Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 276: Defeated?

Chapter 276: Defeated?

Unable to find Buggy, Kaido transforms back to his normal form. He looks at his severed left arm and grits his teeth in frustration. On his chest, a big cutting wound can also be seen. It's the wound caused by the same attack that severed his arm.

But those 2 aren't the only wounds that Kaido received in his battle against Buggy. There are some bruises and small cut wounds all over his body. This is his first time getting so many injuries from a single battle, it really hurts his big pride.

But in the end, he wins this battle, and Buggy is nowhere to be seen. Kaido concluded that Buggy has been pulverized into nothing by his breath attack. Now, he just needs to end this war by defeating his remaining enemies.

Kaido transforms into his full dragon form again and gets ready to fly. But right before he takes off, he feels something moving at high speed toward the destroyed mountain. He looks back and gets surprised to see a big horizontal slash attack moving toward him.

Instinctively, Kaido lowers his body to avoid the slash attack. He knows whose attack it is and looks in the direction where the attack came from in disbelief. What he sees there is none other than the one who cut his arm, Buggy.

Buggy is standing quite far from Kaido's current position. A big burnt mark can be seen on both of Buggy's forearms. Traces of blood can also be seen below his mouth, indicating he has serious internal injuries.

"No way! How could you-?" Kaido is at loss for words.

A moment ago when Kaido shot his Bolo Breath, Buggy who was buried by boulders sensed the incoming attack. He immediately used Pollux's Pressure power to create a Pressure Shield around him along with Castor's Hardening power to reinforce it.

He got pushed back by the breath's power and got flung as the mountain got destroyed. His hardened Pressure Shield defended the breath but it couldn't last long. It got destroyed in a short time so Buggy could only defend himself using Haki to cover his whole body.

He crossed his arms in front of him to protect his body. But even with haki, Kaido's Bolo Breath managed to burn his forearms. The crash onto the mountain when Kaido threw him and the force of Bolo Breath also caused significant internal injuries to his body.

Buggy got flung far away from the mountain but he didn't lose consciousness. He knew he need to return immediately or Kaido would target his crewmates & allies. But with his injured body, Buggy can't run fast enough to Kaido's location.

So he thought of a way and found a method to move very fast. Buggy used Pollux's pressure power to shoot himself at Kaido's location. It worked well even though it puts a lot of strain on his body when he moves at a very high speed.

But at least, he could stop Kaido from targetting the others. He attacked Kaido as soon as he arrived, so their battle will continue. The problem is now he can't move as he pleases because of all his internal injuries caused by Kaido & himself.

Kaido realizes that Buggy is in a very bad condition so he laughs, "Worororo, not bad, brat. But what will you do now with that tattered body of yours? You won't be able to defeat me with that condition."

Buggy doesn't say anything and just looks at Kaido seriously. He doesn't want to waste his remaining energy even by talking. Standing straight is difficult enough for him now so he needs to save his energy.

Kaido just smirks and transforms into his hybrid form. He is also tired from their battle honestly, but compared to Buggy, he is still in good condition. Except for his severed arm, the other injuries are insignificant to him.

After transforming, Kaido immediately rushes toward Buggy's position and attacks him. Buggy swings Castor at Kaido but Kaido flicks his left hand with the long tail. Then Kaido punches Buggy's body strongly with his right hand.

The punch flings Buggy back and he tries to stabilize himself so he can land on his feet. If he falls, it will be difficult for Buggy to stand again. But Kaido doesn't have any intention to let Buggy land.

Kaido chases Buggy and attacks him again before he can land. A barrage of attacks keeps coming toward Buggy. He doesn't even have any chance to catch a breath properly because of the rain of attacks.

Punches, tail attacks, kicks, elbows, knees, and even headbutts. Kaido uses all his barehand fighting skills on Buggy continuously. He slams Buggy to the ground and keeps his barrage of attacks.

Buggy can only defend himself by crossing his haki-covered arms. His haki energy is low so he can't cover his whole body with haki. He can only rely on his tough physique to endure Kaido's attacks while looking for an opening to attack.

But Kaido doesn't make any opening because he keeps attacking Buggy. He is very impressed though because Buggy is still looking at him with a gaze full of life. It impresses him but also angered him because it feels like Buggy will be able to defeat him.

"What's with your gaze? Do you think you can defeat me with that gaze? Don't push your luck too much, brat. Just die!" says Kaido as he keeps attacking Buggy.

Kaido's attacks make the ground around them get destroyed. Buggy also keeps getting pushed down as the ground below him keeps getting destroyed too. But he still holds on without saying anything.

Buggy suddenly releases a strong Conqueror Haki, stronger than any C-Haki burst that he has released since he awakened it. It doesn't scare Kaido though because Kaido is also a Conqueror Haki user. However, it's enough to stop Kaido for a moment, giving Buggy a chance to attack.

Without waiting, Buggy stabs Kaido's chest with his advanced Haki-covered swords. He pierces Kaido's chest and pushes Kaido high to the sky by detaching his hands. Then he controls his hands to push and slam Kaido to the ground.

Kaido coughs some blood and more blood comes out of his chest as Buggy pulls the swords out. Buggy then recalls his hands and uses them to push himself up so he can stand again. He walks toward Kaido slowly, still with his serious & lively eyes.

Blood trickles from the injuries on Buggy's body caused by Kaido's rampage. His body hurt and he feels as if he'll die, but Buggy ignores that feeling and just walks toward Kaido. The bones of his right arm are broken, so he can't lift his right arm.

His left arm's bones are fractured too but they haven't broken. So he still can use it even though it's difficult. That's why he detached his hands to attack Kaido because it's easier to control them in that state.

But even holding his swords has become difficult for him now. He keeps walking toward Kaido as he reattaches his hands. Controlling detached hands need energy and concentration which he lacks now with his current condition.

Kaido has stood up too and he rushes at Buggy again even with stab wounds on his chest. He punches Buggy's body again, flinging Buggy to a big boulder, and destroying it. But Buggy stands up again and now he just stands there while looking at Kaido.

The enraged Kaido now doesn't run but walks instead. He stomps the ground with strong force as he walks toward Buggy. Not long after that, he arrives in front of Buggy and looks down on Buggy because he is taller.

They don't do or say anything for a moment and just look at each other. Kaido then cocks his right hand and opens his palms, showing his sharp draconic claws. He covers his hand with advanced haki, ready to rip Buggy's body with this attack.

Buggy just closes his eyes and shapes his left hand like a spear pointing down. Then when Kaido sends his attack, Buggy swings his spear-shaped right hand up. Kaido then widens his eyes as he sees his attack misses and he moves past Buggy as if Buggy moves through his body.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 311 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 311 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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