The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 717

Chapter 717

The ones who owned and took control of the large oil rig were not humans. Instead, strange-looking monsters dominated the area around the oil rig. Some of these monsters had bodies that seemed as sticky as tar, while there were others that looked grotesque and hideous.

It was impossible to stop them with ordinary firepower alone. And even if the Awakened were deployed to deal with them, their number of Awakened was far too few, while the damage that they would receive would be far too severe.

Al Hajat immediately invited Davey to his office. He reasoned that he wanted to speak to Davey first since it was impolite to let their benefactor immediately deal with their problem.

Meanwhile, Davey felt comfortable as soon as he entered the neat, sophisticated and luxurious office.

“Please have a seat, Saint of Tionis, Prince Davey. I am Al Hajat, the prince of this country, and I am the one currently leading my nation and its government.”

“This is the first time that I have met an oil kingdom prince.”

“Haha. I used to joke around and say the exact same words. However, it’s not really entirely wrong.”

“How much damage have you incurred?”

“To be honest, we’re already at the point where things can be considered disastrous. The power of this country's Awakened does not even have an effect on the monsters. If only I were a combat-type Awakened, then I would have already helped them, but...”

Unfortunately, the level of this country’s Awakened was overwhelmingly low compared to other countries. Because of this, Al Hajat was forced to spend a tremendous amount of money to hire Awakened from overseas as mercenaries.

But when the monsters took over the oil deposits, the situation suddenly grew very complicated. The number of mercenaries accepting their requests had dramatically decreased. This was all because of the manipulation carried out by several countries. After all, their aim was to destabilize Al Hajat's country and seize control of their oil reserves. They were hoping that Al Hajat would bow his head and offer a lot of things in exchange for their help.

“People don’t even help each other, even though they are facing a common enemy. The situation in this world is far more serious than I thought.”

“In fact, if Prince Davey had not come, then...” Al Hajat said, bitterness staining his voice. “This country would have ended up getting deprived of everything. We would probably lose the means that allows us to make ends meet. So even if our lives were saved, we would be living in an extremely dreadful future. That’s why I will never forget the mercy and kindness that you, no... you, sir have shown us.”

Al Hajat even went so far as to hold Davey’s hands tightly as he bowed and said, “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

“Let’s think about all of that later,” Davey said as he looked outside the window to see the monsters spread out below them.

These monsters would not attack outside of their territory. However, the moment someone stepped foot inside their territory, they would attack right away and infect their enemies with a deadly disease.

“Looking at them like this, I think they look more like Voids... But it looks like their bodies have deteriorated. Perhaps it's because of the oil.”

This was actually the first time that Davey had seen so many of these jelly-type creatures that were called Disease Monster Void, or simply Void. Usually, they were extremely difficult to see.

“But these monsters do not leave this area?”

“Yes. We believe that these monsters have never left the area where the oil deposits are. We found it a bit strange too.”

“Then let’s go over there.”

“W-wait!!!” Al Hajat shouted in a panic. “You’re going just like that?”

“Well, is there a problem with that?” Davey asked.

Al Hajat’s expression grew complex. “Do you trust me just like that? What if I break the promise between us after you helped us?”

“Well, that shouldn’t be possible.”

Al Hajat tilted his head in confusion when he heard Davey’s confident words. “Why do you think so?”

“If you look at someone, you will be able to see what kind of person they are.”

Al Hajat grew silent, seemingly shocked by Davey’s response.

“Is that enough?”

“It is... No, it’s actually more than enough. Is there anything else I can do to help you?”

“Just do as you promised,” Davey said as he pulled out a piece of Messes’ tattered black cloth from his pocket plane. Then he handed it over to Al Hajat.

“Is this... No way... Is this something that the Malicious Spirit had dropped?”

“You have the skills of a tailor, right?”

“Yes, although my level is not that high.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. If it’s just a matter of level, then we can just help you level up.”

