Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 275: Severing

Chapter 275: Severing

Buggy & Kaido continue to clash as they injure each other. They destroy their surroundings with their powerful clashes. If this goes on, the rooftop will be destroyed before they finish their battle.

Both of them know this too and none of them want that to happen. Their motives are different though. Buggy doesn't want the rooftop to fall over his crewmates while Kaido doesn't want to destroy his base.

Suddenly, Kaido flashes toward Buggy and evades his attack. Then Kaido's left hand suddenly becomes bigger and he grabs Buggy. Kaido transforms into his full Azure Dragon form while holding Buggy with his left hand.

Buggy can't release himself and Kaido takes him to the sky. Kaido flies away from Onigashima toward Wano's mainland. Now Buggy knows that Kaido wants to fight elsewhere but he also knows that it will be bad if they fight near a town.

Luckily, Kaido flies toward Udon where the land is barren because of the mines & factories. But Buggy doesn't want to take any risk if Kaido keeps moving toward a town. So he splits his body at the cellular level to escape from Kaido's grasp.

After he gets freed, Buggy immediately flows his haki energy into Pollux to activate its devil fruit ability. Buggy also uses his advanced haki on Pollux to increase its attack power. Then Buggy swings Pollux as strong as he can toward Kaido's left arm that held him before.


Buggy's attack hits Kaido's left arm at a very close range because he is still very close after he gets freed. The combination of his power, Pollux's Pressure devil fruit power, his swordsmanship, and his advanced Armament & Conqueror Haki hits Kaido's left arm.

His fast attack doesn't give Kaido any chance to defend. As if cutting a jelly, Buggy's attack cuts Kaido's left arm cleanly. It keeps moving and hits Kaido's chest but Kaido who gets his left arm severed has covered his chest with advanced haki.

"ARGH!" Kaido screams in pain because of his severed arm.

Buggy laughs like a maniac as he falls to the ground. He knows that if he didn't free himself, then Kaido would throw him from a high altitude. It's better to attack Kaido before he falls and it went better than he thought.

However, the recoil of his attack makes his fall becomes faster. So Buggy uses his devil fruit ability to reduce his falling speed. He splits his lower body into some parts so they can land one by one.

He uses his levitation ability after his feet land to reduce his falling speed. It works quite well and his falling speed decreases. But he is still quite fast so his fall still creates a rather big impact that makes a big dent on the ground.

"Damn, the recoil is stronger than I thought. Well, it was my strongest attack so far, so this kind of effect is still predictable. As I thought of me," says Buggy smugly as his legs tremble because of the impact of his landing.

Something suddenly falls near Buggy, it's Kaido's severed arm. Then the gigantic dragon arm suddenly disappears and becomes a normal arm because it has separated from Kaido. Buggy smirks as he looks up to the sky but then his face stiffens.

"What a crazy bastard," says Buggy while looking at Kaido.

Kaido creates a small fireball with his mouth and burns his wound to stop the bleeding. It's quite extreme but it's the only way to stop his bleeding in this situation. If he doesn't do it then he will lose too much blood from his wound.

Buggy will also do the same thing in Kaido's situation. Stopping the massive bleeding is the most important thing to do because if he keeps losing blood, then he will die of blood loss instead of dying at his opponent's hands.

Kaido looks at Buggy angrily and he suddenly shoots a massive fire breath at Buggy. It's a very strong breath attack, stronger than any of Kaido's previous breath attacks. He uses a lot of energy in this attack. Kaido just wants to kill Buggy now without any care about the damage to the land.

Buggy has a grim expression and he prepares his attack again. He makes the same attack that he used to severe Kaido's left arm. But now, he also uses his other sword, Castor, to create a cross slash attack.

Their all-out attacks clash, creating a very strong shockwave. They get into a stalemate for a moment. But then Buggy's cross slash attack cuts Kaido's Bolo Breath into 4 parts that spread in 4 different directions.

2 of the split breath hit the barren land, one hits the sea, and the other one hits a factory. Even after getting split into 4 parts, the power of the attack is still very strong. The 4 explosions caused by the split breath are massive and engulf a wide area around them.

"Damn, if that hits me then I would get evaporated instantly, maybe," says Buggy.

"Worororo, not bad, brat," says Kaido while laughing, but it's very clear that he is very enraged right now.

"Heh, should I cut another arm, gigantic eel?" asks Buggy mockingly.

Kaido doesn't answer and suddenly transforms into his hybrid form. He makes a flame cloud to jump down and he even uses his tail to whip the air, making his jump even faster. In an instant, Kaido has landed on the ground.

Buggy barely avoids it, thanks to his future sight. He might be mincemeat if he gets crushed by Kaido's body. But it doesn't mean he is safe already because Kaido jumps toward him again.

Unlike before, Buggy can't evade Kaido's attack because they are too close. Kaido grabs his neck and slams him onto the ground before dragging him on the ground as Kaido runs at a very high speed. Buggy protects his body with his Armament Haki but he still gets hurt.

Kaido then stops and throws Buggy onto a tall mountain. Buggy crashes onto the mountain and destroys a big part of it. He gets buried by the destroyed boulders as dust is scattered everywhere.

Kaido knows it won't kill Buggy so he transforms into his full Azure Dragon form again and shoots another Bolo Breath. He is truly enraged by Buggy's attack that severed his arm. He never gets wounded since he has his devil fruit, yet a 19 y.o red-nose kid managed to cut his left arm.

Kaido's Bolo Breath hits the mountain and pierces through it, creating a massive hole in the mountain. Luckily, it didn't hit any town so no citizens died. Those who see it are also glad that they aren't hit by that attack.

Oden can also see it from Kuri and he knows that Buggy is fighting Kaido on Udon now. He, his men, and Buggy's crewmates that have won the war in Kuri hope that Buggy will be fine and win. Orochi & his men that have been tied up think differently though.

"Gufuhahaha, whoever it is that fights against Kaido will surely die now. There's no way anyone will survive an attack that can even destroy a mountain like that. Soon, Kaido will come here and kill you all too, Guhohoho," says Orochi arrogantly despite his bloody appearance after getting beaten up by Jude.

Jude gets pissed by Orochi's blabbers and beats him up again. She has full faith in Buggy and believes he will not get defeated by Kaido. So she is really pissed by Orochi's remark and beats him up for looking down on her Captain.

"Just mind your own business and think of how you will spend your last day, you stinky old man," says Jude angrily.

She said that but deep down in her heart, Jude is worried about Buggy. The other crewmates are also worried but they all still believe that Buggy won't die. He will return to them victoriously as usual and they'll hold a big party again after this war ends.

On Udon, Kaido is looking at the hole that he created. He searches Buggy using his eyes and his Observation Haki too. But even after searching for a minute, he can't find Buggy.

Kaido grins smugly, "Hmph, he finally die."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 299 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 310 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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