Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 5 (8/8)

Book 2: Chapter 5 (8/8)

When conjured creatures were killed, they werent exactly dead but were just transported back to their realms. This Horse Riding Phantom Knight was the same one that was conjured by Lord Noe Clerico when he just arrived at Slu city. Lupoid knew he had nowhere else to run, he launched toward the Phantom with his battle axes at full force. After the Phantoms greatsword clashed with Lupoid's battle axes, it penetrated through his battle axes and didnt stop until his head was cut down.

The Phantom Knight picked up General Lupoid Gelts head and said, Mission accomplished. The Phantom then rode his horse back toward Lord Clericos direction to give him Lupoids head.

Upon receiving the head of General Gelt, Lord Clerico asked, "What is this?"

"The last time you conjured me, you were given a mission of taking down the head of an enemy's leader. This is the head of General Lupoid Gelt."

"Ah, about that. Alright, you have done well." Noe forgot about he had given such a mission to the Horse Riding Phantom Knight. Noe was about to throw the head away but then he asked, "Lion-kin huh? What was his rank again?"

"He was a General."

"Uhm... How strong was he?"

"Fairly weak. First Stage Saint Barbarian."


Lord Clerico then casted [Raise Dead], one of the Necromancy Magic spells, on Lupoid to give him a new life. Unlike the [Resurrection] spell, [Raise Dead] doesn't just revive the dead subject but grant the subject a new entire life instead which means the subject won't have any of his old memory. The only mission a subject revived from [Raise Dead] spell is to obey and worship his/her Necromancer at all times. More importantly, the revived subjects using [Raise Dead] were considered Necromancer's minions and they can't be killed because of their ability to instantly revive themself until the Necromancer was killed or his/her mana pool reached depletion. Every time the minions were killed by enemies, the minions can instantly revive themselves using their Necromancer's mana pool through activating a Necromancy Magic spell named [Reanimate].

The Necromancer's minions will have to live in a Dark Vortex created by the Necromancer himself/herself and could only come out when being called on by the Necromancer. Each Necromancer can create a maximum of two Dark Vortexes regardless of how strong/weak that Necromancer is. Each Dark Vortex can only hold up to ten minions. Different from conjured creatures, Necromancer's minions can continue to train and level up inside the Dark Vortex and won't cost his/her Necromancer any mana when being called out to battle. Different from summoned creatures, the Necromancer's mana pool won't be affected regardless of how long his/her minions remained outside of the Dark Vortex.

Lord Clerico observed the head of General Lupoid Gelt slowly regrowth into a full-scale Lion-kin warrior. He shook his head in disappointment and said, "You are very weak, but I will keep you for now. I will give you a hundred thousand years to reach Eleventh Stage Saint Barbarian. If you fail, I will cancel the [Raise Dead] spell that was casted on you so you can turn back into ashes. Do you understand?"

Lupoid kneeled on the ground as he replied in a happy tone, "Yes, my liege! I will advance into the Eleventh Stage within a hundred thousand years! I thank you for giving me a chance to serve you, my liege!"

"What was his name again?" Noe turned to ask the Horse Riding Phantom Knight.

The Phantom answered, "General Lupoid Gelt."

"Uhm. From now on, you will be named Lupoid." Noe pointed his right index finger at Lupoid as he said this.

Lupoid strongly slammed his head into the ground to show great respect toward Noe and said, "Yes, my liege! My name will be just Lupoid from now on!"

"Uhm. Now go into the Dark Vortex and start training very hard. I will see you in a hundred thousand years." Noe then snapped his finger to open a Dark Vortex for Lupoid to go inside. After Lupoid went in, Noe snapped his finger again and the Dark Vortex vanished.

"I hope my decision of letting you live won't turn out to be a waste." Noe thought to himself.

Three months later. Due to having the assistance of the Gray, the Commonwealth of Krorg pushed back King Nerius Pacuvius Denters Army without losing any city.

Similarly at Grand Duchy of Macmalian, Queen Pescennia Agaptas Army was also forced to withdraw after failing to trap enemies outside of Slu city due to interference from Lord Noe Clerico.

At the Shota Empire, they also managed to take back Nirrer, and Megrigud cities after Prime Minister Ateia Ordia gave the commands for Demi-Humans' Army to retreat to Grod city. Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus allowed Princess Zemelda Edhilda Acilianus to lead forty million troops to head to the West Island to assist King King Viggo Kahl in his fight against the Republic of Yfari and the members of the Brown instead of assisting him in conquering the Shota Empire. With only eighty million troops left, Emperor Acilianus and Prime Minister Ordia continued to defend Grod city from being taken back by the Shota Empire. After countless attempts, the Shota Empire gave up on taking back Grod city and focused on defending other cities instead.

Due to having support from the Commonwealth of Mapmawia, the Sungaria Kingdom launched a full-scale attack toward the South of the Dryarian Empire, attempting to take back some of the cities that were taken from them during the previous Demi-Humans' invasion over a hundred thousand years ago.

At the Nalas Kingdom, King Zander Stodge passed away of old age. Queen Mirabelle Grantham wanted Prince Taran Stodge to inherit the throne while Princess Sarra Stodge strongly disagreed. A civil war broke out within that nation. The Kingdom of Qarte supported Prince Taran Stodge as the new King under the condition that Prince Taran has to declare the Nalas Kingdom as a vassal of the Kingdom of Qarte. The Bridia Kingdom supported Princess Sarra Stodge in her quest of overthrowing Prince Taran hoping the Nalas Kingdom can continue being independent. If the Nalas Kingdom becomes a vassal of the Kingdom of Qarte, then the Bridia Kingdom will soon have to follow in its neighbor nations footsteps.

Despite the growing threats from the Dryardian Empire, the Cloudia Empire continuously waging a century war with the Principality of Cylatlond and Grand Duchy of Bameligtia. The Cloudia Empire was hoping to successfully annex the Principality of Cylatlond and Grand Duchy of Bameligtia into their nation by the time the Dryardian Empires threats could reach their doorstep.

After countless failed attempts of uniting Tarlakalian Theocracy back into Bifjorkian Theocracy, the Bifjorkian Theocracy officially declared war against Tarlakalian Theocracy. The Kingdom of Winhardia chose to assist Tarlakalian Theocracy while the Kingdom of Ronia remained idle and refused to support neither nation. The Kingdom of Ronia was waiting for the Kingdom of Winhardia to get exhausted from the war before launching a full-scale invasion toward them. But if The Kingdom of Winhardia and the Tarlakalian Theocracy can defeat Bifjorkian Theocracy, then the Kingdom of Ronia will have to offer their nation as a vassal of the Kingdom of Winhardia to avoid being invaded by them later.

The time of peace was officially over.

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