the intoxicating pleasure that only he could deliver.

"P-punish me more, master. Use my body for your pleasure…" Mei Yan spoke aloud with a completely depraved and obsessed gaze.

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