The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

It was eerie; a profound silence seemed to pierce the very air, but fear not.


"Who is... Gasp?! My Lord!" Monmider's eyes widened upon spotting Davey. Then, quickly noticing Davey's beckoning gesture, he hurried over like a bullet. "You've arrived!"

Davey remained silent as he observed Monmider bowing deeply. All the guards had assembled. Originally, the term 'guards' might not have been entirely fitting, but for now, it encompassed those who had been present since the early days of the Heins territory. Among them was a traitor.

Descent, the young man associated with the Illuminati, had asserted that there was a traitor among the guards. Could there truly be a traitor in their midst?

"Brother? I... What's happening here..."

"Baris, have you examined the individual who attacked you?"

"Well... I'm sorry. He appeared and disappeared as if it was all meticulously planned. But, how did you…?"

"Did he leave behind any trace?"

Baris retrieved a small piece of paper from his pocket. "As if warning me, he left this and then vanished."

Davey examined the paper Baris handed him. It bore a triangular design with an eye at its center. It appeared to be nothing more than a piece of paper with a design, devoid of any traces of mana. However, it could be deceptive, especially if a special ability was involved.

Since leaving it with Baris was a risk, Davey took the paper bearing the symbol and glanced at the perplexed guards. He then said, "I apologize for summoning you at such a late hour, but there's something I need to verify. I appreciate your understanding."

They nodded in silence.

"Please give your command, My Lord! We are always prepared to follow your orders."

They said one could know a road well but never truly understand the heart of another. Davey faced a dilemma in determining which among them might be the traitor. Torture was not an option, leaving him truly perplexed. How could he uncover the trail that Descent from the Illuminati had mentioned?

The solution appeared simpler than he had initially thought. After all, didn't he have the world's foremost specialist for delving into someone's heart?

Unless the Illuminati were some bizarre beings bestowed by Goddess Freyja or a parallel entity like Reina, they would certainly be affected by his skill. Davey quickly retrieved the communication crystal directly linked to Perserque.

Addressing the guards, who were staring blankly at him, he said, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask each of you one question. Respond with either 'Yes' or 'No'. Do you understand?"

"Yes, My Lord!" Monmider, who was leading the guards, responded first.


"Perserque, I need your help."

Without a word, Perserque ended the communication.


After a moment, space tore open, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful silver-haired girl. Her red eyes, slightly dulled to match Davey's own shade, sparkled as she approached slowly.

"I'm going to ask each of you a question now. Answer with 'Yes' or 'No', and be truthful.”

The tension was palpable among the guards. Though it was challenging to delve deep into someone's true feelings, it was enough to discern what was evident.

"Are any of you affiliated with the Illuminati?"

The guards looked puzzled by Davey's calm inquiry.

"Perserque," Davey called out to Perserque, who was standing silently beside him.

While observing the guards, she slowly closed her eyes and began to speak.

* * *

"He's remarkably astute, isn't he?"

Descent from the Illuminati had resorted to deceit in the end. Consequently, Descent held the upper hand until the very conclusion. The mere suggestion of a possible traitor from within was a potent stratagem. Given his affiliation, it was an exceedingly credible and effective falsehood.

Even after being driven away, Descent had the audacity to taunt Davey and retaliate. It was evident that he was more cautious than the run-of-the-mill adversaries Davey had encountered.

Without his previous ability to discern the truth about others, Davey faced a formidable opponent.

"Davey, you seem to have your hands full lately, don't you?" Perserque asked playfully, lounging by the window and swinging her legs.

"I was foolishly deceived."

"I won't inquire further since I believe I already understand," Perserque replied, indicating her grasp of Davey's predicament.

However, Baris remained in the dark.

"Brother, what exactly is transpiring? You suddenly appeared, and..."

"It's nothing of great consequence. But Baris, could you provide a detailed account of what occurred?"

At Davey's request, Baris, with a complex expression, recounted the incident. While returning to his chambers after a discussion with the chief steward, Vesperus, he was ambushed by an assailant from the shadows who swiftly disappeared. Just before vanishing, this individual had left behind the Illuminati's mark.

The implication was crystal clear: Baris' life could be in jeopardy at any moment. However, the warning was not solely for Baris; it was a message from the Illuminati's leader, Descent, directed at Davey.

Although Davey might possess superior combat abilities, the individual in question had, conversely, spent a considerable amount of time solidifying his influence in this territory.

Frustration welled up within Davey, his clenched fist crumpling the paper bearing the Illuminati symbol, the tension manifesting audibly in his knuckles.


‘Damn these bastards.’

"Ah! Brother!" Baris exclaimed, but the overpowering aura emanating from Davey began to dominate their surroundings.

With swift grace, Perserque pulled Davey into her embrace, the gentle sensation brushing against Davey’s face replacing his initial anger with a calming serenity. She said, "Calm down, Davey."

In silence, Davey retreated into his thoughts, recalling the wisdom imparted by his magic mentor, Odin: Sometimes, being too clever and overthinking could lead to a stumbling block. Davey had already conjured and dismissed several hypotheses based on Descent's words. Ultimately, he had unwittingly set a trap for himself.

"Sigh... Let's regain our composure."

If the enemy was cunning, Davey needed to approach the situation with a methodical and analytical mindset. Alternatively, he might need to demonstrate that a bold strategy could be just as effective.

"Baris, stay with Dirro for the time being."

With a nod from Davey, Dirro stepped forward and positioned herself beside Baris.

"Dirro, take command."

