The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 185 183- To Those Existence Flying High In The Sky, To Him Crawling On The Ground


Avarice was about to speak but Mavilin suddenly pushed him back to fall into the Lake behind him, however, he quickly held her hand before she could pull away.

Maivilin’s eyes widen as she let out a yelp of surprise when both she and Avarice fell into the lake.

“My clothes! Avarice why did you pull me along with you?!!”

Maivilin was splashing the water towards him but he only laugh out loud.

“That’s what you get for trying to push me into the lake.”

He swiped his hand into the water and a wave formed that splashed into Maivilin’s face.

The two played in the water like this for some time before they decided to get out and hung their clothes to dry.

They were sitting back to back on a stone next to the lake in their underwear.

Silence fell between them for some time before Maivilin asked.

“Sulee, what are you thinking about.”


“Well, I’m thinking about how I might die for some Goddess I don’t like.”

Maivilin was taken aback by that answer, but then her expression turned serious as she said.

“Sulee, you can’t talk about our Goddess like that, she’s the one who chose to allow us to live in her territory. In exchange we-”

“Get conscripted into a war that has nothing to do with us just to be killed so she can become a slave to some higher existence in the sky. What kind of life is that? Is that truly living if we can’t even live how we want to?”

Avarice said a bit angrily.

This wasn’t the first time they had this conversation.

It always started off with them talking about their current life but ended with Avarice getting heated and speaking about stuff she didn’t understand.

“Sulee, this is our life, we can’t change that even if we want to. It’s just the world we live in.”

“But it doesn’t have to be that way! In my dreams, I saw another world where everywhere wasn’t filled with death. The heavens didn't interfere with man, and neither did it gave them the power to wage wars! Well, maybe there were two, but for the most part, it was peaceful!”

“There were these strange things called cars, and the buildings I saw in that world were even grand like the God Temples! The sky was clear blue instead of this ugly-looking red I can’t stand staring at!”

Avarice shot a glare towards the blood-red sky.

“That’s how the sky always looks, why are you complaining about it now?”

Avarice frown upon hearing Maivilin’s words before saying.

“It’s just that you haven’t seen it as I have. In my dreams, I’m transported to that place that was everything I wanted, but after waking up I came back to this hell-like place!”

Maivilin's knees were drawn up to her chest and her hands tighten around her forearm when she heard Avarice’s words.

“If you think this place is hell, then you should just stay asleep and don’t wake up!”

Mavilin then quickly stood up.

Avarice lost his support because of this and fell back.

“Hey, that just sounds like you meant I should die!”

He got up and turned around to look at Maivilin but saw her hurrying to put on her clothes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Avarice quickly got up and went up to her.

“Wait, wait, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Maivilin shifted her shoulder from his hand and continued to put on her clothes.

Seeing this, regret for what he said rose up in his heart.

“Look, when comparing what I see in my dreams to this place, I have no other choice but to describe it as hell. But my mother, my father, little Ajin, and you are the ones that make this hellish life bearable.”

Maivilin didn’t stop him from hugging her this time and she cried softly in his chest. Avarice could feel her tears on his bare skin.

“I didn’t mean to make you upset Maivilin.”

“If you didn’t then stop talking about that place in your dreams. It’s just dreams and it isn’t real.”

She looked up at him and said.

“Your family and I are the real ones.”

Avarice nodded his head, meaning he would stop talking about his dreams.

They leaned forward and kissed, but suddenly, a loud bang went off in the sky.


Avarice quickly looked up in the sky to see a gigantic spatial crack appearing above them. A bloodied huge man in some kind of broken golden armor rushed out of it.

His voice boomed for miles even causing both he and Maivilin to think they were going to go deaf.

“Do you think escaping to the Six Carnal Sins Domain would save you?”

A voice came from inside the space crack before a blinding golden spear that caused the sky and earth to tremble shot out towards the huge man.


The huge man that just rushed out of the spatial crack cried out as the mighty spear pierced between his eyebrows resulting in his head exploding into a gruesome sight.

The power of the spear was so great that it had even disintegrated the huge man’s body.

The spear immediately turned around to enter back into the spatial crack, but some mystical force between heaven and earth latched onto it.

A figure in a multicolored light made up of Red, Black, Azure, Golden, and Violet colors appeared next to the huge spear.

Seeing this figure appearing, the voice in the spatial crack sounded cautious as he said.

“Carnal Sins Goddess, my Light God Temple extends its apologizes for disturbing your domain.”

The figure in the multicolored light said nothing and only lifted what resemble a hand to touch the massive golden spear.

The color red around her body became prominent before it encapsulated the entire spear in an instant.

“NO! I am an Higher Apostle of the Light God Temple! I was only going after that intruder!”

As if what the figure in the multicolored light did was the most frightening thing he had ever seen he began to scream frantically.

A melodious voice that sounded like a woman then echoed from the figure.

“Even those six on the Ancient Gods Council wouldn’t dare intrude on my territory, but a mere Highier Apostle from the lowly Light God Temple does? And you not only intrude but you even interrupted my plans that I have spent millenniums planning. You as well as your Light God Temple should suffer the consequences.”


A miserable scream came from inside the spatial crack as the spear disintegrated before forming a red thread that stretched into the spatial crack.

With a casual wave of the figure’s hand, the spatial crack then closed with several more screams echoing out in the background.

Avarice watched all of this with a heavy heart while holding onto Maivilin, who was trembling in fear.

In the sky, Avarice saw the figure in the multicolored light disappear, but not before turning to look in his direction?

He didn’t know, he was on the ground so he must have seen it wrong.

"Maivilin let's head back."

A trembling Maivilin said.

“Wa-was that our Goddess?”


Avarice simply responded as he quickly drew on his clothes.

“I heard her s-”

Before Maivilin could finish her sentence, Avarice grabbed her by the hand and pulled her while saying frantically.

“We have to go check on the Village.”

His heart was racing fast as he could feel that something wasn’t right. This knot in his stomach was making him feel sick.

And he was right to feel as such.

Avarice dropped to his knees in front of his burning Village.

No, he couldn’t even see any buildings in sight, it was just a wasteland that was on fire.

The attack from those gods before had created a shock wave that instantly destroyed his small mortal Village.

To those existences flying high in the sky, the attack was nothing, but to him crawling on the ground, it had killed everyone he had ever known and loved.

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