USSR 1941

Chapter 749: water street fighting

  Chapter 749 Water Street Fighting

   "But the enemy is coming!" The adjutant said anxiously, "What can we do?!"

   "Organize the defense, Ross!" Major General Ellen said, "Don't you understand? Now the only way out is to organize the defense!"

  Major General Ellen is correct.

Because it is never possible to run away from an amphibious landing ship, especially if it is a swimming boat, which needs to abandon all equipment... Rifles are better, and soldiers with good water skills may carry swimming boats, but machine guns, mortars, ammunition boxes, etc. Wait, it's impossible to swim out with your back on your back.

   What's more, even if you can carry these, what if you encounter enemies in the river?

   Spread formation and shoot with rifles or set up mortars?

   These cannot be done in water.

  So the result of escaping is that people are swords and I are fish and meat, that is, giving up resistance and surrendering.

  Major General Ellen was not reconciled to such a result.

  He immediately ordered the troops to occupy the Surovikino building.

"The building will be your best foothold!" Major General Ellen ordered to all the 29th Panzergrenadiers when the phone was still working: "Move your supplies and equipment to the top floor, or even the roof, and then Hold it, every building! So you can survive!"

  Major General Ellen wasn't exactly trying to deceive his subordinates by saying this, although he wasn't sure if it would work...because if the rising water level would flood most buildings, his arrangement would be basically useless.

   But Ellen judged that the situation would not reach this point.

"What they want is Surovikino!" Major General Ellen said, "There are many Russians (common people) in Surovikino. In addition... the Russian army hopes to break through our defense line in a short time, so the water level will not rise too much in the end." high!"

  Major General Ellen can be regarded as guessing right or wrong.

   It is wrong for the people. If the battle requires it, the Supreme Command will not care about the lives and deaths of the people in Surovikino.

   The judgment of the Russian army is correct. The Russian army needs to pass the German defense line quickly, so of course you don't want the water level to rise very high and then wait for it to slowly fall back.

  In fact, the water level only needs to be able to submerge the German trenches and underground fortifications.

  Of course, the reservoir staff cannot control it so precisely.

The most ideal state is to almost submerge the height of one floor, which is enough to make the German tanks, artillery, supplies, barbed wire, mines, etc. all useless. Instead of doing it.

  So Major General Ellen's order was correct. The quality of the 29th Panzergrenadiers was reflected at this time. After receiving the order, they tried their best to rescue the supplies and spread out to occupy the buildings.

  Although these supplies were not much, they still built defenses in Surovikino City.

   This is actually a street battle. The remnants of the German army occupied various buildings and defended through windows and roofs, while the Soviet army drove amphibious landing ships to defend.

  The Soviet army had already prepared for this.

  It’s actually easy to guess. People go to high places and water flows to low places. Once the German army is flooded, they will definitely concentrate on the high places of the building, so the building will become the key object of investigation.

  Once an enemy is found in any building, the Soviet machine guns will first "squeak" and hit the building fiercely.

   At this time, the enemy's firepower can be easily suppressed... The firepower of the German troops who fled to the upper floors of the building has long since fallen short. They basically only have light weapons and not many bullets. Usually, they can't even guarantee the ammunition of machine guns.

  If there are really a few buildings with strong firepower that cannot be approached, then the Soviet army will use walkie-talkies to communicate with artillery or indicate targets for air attack aircraft to destroy them all at once.

   Then there will be several amphibious landing ships approaching from several directions at the same time.

  The German army is usually unable to prevent the approach of the amphibious landing ship, which is determined by the suppression of its firepower and the lack of defensive windows of the building, and the Soviet army will also consciously choose the blind angle of the building window to approach.

  During this period, the naval infantry played the role of fire cover all the way... Most naval infantry are equipped with SVT-40 semi-automatic rifles. This rifle is despised by ordinary infantry, but the naval infantry has a "soft spot" for it.

  The reason is that the structure of the SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle is relatively complex and difficult to maintain, and ordinary infantry has low education and insufficient military training, so it is difficult to use the SVT-40 freely and give full play to its performance.

  But the naval infantry is a group of people with high education, good learning ability and sufficient military training, so this kind of rifle with high rate of fire and high precision is naturally favored by them.

  At this time, the naval infantry used this rifle as a fire cover. Several rifles were aimed at a window at the same time, and the continuous shooting of "bang bang" was like a machine gun suppressing the window or perforation.

   Then squatted down when it was time to change the magazine, and the other naval infantry stood up and continued to shoot.

  Actually, in this case, a few naval infantrymen holding semi-automatic rifles are definitely better than machine guns... Machine guns are heavy, and if they want to shoot high, they must be mounted on the shoulders of the soldiers in front.

  More importantly, the amphibious landing ship is on board, which will make the chassis of the machine gun unstable and wobbly, so the accuracy of the bullets fired during bursts is very low, and it is difficult to effectively suppress the enemy's perforation.

   In contrast, semi-automatic rifles are different.

  Several semi-automatic rifles fired at the same time have a rate of fire that is not lower than that of a machine gun, and the accuracy of shooting by several soldiers is obviously higher than that of a machine gun, so it can effectively suppress the enemy's firepower.

   At this time, the amphibious landing ship approached the building, and then it was time for the infantry to do it.

  The first thing to do is the grenadier... Each amphibious landing ship is equipped with several bombardiers.

  The so-called "bomber" is good at throwing grenades.

  As the saying goes, there are specializations in the art industry, and everyone has their own specialties and advantages, so when there are many people, there are all kinds of talents.

  The Soviet army still attached great importance to grenade throwing. They held grenade throwing competitions every year and selected "bomb throwing experts".

It's just that these "bomb-throwing experts" are more likely to throw far... This is a hard indicator on the battlefield, because throwing grenades on the battlefield is often not required to be very accurate. As long as they can be thrown far enough, the grenade can always Explodes in enemy positions and injures the enemy with flying shrapnel.

  But these "bomb-throwing experts" selected by Shulka this time can throw far and accurately. They are usually veterans who have been on the battlefield for several years.

   Then, when they saw that the distance was about the same, they threw incendiary grenades towards the windows, gates, and roofs of the buildings.

   Then there were a few "booms", and the enemies in the building were bombed to pieces immediately.

  (end of this chapter)

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