Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 154: A Giant

Chapter 154: A Giant

The Clowns encounter a Giant who lays unconsciously on a gigantic raft before they split. They all look at the Giant and some of them are afraid because they have never seen a Giant before. They get closer to the Giant after Buggy ordered them to.

The Giant is a male with long dark blue hair tied in a Viking braid ponytail. He has a pretty long dark blue beard that is also braided in Viking style with red Ornaments. The Clowns are sure that they can hide inside the Giant's beard & hair because of their length.

For clothes, the Giant wears a blue vest with yellow & gold accents. He wears black pants with a hole on his left knee and a pair of leather boots. There's also a pair of 2-handed Axe on his back and he lays on them.

"Hey, Giant, are you sleeping?" asks Buggy after getting closer to the Giant.

The Giant doesn't respond and just stays still on his raft. Buggy jumps on the raft and calls the Giant many times near his ears. But the Giant doesn't wake up at all and just lay there. He is also looking very pale, like a sick person.

"Is he dead?" asks Ruff.

"No, I can hear his heartbeat, although it's weak, so he is still alive. Maybe I need to shock him so he'll wake up," says Enel.

"DON'T!" shouts the others.

"You will just make him angry and he will attack us after that. Besides, we never attack someone that doesn't attack is first," says Cricket.

"Then what should we do?" asks Enel.

The others don't know how to answer that question because they also don't know what to do.

Ruff suddenly says, "Maybe we just need to leave him he-"


Suddenly a loud thundering sound is heard and it surprises everyone.

"GYAH! I'M SORRY, I WON'T LEAVE HIM HERE," shouts Ruff panicky because he thinks it's his fault.

"Strange, there's no dark cloud, so where's that sound come from? Is it you?" asks Palu to Enel.

"No, why should I do something useless like that?" asks Enel back.

Palu knows that Enel doesn't lie, so he ponders, "So what is-"


It is heard again and now they all realize the source of it. They look at the Giant's stomach and then the sound is heard again as the Giant's stomach vibrates. It is the sound of this Giant's stomach because he is hungry and it makes them sweatdrops.

"What a loud stomach," says Jude.

"Mantis, cook something for him. He must be very hungry that he can't stay conscious," orders Buggy.

Mantis nods and goes to their kitchen to cook something. Buggy then orders Manba to check on the Giant's condition too. The others are also inspecting the Giant as it is the first time they see someone this big.

"Why'd you bother to help someone you don't know? We are pirates, not a group of saints," asks Enel confusedly.

"Of course, we are no saints. But we all still have feelings & sympathy. I never felt the hunger that made me unconscious in my life. But I know how it feels to be alone and almost dead without being able to do anything. It is the worst feeling and I can't see someone with that condition. So I'll help them even if I can only give them food," says Buggy.

Buggy just said about his past life as Bob. He was alone and doesn't have anyone in his life at that time. That's why having his crew & friends is the best thing in this life for him and he always tried to protect them by making them strong.

Seeing this Giant reminds him of being alone in his death. That's really the worst feeling that he ever felt in both of his lives. He helps this Giant to ease his own feeling and make himself feel better.

This Giant will die if he doesn't eat anything, so Buggy will help him a little. Buggy knows he is not a good person, but he is not a horrible person that won't help someone else. He is not a saint, but he is not a devil too, he is just a human.

"How is he?" asks Buggy to Manba.

"He is fine, just very weak. It seems he hasn't eaten anything for many days. He just needs food," says Manba.

Buggy nods and then orders his crew to catch a lot of fish. This Giany will eat a lot and their supplies might run out, so they need to refill the supplies. They nod and immediately work on the task.

Now they have a new method to catch more fish effectively. They use Enel's power to electrocute the fish around them. Then those who can swim will gather the dead fish that float on the water. It is a very effective & efficient method.

Sometimes, they will even get Seakings that swam around them accidentally. They'll never get worried about catching fish with Enel in their crew. Enel rather hates this method, but this is also a chance to train his ability, so he just does it even though it tires him because he needs to use a lot of power.

Today, they are very lucky because they get 2 Seakings and many normal fishes. But they don't know if this will be enough for the Giant. None of them know how much a Giant can eat, so they can't calculate it.

Soon, Mantis comes out with a lot of food and tells the boys to help him take the remaining food in the kitchen. All the boys except Buggy run to the kitchen and take the food. Mantis place the food on the ship's railing that's close to the Giant's head.

The Giant's nose suddenly moves as he sniffs the food's smell. He suddenly opens his eyes widely and wakes up very fast as if he's just had a nightmare. He looks around for the source of the good smell and finally sees the big plates with many foods on them.

The Giant doesn't wait and immediately takes the plates and eats the food. He devours the food fast and eats everything that Mantis cooked. The Clowns are stunned to see him eat everything very fast. Those are their supplies for a month, and the Giant eats everything in a few minutes.

"Phew, I'm saved," says the Giant in relief as his complexion turns better.

"Hey Giant, are you alright now?" asks Buggy.

"Hmm, who are you little man?" asks the Giant back.

"I'm Buggy, a pirate. I'm the Captain of this crew and we're the one who gives you the food," says Buggy.

"Eh? T-That's your food? I'm sorry I just eat all of that and don't leave anything. Ah, I'll pay for that," says the Giant as he put his hands on his pocket.

Buggy tries to stop him but then the Giant suddenly paused and stays still. The Giant then shivers a little and sweats as he looks at the Clowns nervously. It makes them confused and then Buggy asks the Giant if there's something wrong with him.

"I-I don't have money," says the Giant nervously.

The Clowns fall on their faces because they think it's something serious. It turns out to be nothing, just the Giant realizing that he is very poor.

"Don't worry about money, we don't help you to ask for a payment," says Buggy.

"Then you can ask something else from me," says the Giant.

"We don't need anything from you, so don't worry," says Buggy.

"No, as a proud warrior of Elbaf, I can't be ungrateful to my saviors," says the Giant persistently.

"Then maybe you can say something to show your gratitude," says Enel.

"Hmm? Ah! Thank you for your help and thank you for the food, it's very delicious," says the Giant while bowing his head.

"Is it okay for a warrior like you to bow like that?" asks Deon.

"You have saves my life, so this is nothing. Now, tell me how I can repay you," says the Giant.

"As I said, we don't need anything from you," says Buggy.

"No, I need to repay you," says the Giant.

Buggy and the Giant keep debating on that until both of them get pissed at each other.

"JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!" says the Giant pissedly as he sends a punch at Buggy.

" BASTARD, I TOLD YOU I DON'T NEED ANYTHING," says Buggy as he jumps to counter the Giant's punch.


Their punches clash and create a big shockwave that spread everywhere. The Clowns are protecting themselves & the ships from the shockwave that pushes the ships & the Giant's raft back.

"Tsk, what are they doing?" asks Mantis pissedly with a big tick mark on her forehead.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 178 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 189 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.