Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 155: Magnus

Chapter 155: Magnus

Buggy's clash with the Giant creates a big shockwave that pushed their ships & the Giant's raft back. Both of them also get pushed by their attacks. Buggy lands on Little Hunter and grins at the Giant, "You're strong, Giant."

The Giant has a shocked expression before he grins too, "You too, little human."

Both of them want to clash again but then a hand grabs Buggy's left ear and pulled it, it's Mantis's hand.

"OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! What are you doing?" asks Buggy with a pained tone as his ears get pulled by Mantis.

"It's me who should ask you. What are you doing? We are not enemies, so why should you fight him. And you, Giant, why did you attack your savior if you are grateful to us?" asks Mantis.

"We-Well, I-," says the Giant nervously while hiding his hands behind him.

"I don't want to hear any excuse. Now sit down and calm down or you won't eat anything after this," says Mantis strictly.

"Yes!" says Buggy & the Giant quickly as they sit on their knees.

"Giant, we don't need anything from you, so just accept it, and Captain, don't get too emotional. Let's just talk normally like normal people. That's if you want to eat again," says Mantis.

Buggy & the Giant nods frantically and calm down. The Clowns sigh seeing this and are also glad that nothing goes out of control. Mantis is the only one who can keep Buggy from going overboard.

In fact, she is also the only one who can keep everyone in the crew from going overboard. She is like the crew's mother that has an ultimate weapon, food. By controlling their stomaches, she can control the whole crew's behavior.

"Hey, Giant, we haven't heard your name. Ah, I'm Buggy by the way, and they're my crew. Cricket, Palu, Mantis, Jude, Enel, Deon, Manba, and Ruff. We are Clown Pirates, nice to meet you," says Buggy while introducing his crew.

The Giant nods while looking at the introduction, "HAHA, nice to meet you too. My name is Magnus, 105 y.o, male, single. I come from Elbaf, my hobby is singing, I like drinking, I hate bees, I-"

"STOP! STOP! STOP! No need to say everything. Just say your name. Age & origin are fine, but no need for detail," says Buggy before Magnus said everything about him.

"Is that so?" asks Magnus.

Everyone nods and it makes Magnus laugh in embarrassment, "HAHAHAHA!"

His laugh is so boisterous that the Clowns need to cover their ears. Luckily he doesn't laugh for too long or their ears will bleed.

"Damn dude, you are very loud. Is it because you have bigger lungs, throat, & mouth?" asks Palu.

"Well, I have a loud voice even among Giants. So it should be very loud for humans like you," says Magnus.

"We're lucky to talk in open space then or we will turn deaf if we talk in a closed space," says Palu jokingly.

"I'm almost deaf, you know," says Enel as blood really comes out of his left ear.

Enel's hearing is too sensitive because of his devil fruit. He hasn't been able to control its effect to a high degree where he won't get troubled by loud voices. Magnus scratches his head and apologizes while Manba checks on Enel.

"What happened to you that you became like that, Magnus?" asks Cricket.

"Well, it's a long story. But to make it short, I lost, I can't navigate, HAHAha- *cough* sorry," says Magnus.

"You can't navigate but you sail alone?" asks Jude while frowning.

"Well, I have something to do, so I need to sail. I thought that following the Pose is enough, but I'm wrong. The weather is a very big problem since I started sailing," says Magnus.

"When did you start?" asks Deon.

"Hmm, around 5 years ago," says Magnus.

"From Elbaf? Where do you want to go, actually?" asks Buggy.

"Yeah, from Elbaf. I want to find my brother, Dorry. It's been a long time since I last saw him, after all. I also need to tell him that mother wants him to get married soon before she died," says Magnus.

"Dorry? Do you mean Dorry the Blue Ogre?" asks Buggy.

"Yeah, you know him?" asks Magnus.

"Well, I know a little about him because he is from an infamous crew in the past, Giant Warrior Pirates. As a crew from Elbaf and filled with Giants, they are very famous. But no one has ever heard about them again since around 80 years ago. He led the crew with Broggy the Red Ogre if I'm right," says Buggy while hiding the fact that he knows a lot about them.

"Oh, you're quite knowledgeable, little Buggy. What you've said is correct. He is the Captain of Giant Warrior Pirates with Broggy. But they've stopped sailing since 80 years ago because they have a duel that they need to finish. It seems they haven't finished it until now," says Magnus.

"Duel? And they haven't finished it? What kind of duel is that?" asks Ruff confusedly.

Magnus then tells them about the rules for Elbaf's warriors' duel. They can't go home until the duel is finished, no matter what. That's their pride as warriors of Elbaf.

Of course, Buggy knows about that, but he acts as if he doesn't know it. He also knows where to find Dorry & Broggy, but he can't say it or it will be too strange. His crew knows he has gone to Grandline in the past, but he has said that he has just gone to a few islands, and never said about Giants.

So he can't suddenly say that he knows where Dorry & Broggy are. Besides, he has another plan for this, especially after seeing Magnus's power just now. He always wants a Giant in his crew and now he has found one.

'He can't navigate, so joining us will be the best chance for him to find Dorry. We will explore the whole Paradise too, so he can tag along,' thinks Buggy.

"Do you know where they are?" asks Jude.

"That's the problem, I don't know it," says Magnus.

"Huh?" says the Clowns while blinking their eyes as they get stunned.

'Perfect,' thinks Buggy while grinning.

"Wait! You tried to find them but you don't know where they are at all?" asks Mantis while massaging her temples.

"HAHAHA, yeah. The Giant Warrior Pirates that have returned to Elbaf have forgotten where their dueling location is. They just remember that it's in Paradise, so I come here and wander around by myself. Although I've just arrived here recently because I was stuck in New World and couldn't leave that place for years," says Magnus.

"You couldn't find the way here to be precise, right?" asks Cricket.

Magnus just looks away while whistling, confirming Cricket's suspicion. He has wandered around New World for more than 4 years just to find the way to Paradise. Then after he arrived here, he lost the only thing that can help him on the sea, his Pose.

He was just floating on the sea and hoped to find an island or a ship. But his luck was very bad that he doesn't encounter anything. His supplies also run out soon and he can't do anything. He starved for days until the Clowns find him.

"Hey, Magnus, I have a way that will surely help you," says Buggy.

"Really? What is it, little Buggy?" asks Magnus.

"You know, we are pirates, and also explorers. I made this crew with the purpose of exploring the world. I want to explore every island in this world, including Grandline, of course. We've just explored one route in Paradise and haven't gone to the others. And we never saw any Giant on our way here, so we're sure that your brother isn't in this route," says Buggy.

"Hmm, so I need to check the other routes?" asks Magnus.

"Yeah, but you don't have any navigational skills, so it will be very dangerous and will take a long time for you to find him. That's why I have a good proposal for you. We plan to make a bigger ship that will surely be enough for you to be there. So why don't you join us in our journey?" asks Buggy.

"You want me to join your crew?" asks Magnus.

"If you agree. It's okay if you only join temporarily. But you'll still need to follow the rules in my crew," says Buggy.

Buggy tells Magnus the basic rules and lets the Giant think about it for a moment.

Magnus finally gives his answer after pondering about it, "Alright, I will join temporarily now. I think this is the only way for me to find Dorry too."

Buggy smiles after hearing that. A Giant in his crew will make it even stronger. He just needs to make Magnus love the crew and want to be a permanent member.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 179 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 190 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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