USSR 1941

Chapter 750: intelligence

  Chapter 750 Intelligence

Taking advantage of the aftermath of the grenade explosion, the Soviet infantry launched an attack... This is not a small difficulty, because the water depth is about two meters at this time, and the gates of the buildings, stairs, etc. are all underwater, and the Soviet soldiers can only attack There are only a few corridors, windows, and gaps made by shells.

This is of course very dangerous, even if a grenade was thrown into the building just now to shock and kill the German army... The quality of the 29th Panzergrenadier of the German army is not ordinary, they know that this is the most dangerous and critical time, Because keeping the gap is easy to defend and difficult to attack, otherwise it will be a big trouble for the enemy to get in.

  So, even though they were dazed by the grenade, they forced themselves to raise the rifle and aim the muzzle at the gap.

  But the first people to go in were not people, but backpacks and flashlights.

   That's what Shulka told them to do.

   "If you want, of course you can jump in to meet the enemy's bullets!" Shulka said: "But I suggest you use your backpack to do it for you first!"

Sure enough, as soon as the backpack was thrown into it, there were several gunshots... The German soldiers were in a state of being bombarded by grenades and on high alert. At the same time, the visibility in the building was not high, so if a black shadow came in, the German soldiers would subconsciously buckle Pull the trigger.

   Then the Soviet soldiers jumped in.

  The German army is equipped with a bolt-type Mauser rifle. Although this rifle has a long range and high accuracy, its rate of fire is very slow. It was too late when they found out that they were fooled and wanted to reload and prepare for shooting... Most of the Soviet soldiers who attacked in the first batch were equipped with Bobosha charges. After they stood firm or jumped in and rolled, they immediately Raise the gun and pull the trigger to pour out rows of bullets, shooting all the seen and unseen ones until the bullets in the magazine are exhausted.

   At this time, several Soviet soldiers jumped into the building from the gap, so the German soldiers had to choose between being annihilated or surrendering.

   While the Soviet army was competing with the German army for buildings one after another, Major General Ellen was fidgeting in one of the buildings.

  At this time, he almost lost contact with his subordinates... Except for a radio station that was snatched by the division headquarters, the rest of the radio stations were all left in the water, and even this radio station was flooded and malfunctioned.

   Not to mention the phone, even if it still works, no one can talk in the water.

  So Major General Ellen could only transmit information by means of semaphore between buildings.

But this method of transmitting information is unreliable. On the one hand, it is very slow, and on the other hand, if any building is attacked by the enemy, it will not even be able to make a semaphore... The Russian army usually arranges an amphibious landing ship. There are two snipers, and their role is to snipe and kill those targets who dare to wave their flags from a long distance.

  Therefore, the only troops that Major General Ellen can directly and effectively command are less than one battalion in nearby buildings.

  In fact, this can also be seen from the side to see the quality of the German 29th Panzergrenadier Division.

  If other troops were flooded, their morale was low, their intelligence was unknown and no one was commanding them, and they were attacked fiercely by the enemy, they might have already swarmed and fled.

  But the remnants of the 29th Panzergrenadier Division still unswervingly carried out the last order issued by Ellen to "stick to the building where you are."

   This is a wise move, as escape is almost impossible in this situation.

   "The radio station has been repaired, General!" The communications soldier who was fiddling with the radio station happily reported to Major General Ellen.

  Major General Ellen rushed forward in one step, and said to the messenger: "Quick, send a report to Marshal Manstein immediately: We are flooded and attacked by the enemy, requesting reinforcements! Requesting reinforcements!"

   In fact, there is no need for Major General Ellen to send a report at all. Manstein, who is attacking Karachi with all his strength, already knew this twenty minutes ago.

  He got the information from the Air Force.

At first, the air force didn't know what was going on, but they only knew that Surovikino was suddenly bombarded on a large scale and lost contact with it, and then suddenly many Russian planes were flying over it... The correct order should be to communicate with Surov first. Vichino lost contact as it was flooded in front and shelled in rear.

  So, although Manstein knew that there was a situation in the direction of Surovikino, he didn't know what happened there.

  At the beginning, Manstein did not take the Russian attack in the direction of Surovikino to heart.

  He even looked at Surovikino’s artillery fire with a telescope and said to the adjutant amusedly: "Obviously, the Russians are anxious by us, and they want to outflank our rear!"

  The adjutant and the staff couldn't help laughing.

Everyone does not think that the Russian army can do this. It was the 29th Panzergrenadier Division. divisions, two of which were German infantry divisions, one Romanian division and one Italian division.

   This force is stationed in the vital parts of Surovikino and there are a considerable number of 88MM anti-aircraft guns. The German army does not seem to need to worry about this.

  So, everyone is as optimistic as Manstein, thinking that this is just a random attack by the Russian army after jumping over the wall... No wonder they think so, because the Russian army has many "previous records" like this.

  But after the air battle broke out at dawn, Manstein felt something was wrong.

   "The Russians actually concentrated their air power on Surovikino?" Manstein said while looking at the map: "And they are still competing with our army for air supremacy?"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" The adjutant replied: "General Winkler said that the enemy has at least one aviation division, and they are all fighter planes!"

   "It's not surprising, is it?" A staff officer interjected: "As the Marshal said, the Russians were in a hurry. They tried to break through Surovikino and forced us to retreat!"

This statement seems to make sense. At this time, Karachi has been surrounded by the Te Don Army and is about to fall. The Russian army seems to have only one way to rescue Karachi: pretending to encircle the Te Don Army to make it mess up. For example Send troops to reinforce Surovikino to reduce the pressure on Karachi. It is best if the Don Army is frightened and retreats immediately to avoid being surrounded.

  This is why Manstein has always insisted not to send reinforcements to Surovikino.

  Therefore, on the battlefield, there is always false and real, real and false, and it seems reasonable to think in any direction, so people caught in it can't see clearly, can't figure it out, even Manstein is no exception.

  Manstein shook his head and said, "No, the Russians never use their air force as bait!"

  (end of this chapter)

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