[Avenger Squadron Leader, Dirro, ready for command transfer.]

True to its power-hungry nature, even in the presence of its senior, Annabelle, Dirro insisted on asserting its leadership.

"Guard Baris for the interim."

[Command received.]

With that, Dirro's form morphed into that of a cute girl in a maid's dress.

"Scanning for a suitable appearance. I'll maintain this form. Awaiting feedback."

"Huh?" Baris seemed quite taken aback, looking at the cute girl with a deadpan expression. "Anyway, Brother, what exactly is happening? Please tell me."

"Don't worry about it. I'll manage."

Davey's words left Baris stiffened. Then, bowing his head, Baris asked quietly, "You won't tell me even if I ask, will you?"

"... "

"I always feel like I don't meet your expectations, Brother."


Davey reached out to him, but Baris swatted his hand away. "I need some time to think, Brother."

With bitterness and weariness evident in his expression, Baris walked away.

Davey made an attempt to follow, but Perserque held back his arm and shook her head. "Anything you say now won't help him. Talk to him later."

Davey remained silent.

* * *

"So, you're telling me you had a confrontation with this Illuminati group?" Davey inquired.

"Do you know anything about the Illuminati?" replied Perserque.

"I haven't personally encountered them," Perserque explained, "but I recall Illyna hearing rumors about them when she was young, awakening Caldeiras and traveling the continent."

These rumors had been quietly circulating among the royals and high nobility. The whispers suggested that an organization known as the Illuminati lurked at the very foundations of the world, manipulating events from behind the scenes.

"It does sound like a conspiracy theory," Perserque remarked, noticing Rinne playfully fiddling with Davey's hand.

"But it turns out it's true," Davey said, furrowing his brow.

"If their claims hold any water, then more than one or two countries must be involved. They likely have their influence in numerous nations."

Hearing her words, Davey realized the gravity of the situation. It wasn't just about the Last Whisper Knights.

"It's no wonder Illyna was concerned," murmured Perserque, and Davey nodded slowly.

The Illuminati seemed to be using not only their own powers but also manipulating some of the newcomers to the continent.

"What are their objectives?" Davey inquired.

"If we knew that, they wouldn't be a secretive organization. All we know is that they secretly manipulate the entire world," Perserque responded.

For her, it appeared that acquiring any information about the Illuminati was next to impossible. Fortunately, however, the God of Harmony, Neltarid, was assisting Davey bit by bit.

"We need to assess the situation and wait. And..."


"We need to address the issue of these newcomers."

These individuals regarded this world as a game. They were unpredictable variables and could not be left unchecked.

"Hey, Aina."

From the shadows, a dark elf dressed in black and an elf woman emerged.

"How did you find out?" she asked.

"I saw it. No need for pointless chatter; come closer."

Aina approached in silence.

"Annabelle. Mission accomplished."

"Good. Organize the data and consult with Elder Golgouda."


As Annabelle disappeared, Davey unfolded a piece of paper that Aina had handed him onto the table. He said, "Sorry for the trouble, but I need you to keep moving."

"Move? For what?"

"We need real-time locations of all the outsiders on the continent."

After a pause, Aina replied, "I'm sorry. I cannot follow that order right now."

"Why not?"

"It's time I fulfill my purpose."

Hearing this, Davey pressed, "And that is?"

"I need your sponsorship. I want a mithril badge representing you. As the continent's saint, the lord of Haines territory, and the prince of the Rowane Kingdom, your reputation and power are unmatched. All I need is your prestige and authority," she said.

He raised an eyebrow. "So you're not coming back?"

"Not until I find... the individual."

Aina had provided invaluable assistance over the past year without asking for anything in return. Despite the poor timing, Davey felt it was his turn to repay the favor. He tossed her a mithril badge, which she deftly caught.

"Is there someone you're looking for?"

"Yes. If I find him, I'll return and work as your informant."

She might have been on his side, but she was not entirely loyal.

"The Echo Guild won't stand by quietly," Davey commented.

"That's why I need your influence. And for other reasons."

"Just don't cause trouble."

She hesitated before asking, "Do you trust me?"

"Trust? I don't trust anyone unless they're an ally."

"Why did you give me this valuable item then?"

"You've been an ally all this time, right? I might not see you for a while, but consider this a token of our bond over the years. And also for the sake of seeing your sibling's face," Davey said.

She gave a bitter smile in response. "Thank you."

"But who is this person you're looking for?" Davey asked.

She looked pained and remained silent for a moment. Finally, she whispered, "Someone who bestowed upon me an immeasurable favor, one that I could never repay."

"Hmm..." Davey pondered.

He had never heard how she, once expelled from the holy grounds of the divine tree due to the former saint's prank, had survived until now as a dark elf. She never spoke of it, and he had never been curious enough to ask.

"And the secretive walking technique I use..."

"That's a secretive technique? Isn't it just a way of walking?" Davey interjected, causing her expression to sour a bit.

"You're the strange one for pointing it out."


"It's a technique I learned from that person, who is the only one in the world who knows it."

"Really?" Davey thought. There was a demon he knew who moved in an eerily similar fashion, albeit with more proficiency.

"You said it's a human?"


Nodding, Davey mused, "A human..."

"Take care," he finally said.

"I'll have the guild send someone to replace me," she replied before she dispersed like smoke.

It was hard to acknowledge the importance of an already occupied position, but it was easy to realize the significance of a vacant one. With her disappearance, Davey felt an immediate gap in his information network.

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