Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 6 (1/8)

Book 2: Chapter 6 (1/8)

Inside the Timeless Dungeon. Kain was being chased by a group of over fifty giants. What the hell is wrong with those giants? I only killed two of them. Do they have to chase after me for more than six hours like that? Kain asked himself out loud while still running away as fast as he could. After two more hours of running, Kain finally found a safe spot before casting [Shadow Step] to sneak away from the giants. Just when Kain thought he was safe, a giant swung his wooden club on Kains head but he dodged it on time to avoid it.

What? When did they learn to detect my [Shadow Step]? Gosh... You bastards wanna play huh? Then let me play with you! Kain deactivated [Shadow Step] then casted [Soul Bridge] to call out Finwe to assist him in this fight against those giants. Kain then started chanting for [Conjure Ice Gargoyle], [Conjure Celestial Angel], [Conjure Earth Golem], and [Conjure Wind Walker] spells while Finwe was protecting Kain by taunting the giants to focus on attacking him. After casted all those spells, Kain casted [Summon Demon Lord] spell to conjure Chemosh, Demon Lord of the Fourth Gate that uses Earth Magic. He had four arms and a bull face with two long horns on his head.

At Kains current level, he still couldnt manifest Finwes true power yet. Therefore, Kain didnt have to use the [Soul Mate] spell to help him get stronger. Kain commanded Chemosh to stay and protect him while other creatures started fighting together with Finwe against the giants. Kain calculated his mana pool and nodded his head in relief, I still have enough mana to play. Kain then started chanting for one of his self-created Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spells, [Conjure Fundin] to conjure the Thunder Eagle Emperor.

Self-created Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spells are different compared to other Elemental Magic. To create a Saint-tier Conjuration Magic spell, the Conjurer Mage must travel to another realm through astral projection using his/her Conjurer Soul. The Conjurer Mage then must tame the creature before he/she can place an abyss link to connect that creature to himself/herself before that creature can be conjured into Toria Continents.

Different from Soul Bound creatures which can only be bind to one Conjurer Mage, many Conjurer Mages can tame the same creatures such as Fundin the Thunder Eagle Emperor, Rilloc the Giant Thunder Eagle, Imreia the Phantom Knight of the Nivin Tribe, and Alereth the Ice Gargoyle Empress. However, those unique creatures can only be conjured by a Conjurer Mage once at a time. If the Conjurer Mage (#1) conjured Rilloc already, then the Conjurer Mage (#2) cant conjure the same unique creature until that creature is killed or banished. Conjured creatures wont be able to receive buffs from [Soul Mate] spells, only Soul Bound creatures can gain benefits from it. For non-unique creatures such as Flaming Earth Golem, Golden Skeleton Warrior, and Horse Riding Phantom Knight, Conjurer Mage (#1) and Conjurer Mage (#2) can repeatedly conjure them as many times as they want to as long as they have enough mana to conjure it.

Unique creatures such as Fundin the Thunder Eagle Emperor can scale level with his Conjurer Mage. This means his health and mana pools, as well as his Thunder Magic spells, can be boosts to match with his Conjurer Mage. However, Fundin can't cast more magic spells than he had learned. This means in Fundin's case, he still can only cast Thunder Magic spells from Novice-tier to Master-tier. Fundin can't cast any Legend-tier spells and can't create any Saint-tier Thunder Magic spells.

If Fundin was conjured by Lord Noe Clerico, he would have the health, mana, and magical power compared to a level 100 Thunder Mage but still couldn't cast Legend-tier or Saint-tier spells. Rilloc the Giant Thunder Eagle on the other hand was already at level 90 Saint-tier. Therefore, not only Rilloc can scale his level from 90 to 100 when being conjured by Lord Noe Clerico. But it cast Novice-tier to Legend-tier spells as well. More importantly, Rilloc can create and cast Saint-tier Thunder Magic spells of its own. Of course, if Rilloc gets conjured by Kain Bersk at his current level then it won't be so strong. At Kain's current level, it's also impossible for him to tame a powerful unique creature such as Rilloc.

After giving the commands for Chemosh and his conjured creatures to attack, Kain activated [Demon Anatomy V] then casted [Aura Adjustment] to change the flaming aura to a lightened aura. For the choice of weapons, Kain chose to use two lightning daggers which have the ability to electrocute the opponents since he intended to sneak attacks on the giants instead of fighting with them face to face.

Kain activated [Shadow Step] again to get back into his invisible mode. Kain then flew toward one of the giants and attempted to stab him in the neck. The giant detected a subject flying toward him. He used his right hand to punch toward that direction and missed. While still in his invisible mode, Kain flew closer to the giant's head where his lightened aura could temporarily blind the giant. By the time the giant could see again, his neck was stabbed ten times by Kain's lightning daggers. The giant couldn't feel any pain because the lightning daggers electrocuted him and stunned him when Kain stabbed his neck. After being stabbed in the neck six more times, the giant fell to the ground as Kain flew toward another giant to attack.

"If I can absorb the blood from those giants, then my [Vampire Lord Transmutation] could easily kill them all. Why does Blood Magic can only be cast from human blood?" Kain thought to himself while he was using the same tactic to take down the second giant.

It had been more than twenty-five minutes since Kain and his conjured creatures fought with more than fifty giants. Twenty-seven giants have been slain and twenty-three giants were still alive. Kain received eight punches from one of the giants and fell from the sky to the ground as his conjured creatures were killed one after another. The giant that landed eight successful punches on Kain teamed up with three other giants to punch Kain repeatedly when he was on the ground. If it wasn't because of Chemosh who casted [Stone Skin] spell on Kain at the right time, Kain would have died from those attacks. Still, Kain can just revive himself using [Second Life] to get back his full mana pool that was why he wasn't afraid of dying.

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