The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

With a bitter countenance, Baris entered the Kingdom of Rowane and faced King Krianes O’Rowane, who had been eagerly awaiting his arrival.

"I've been informed of the situation," the king remarked.

"My sincerest apologies for causing you concern, Your Majesty," Baris replied.

"It's over now. Are you injured?"

"No, Your Majesty."

The king visibly sighed with relief.

Without uttering another word, King Krianes approached and tenderly patted Baris on the shoulder. In response, Baris lowered his head. The touch from the frail arm felt devoid of strength. Baris' father, once known as the 'Tiger King' due to his boundless vigor, had now become a man who struggled to walk without a cane.

"Regarding the palace, Your Majesty..."

"Cough... Cough cough... It's done. How much longer can an old man with no regrets hope to live? While Davey may have extended my life, I am more aware than anyone that my time is drawing near."

Though there were individuals older than him, he seemed unburdened by worldly concerns.

"Indeed. I heard that the main steward was attacked."

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

"Who would dare target the crown prince? Their audacity knows no bounds," the king muttered briefly to himself before grasping Baris's hand. "I apologize. I've burdened you with this tumultuous role."

"It's all right, Your Majesty. I made my choice, if it means aiding my brother."

Despite his words, Baris wore a troubled expression.

"You don't appear well."

After a moment of silence, Baris said, "It appears, my lord, that Davey may not trust me as much as I had believed."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm worried that Davey simply sees me as a burden to protect… I can't shake this foolish thought," Baris admitted.

Much had transformed within a brief span. Winley had demonstrated her prowess, rapidly maturing and unveiling her presence from the Tower, while Davey had garnered such widespread renown across the continent that his name was known to all.

Yet, Baris found himself in a state of inertia. He treaded slowly, viewing the path to kingship as a formidable challenge, redoubling his efforts spurred by encouragement.

Baris longed for his brother to express his frustration instead. He yearned for the anger of an older sibling chastising his doubting younger sibling.


Strolling through the garden, consumed by bitter contemplations, Baris discerned the approach of a noble figure.

This individual was a low-ranking noble who had aligned with the royalist faction following the decline of the aristocrats. Through astute alliances, he had ascended to a relatively prestigious position. It was none other than Count Helm, presently tasked with imparting imperial studies to Baris.

"Count Helm."

"My lord, is there something troubling you?"

"It's nothing."

"I've heard the rumors. Those insolent fools dared to harm the prince's palace."

"So the rumor has spread that far."

"The entire palace is in an uproar. From the head of the royal guard to investigators, everyone is in a frenzy."

"I see."

"You should rest in your chambers for a while. The king has commanded you to rest."

"No, I cannot just stand by."

"You seem troubled."

Baris let out a short sigh. The only relief in this suffocating journey to becoming king was the news of his brother and twin sibling.

Keen to express his thoughts, Baris asked, "Do you think I am merely a burden to my brother, someone to be protected?"

"How dare anyone belittle the Crown Prince who is set to be the next King," Count Helm countered.

Baris simply looked at him.

"Prince Davey is truly remarkable."

"I know that."

"But he has become too arrogant in his might."

Baris's expression hardened at those words. "Count Helm."

"My lord, I, the new Count Helm, will offer counsel with my life on the line. If you become King as things stand now, the ministers will be looking to Prince Davey's wishes, not yours. Moreover, Prince Davey has been unilaterally dealing with foreign nations without consulting the Rowane royal family."

"...What do you mean by that?"

After some thought, Baris murmured slowly in response, "A puppet king..."

"Exactly. Prince Davey's power has grown too formidable. It's even more dangerous than the previous aristocratic faction. It does not favor absolute monarchy."

"Go on."

As Baris softly urged him, Count Helm gave a bitter smile. "Direct confrontation won't work. Someone intoxicated with power won't easily relinquish it. So, there's only one option left."

At Helm's words, Baris's complexion turned pale. "Count Helm... Are you suggesting…?"

"Of course, reality differs. You and Prince Davey are brothers, with a bond deeper than any. However, I sense that you, Baris, are overwhelmed by a sense of inferiority. This intense feeling of inadequacy stems from your deep love for your elder brother."

