The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 186 184- Who Are You?


Avarice screamed out uncontrollably. He felt as if his heart was about to be ripped out of his chest from the sheer emotional pain he was feeling.

He clutched his chest and he cried as he buried his face in the ground.

Maivilin was covering her sobs as she cried by his side.

This sudden disaster had blindsided them. Now everyone they ever knew was suddenly dead.

Avarice thought about his mother, his father, and his little brother.

He cried.

And cried.

But no matter how hard he cried he couldn’t make this feeling of pain go away.

He eventually ran out of tears and was only making inaudible wails.

A Long time passed before Avarice's weak arms and legs slowly lifted him up.

Maivilin held his hand and through her tears said.

“Sulee, you're the only one I have left. Please don’t leave me too.”

Avarice's hand tighten around hers and he said in a hoarse voice.

“I’ll never leave you.”

Maivilin went in front of him and hugged him.

Avarice looked at the calming flames that destroyed his village as he said.

“We can’t stay here, we’ll starve if we don’t join another Village.”

Maivilin released him before they left.

Avarice wanted to go see his home, but he decided against it since he would find nothing there. And that was too much for him.

Like this, he and Maivilin joined a nearby Village. They weren’t welcome with open arms by the local Villagers as they weren’t happy about more mouths to feed, but the Village Chief took them in still.

They grew up together in the Village with Avarice doing manual labor, and Maivilin doing small household work. Their childhoods were essentially over.

They barely had anything to eat as the Villagers they worked for would purposely compensated them less than the work they carried out.

But they had to take it nonetheless.

Avarice took on more jobs because of that and the small amount of pay for each total up to an amount they can live on.

Several years passed by and they became eighteen.

They're still going to get married.

Avarice took a day off work as well as Maivilin.

They went back to their Village after so long.

Tracking up the mountain to their familiar special spot while holding hands.

They came to a stop at four bumps that had crosses standing upright in the middle of them.

An older now mature-looking Avarice that had long curls, glanced at his parents and little brother's grave with a sad expression. Maivilin next to him grabbed his sleeve to get his attention, a habit that hadn’t gone away.

Avarice turned to look at Maivilin. His heart was broken when his family died but having her by his side was the only thing that kept him going.


“We’re getting married so addressing me as your Sulee isn’t correct.”

He went to lift up her lowered head.

But she suddenly took a step back from him.

He was taken aback by this.


A bolt of lightning struck in the sky and Avarice looked up to see darkening clouds. He assumed that it was about to rain.


Hearing his name being called Avarice looked down at Maivilin but saw tears running down her cheeks.

“Wh-what is it? Why are you crying all of a sudden?”

He moved towards her, but Maivilin took a step back again.

Avarice didn’t understand what was going on and his heart drop a little.

“Do you remember when you said you saw images in your dreams?”

Avarice, despite not understanding why she was asking him that, nodded and said.


“Do you still have them?”

Avarice was silent for a moment before he responded.

“Not anymore. I can hardly remember what they were.”

“Your lying, we slept in the same room so I can tell when you have them, even if you try to hide it.”

Avarice frowned and said.

“You told me not to bring it up so I didn’t.”

Maivilin bit her lip.

After a moment she said.

“The truth is, I was having strange dreams as well. I dream that I was someone else, but it’s always jumbled and blurry so I can’t make them out clearly, only a beautiful plum blossom.”

Avarice was surprised by her words, but he thought about something before he asked.

“How long did you have these dreams for?”

“Ever since the day I met you, I've been having them. I’m sorry.”

Avarice released a smile and said.

“Is that why you're acting so strange? Because you’ve been hiding that from me? It’s okay I don’t care if you were.”

Maivilin shook her head and her voice became emotional as she said.

“No, that’s not it. I-I’m-”

“Time is up, and I have no more time to waste.”

A melodious voice echoed out in the surroundings before a huge multicolored plum blossom appeared in the sky.

Its petals were of the colors Red, Black, Azure, Golden, Violet, and Lastly Pink.

However, the Pink color was significantly dim than the others.

Avarice looked up shocked at the sudden appearance of this object in the sky, but his face blenched when he saw Maivilin being pulled into the air towards it. A Pink petal was seen appearing on her forehead.


He leaped forward to grab her hand but he barely brush past her fingers as she was pulled up further.


Another lightning flashed across the sky, before rain slowly started to fall.

Avarice's body was quickly soaked and he watch through the rain as Maivilin was being whisked away.

He didn’t understand what was going on, he was confused. But one thing he knew was that Maivilin was being taken away from him.

“Maivilin what’s happening? Just why...”




Avarice yell to the sky before he fell to his knees, and through the rain, he saw Maivilin mouthing the words.

‘I’m sorry.’

Overwhelmed Avarice screamed.


A scene so familiar replied itself once again.

Distraught, heartbroken.

The sheer suffering he’s been put through emotionally was enough to break a person mentally.

‘She was never yours to keep. We made an agreement that she would stay with you for five more years, now that time is up she choose to come with me.’

The voice similar to the figure he saw back then looking at him, no, looking at Maivilin, spoke into his mind.

Between his sobs, he mumbled, “Sh-she choose to leave?

The shock of this news caused Avarice to feel something in his mind snap.

He felt life was unfair, why did he have to suffer through so much pain and anguish? He had done nothing wrong to deserve such a fate.

The heavens are cruel and heartless, it had no qualms about letting the mortal people suffer through torment until the day they died. It only selects a few on a whim that would go on to become Gods before enslaving them to cause endless suffering on mortals.

They were puppets that blindly did their bidding to gain a corrupt form of power.

They caused his Village destruction, and now they took away the only person that could make him feel like this place wasn't hell.

He had nothing left now, absolutely nothing.

This made him angry.

It made him so furious beyond anything he had ever felt before.

From the depths of his very being, something that had laid dormant from Heaven’s eyes rose to the surface.


As Maivilin entered the plum blossom in the sky, its Pink color began to shine and the void began to tremble as the Heavens welcoming a new Heir.

It was about to leave, however, the presence within it felt like something coming from Avarice.

Avarice's eyes stared upwards, it was no longer filled with anger and hatred, but instead greed.

A Greedy Will that was so insatiable that it felt as if given the chance, it could swallow up the Heavens themselves.

The presence in the sky saw an orange plum blossom petal appear on his forehead and it felt fear.

Suddenly, the plum blossom in the sky began to shine a dazzling multicolored light.

Avarice's eyes remained fixed on the plum blossom, and he saw a woman slowly descend from it.

Her feature resembled Maivilin’s but she was a beauty that could cause any man or woman to get entrance.

“Who are you?”

“This Will is something no God let alone a mortal should be able to possess. The Heavens forbids its presence from existing with the 13th Empyrean Rule.”

“This… is quite interesting.”

The woman’s eyes that once showed fear and confusion, suddenly sparkled with curiosity before she motioned to Avarice.

A plum blossom similar to the one in the sky appeared on his forehead.

The orange petal that had formed on his forehead seemed to be suppressed by the others as the Will of Greed slowly stopped manifesting.

“The first thing I do after gaining control of Heaven’s Mandate is casting a curse to seal your emotions. Be honored mortal youth. If you want answers, use that greed of yours to search for it in my Six Carnal Sins Temple's God Archive where you would work as a slave.”

‘To unlock a Carnal Sin that the Heaven's prevented even me from comprehending. I want to see what interesting things become of you.’’

The woman and the plum blossom then disappeared leaving a blank-faced Avarice in the mud.

He then stood up and started walking towards the Six Carnal Sin’s God Temple like a puppet. His eyes and heart were completely void of any emotions.

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