Davey’s declaration left Al Hajat speechless, and all that he could manage to say was a stuttered, “L-level up?”

“Yes. Is there a problem with that?”

“No. There’s nothing wrong with that. If it’s possible, then let’s do it. I'm even willing to dedicate my entire being to making whatever it is you want.”

“Then our conversation’s over. We should get to it...”

“Ah... Please wait a moment,” Al Hajat said, effectively stopping Davey. “It’s true that you are strong. But we cannot just give poor treatment to someone who has come to help us. Although they're not much, please take the artifacts that me and my guild members have produced...”


Al Hajat’s eyes twitched when he heard the hurried shouts of Antonio, his secretary.

“What’s the matter, Antonio?”

“The-there’s trouble! The m-monsters have started to move!!!”

“What do you mean by that?! Why did they suddenly move?!”

But their problems did not end there.

“And... And the direction they're heading is... "

“Where is it?! Stop talking in circles and just spit it out!”

“They are making their way to the evacuees' shelter! We wouldn't be able to evacuate them to another location at this rate.”

Al Hajat immediately jumped up from his seat, looking very troubled by this sudden turn of events.

But just as Davey was about to step out and handle the situation...

“Prince Al Hajat.”

Someone rudely entered the office without permission.

“I apologize for coming in without permission. My name is Murata Tooru. I am the general team leader of Japan’s Awakened Union.”

Al Hajat frowned when the man respectfully bowed and handed him a business card.

“Japan’s Awakened Union? What are you doing here?”

“We were dispatched here after Japan heard that its brother country was in a very dire situation.”

“And you only came now?” Al Hajat asked, a frown marring his face.

No matter how he looked at it, he firmly believed that Japan only moved because they felt like it would be too late if they continued to watch the situation on the sidelines.

“It’s only a matter of dealing with something trivial. Outstanding experts from Japan’s Awakened Union had already been dispatched to the scene. It will not be long until we receive great news,” Murata said. Then he turned to look at Davey and smiled.

“Nice to meet you, Saint of Tionis. Although it might feel like we have taken the spotlight, I hope that you can forgive us this time. After all, we, from Japan, only want to help them.”

“Do as you like.”

The expression on Al Hajat’s face and the things that Perserque had seen made the situation very clear to Davey.

South Korea was so preoccupied with resolving domestic strife and the sudden military takeover that they failed to step forward and take action in the same manner as Japan. In fact, both China and Japan had taken a step forward and dealt with their own problems.

It was possible that Japan wanted to take away the credit from Davey, but it would be awkward for them to admit it. In fact, all of their preparations were thorough. They even did it in such a way that nothing would trigger Davey to be hostile at them.

Japan's preparation could indeed be considered very thorough. However, they were overconfident, causing them to miss one important thing. Even Al Hajat admitted that their side had not been able to properly identify the enemy.

“But will you be alright?” Davey asked.

“Yes?” Murata replied with confusion on his expression.

“Too much greed can lead to disasters, you know?” Davey said with a smile.

Of course, Murata’s relaxed smile remained unwavering, possibly because he felt so sure and confident of the careful planning they had done. He even said, “It’s fine. You see, Japan has produced a Celestial Maiden.”

‘A Celestial Maiden?’

“When she was in Tionis, she got a hidden class. She is, in fact, the pride of Japan. Something this trivial is not difficult for her.”

Davey just grinned when he heard Murata’s words. “I guess I’ll have to go to the scene first.”

“Excuse me?”

“It seems to me that you still do not have any idea of the gravity of the situation."

The fact that the monsters had begun to move meant that whatever bastard was hiding beneath the surface had already finished recharging. On top of that, the bastard was at a level that a mere Awakened could not stop. And they did not know it yet.


The large horde of Voids, whose sticky black mucus resembled a slime but was still distinctly different, began to move and spread the terrible stench and the disastrous disease they carried. And in every place they passed by, hell unfolded. It was so terrible that not even a single blade of grass could live and grow.