"I... I..."

"My lord." A faint smile appeared on Count Helm's face. "In my opinion, this situation has arisen because Prince Davey's authority is too extensive."


"You should request an audience with the king."

Count Helm made that suggestion so as for Baris to regain some of that authority. At this, Baris’ eyes began to tremble.

"That part of the authority..."

Then, with his head bowed and shaking, Baris quietly addressed the noble, "Count Helm."

"Yes, my lord?"

"I aspire to get closer to my brother in an honorable manner. I have no intention of challenging him."


"When he sent me back here, he told me something. 'Remember the keyword. I trust you fully. Baris. Don't worry. Though you may not possess great power, in your own way, you're supporting and holding me up.'"


"Alright then, please continue."

* * *

"No! Grandpa! It's not like that!"

"Kid, pay attention! If the perpetual power engine follows this design theory, this is the correct way!"

"It won't support the frame!"

"Wanna bet on that?"

"Huh? Fine! But grandpa, if you lose, you have to grant me one wish! No backing out, okay?"

"Alright, brat. Let's use this opportunity to finally tackle your accident-prone nature!"

A pair of grandfather and granddaughter were locked in discussion. They were Edison, the technical advisor from the Alchemy faction, and his granddaughter, Tiara, an eccentric individual known as one of the six beauties of the continent.

Ignoring Rinne, who was sulking and feeling excluded from their fun, Davey entered the workshop. Approaching the two, he quickly caught Tiara's attention.

"Ah! Prince Davey!"

The sight of Tiara rushing toward him was less than pleasant. She was covered in soot, wearing an old and rugged work uniform.

"What on earth happened while I was away?"

"Ahaha... Well... There was a little accident..."

"Really... tsk tsk..."

With a disapproving click of his tongue, Edison approached Davey and asked, "I heard you were retrieving an energy engine. How did it go?"

"It's here."

Davey presented the Void Energy Crystal that Marka, Queen of Succubi, possessed. The very source of power that turned her into the Destruction Demon King.

Edison's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he observed the Void Crystal, from which faint red smoke emanated. "Though the 'Plutonium' metal was fascinating, this is equally astounding. It seems unrefined, but substantial energy is emanating from it."

"It's from the Demon King, after all."

The faces of the two drained of color at Davey's words.

"You brought the power of the Demon King for a mere hobby? Hahaha, that's astonishing."

"It looks more beautiful every time I see it. It's like a gem..." Looking at the Void Energy Crystal with genuine admiration, Tiara took it from Davey.

Davey, in turn, observed the massive skeletal structure of the reactor they were building, nodding his head in satisfaction.

While Elders Golgouda and Goulda had given up in this field, Tiara, hailing from the Blue Rock Tribe, impressively managed the task. This underscored the importance of nurturing the right talent.

"It appears the work is progressing smoothly."

"The core of the project demands special attention. We still need to test its durability, but as you know, there's a shortage of raw materials."

"Don't worry about that."

Given time, Davey would naturally secure a supply of plutonium.

"Oh, look at this!"

Suddenly, Tiara, with sparkling eyes, grabbed Davey's hand and pointed to a part of the reactor skeleton she and Edison had constructed. She asked, "Can't we do it like this for this part?"

In response to her question, Davey carefully examined the reactor that served as the power source.

"I've told you countless times. If we do it this way, it'll explode!"

"Who cares about that! It's according to the design!"

Though the two were at odds again, Davey silently admired their work before saying, "Both approaches are valid. It's a fresh perspective."


"See, Grandpa!"

"But if we go with Tiara's suggestion..."

Silence enveloped the room for a moment.

"The Void Energy might not be able to handle it and could explode."

Upon hearing this, Tiara's shoulders slumped, while Edison chuckled, looking pleased.

"See, kiddo! When has your grandpa ever been wrong? I win the bet!"

"This... This is ridiculous!" Tiara, screaming, ran off.

Edison, laughing heartily at her retreating figure, wiped a bead of sweat off his brow. "Thanks, kind sir."

"You're welcome."

"That girl has always been a bit peculiar. Give her an inch, and she'll take a mile."

Proving that he was not getting any younger, Edison was quite perceptive.

"There are plenty of good people in the world. Why obsess over the unconventional ones?"

"Was there a problem?"

"She's always loved engineering equipment since she was little. I was worried she'd marry her equipment, so I tried to steer her in another direction. I didn't know it would turn out like this."


"Anyway, kind sir." Edison looked at Davey earnestly. "What exactly is the Clock Princess?"

Upon hearing the question, Davey quickly turned his head. The little girl, covered in dust from the massive reactor, emerged with a fit of coughing.

"I've seen many geniuses in my time. But apart from Tiara, this is the first of such caliber."

While Tiara had experience beyond her years, Aeonitia did not. A child, who should be coddled by her parents, possessed talent enough to astonish the continent's top engineer.

"If Tiara benefits from her spontaneous nature, Aeonitia, with her meticulous and careful nature, could be the perfect counterpart. Has there been some chemical reaction?"

"Not at all, rather, they're working together remarkably well."

The synergy between Aeonitia O’Rowane and Edison's brilliant granddaughter, Tiara, was undeniable just by observing their collaboration.

"In a few years, Tiara will surpass me as an engineer. But..."

Aeonitia showcased an innate talent.

"I can't help but be tempted. How remarkable would the Clock Princess become under my guidance...>?"

In terms of pure talent, Aeonitia was superior.

“Then I make a request of you.”


“Please raise Aeonitia well.”

“I am sorry to say this, but I don’t think I can accept your request.” Murmuring, he added, “I feel as though my conservative and already-established thought processes might pose obstacles for the princess’s future.”

Despite his reluctance, he gracefully stepped back.

"A beautiful gemstone has its own charm. If a misfit craftsman like me tinkers with it, I might mar its beauty." He chuckled.

One of the reasons for bringing Edison was to aid in Aeonitia's growth. So, he should not give up.

"In that case, let's try a different approach."

"What approach?"

"Teach her the concept by letting go of fixed ideas. Don't make her understand, but let her grasp it on her own. Just present the problems."

At Davey's words, Edison's expression turned bitter. "It's like throwing a cub off a cliff."

Wasn't it said that lions push their cubs off cliffs? Aeonitia's talent was too precious to be approached half-heartedly. So, guiding an innocent and timid girl, albeit the child of an enemy, would mean fulfilling the role of a family. Promises and determinations remain unchanged.

"There would be no better lesson for Aeonitia. I leave it in your hands."

"Leave it to me."

With a bitter smile, Edison gave Davey a light fist bump on his chest.

* * *

"He's here."

Near the small camp, not far from the minor territory, the Great Emperor of Contas greeted Davey, then gestured toward a young man sprawled out in a chair inside the tent.

"Did you bring him here because you couldn't trust others?"

"You never know how many spies are in that small territory. It's easier to guard against outside invaders than internal enemies."

Davey nodded at his words. "Did you know about the Illuminati?"

"No, I just thought they were a group of black magicians. But, judging by the situation, this isn't an ordinary problem."


"He won't talk, and he's left no trace. Do you have a way to locate them?"

In response, Davey looked outside the tent at a blonde girl holding two swords coming toward them.

"Davey! You're here!"

Returning the swords, Blue Ribbon and Red Ribbon, to Davey, she asked worriedly, "Is Prince Baris alright? Is he hurt?"

"He was lucky."

At Davey's words, Illyna bristled.

"You asked if there was a way, Great Emperor."

Soon after, as Davey calmly posed the question, the Grand Duke nodded.

"For now, there isn't. So, we have to draw them out."

Davey pulled out a small brooch from his Pocket Plane. Though the brooch had no special abilities, it was synonymous with the mark of his first love, a symbol of his cherished memories.

He had already heard from Dirro, who was attached to Baris’s clothing, that they made contact with Baris. If they were planning on using their wits to create chaos on the continent since they lacked strength, Davey would ensure a greater incident would overshadow their petty schemes.

One had to be careful with their words. A single clue might tighten the noose around their necks. Davey tightly held onto the brooch, a symbol of the Deathlord Rho Aias. Even if it was not the real deal, they would not be able to resist it.

"Let's lure them in with an irresistible bait."

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