Voids were not originally fast. But no one could have predicted the level of speed they were showing now that they had started to move.


A man wearing a turban fell on the ground as blood spurted out from him. Then a bipedal monster that was covered in mucus appeared above him and immediately trampled on his bloody body.

Crack, crack, crack.

Although the monster did not speak, it seemed like it was mocking him as it continued to grind him down and trample on him.

At that moment, fear began to mar the faces of the surviving Awakened.

“This is impossible... They have grown stronger...”

“From what I can see, they’re at least two or three times stronger than before... How can this be...”

The monsters that were already a threat had grown at least two or three times stronger than before.

“What’s the situation with the evacuees?!”

“They’re not done yet! We have no other choice. We have to stop them as best as we can! Let’s start by using the fire-type attack and slow their advance as much as possible.”


The situation was very dire. Not only was the endless stream of monsters advancing toward the shelter, but other monsters were also beginning to emerge.

Gigantic black worms, which were covered with mucus, began to pop out from the ground, emerging among the soldiers who were stationed in the area to give fire support to the Awakened. The worms, which had hundreds of sharp teeth, then began to devour them.m

The sudden and random attacks immediately forced their formation to collapse.

But that was not yet the end of their dire situation.

The moment the gigantic monsters opened their mouths, countless bug-type monsters flew out. These were monsters that none of the Alf Online players had ever seen or heard of. But they have appeared right here and now.

The sudden attack had dyed the land red with blood. Abdul, a member of the Awakened team, was left helpless. He was drawing a blank on how they could break out of this desperate situation.

Oil deposits and material mines were so inundated with monsters at this point that he just wanted to give them up and ask the other countries for help. But even if they did seek aid from others, the situation that they would be left in would still be tragic.


At that moment, enormous planes soared across the sky above them. At the same time, several people, who seemed to have been trained by the special forces, descended with their parachutes.

Abdul, who was shocked to see the sudden appearance of reinforcements, jumped to his feet. He was the first to see the military flag sewn on the arm of the uniform donned by a short-haired man who was descending toward them.

“I-it’s the Japanese Awakened Team!”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kensei, and I’m the general leader of the Japanese Awakened.”

The man looked like he was in his early to mid-forties. However, he still looked quite young and lively. After all, age was a concept that had become meaningless to an Awakened.

After him, more people landed. Among them was a young girl who looked like she was still fifteen years old. She was so young that anyone would wonder if she could even fight properly. She had a neat image, and with the school uniform she was wearing, she looked just like a student. However, her expressionless face looked like she was ready to pull the thin changdao hanging from her waist.

“Lady Kouna, are you ready?”

“Yes. All I need to do is kill them, right?”

Once Kensei nodded, a strange power emanated from the girl, just as a halo of white light flashed and appeared all over her. This strange power attracted the attention of the bipedal monster, causing it to immediately charge at her. But the girl remained nonchalant and expressionless. She even took a step forward and...


The horrifying sound of flesh being cut apart rang loudly in the area. At the same time, the young girl named Kouna had already passed by the bipedal monster and sheathed her changdao. And the monster? It had already started to crumble and collapse.

“My god... What kind of speed is that?” Abdul murmured dazedly, shock evident in his tone.

Pride was apparent on Kensei’s face when he heard those murmurs.

It was indeed very shocking. Only a flash of light appeared when she drew her changdao, and the next thing they knew, the enemy was already collapsing on the ground.

“She’s one of the few hidden classes in the world. In fact, her powers remain unknown even to us, but when it comes to potential, I’m confident that she will never lose against the Saint of Tionis,” Kensei said proudly.

But Abdul’s pupils were shaking as he looked at Kouna. Yes, it was true. The momentum that he felt from her was completely different from the momentum of the other ordinary Awakened. But for some reason, he just could not shake off the anxiety that was coursing through his veins.

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