The First Evolution

Chapter 327: Evacuate

Chapter 327: Evacuate

Lanket said in shock,

“Where are we going?”

Fang Linyan sighed and said,

“The people who come in now are most likely people from the other 2 companies. When I came here, I received authorization from above. They would rather kill you than make sure you can’t leave alive. Damot, am I right?”

After Kaur’s death, Damot had taken his place, but now there were only 5 armed guards plus Fang Linyan and Goat. 1 of them was even injured, so Damot didn’t actually have any real power.

Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, Damot pulled the bolt of the gun and nodded silently.

Lanket and the remaining 6 researchers were also stunned. After a while, they said awkwardly,

“So, so? Are you going to do it now?”

Fang Linyan said,

“There are 2 options for you now. The first is to follow us into the ruins. There may be a way out or a way to survive this crisis. The second is to kill you now.”

Damot suddenly said,

“Is it certain that someone came in?”

Fang Linyan said,

“I can’t tell you how I know about this, but I can guarantee that the news must be true. There is a high probability that the people who came are of the Gumball Company. Their strength is very strong.”

Damot said,

“Maybe we can catch them off guard? After all, if we ambush well, then we can securely take the lead.”

Fang Linyan said,

“If our Purger is still there, then it is feasible, but we have limited manpower now. We cannot take risks.”

Lanket suddenly said,

“I have used a computer before. Although it is relatively old-fashioned, it can access the local monitoring system. We can barely connect to the camera at the elevator entrance. If the camera there is still working, we can know the general situation of the other party.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Okay, you go access right away. They will be down soon. Damot!”

Damot said,


Fang Linyan said,

“Remember the electric forklifts we saw in the hall before? You bring people to drive 3 of them and destroy the rest.”

“The rest of the people follow me and plant bombs in the 2 laboratories we found. If the people who come here are from the Gumball Company, they must attach great importance to these materials. Maybe we can negotiate a way out with bombs.”

Hearing that Fang Linyan had clearly arranged the tasks, the rest of the people went to execute.

Only 2 minutes later, good news came from Lanket. His side had successfully accessed the monitoring system. 2 of the 6 cameras at the elevator entrance were still working, so they could see who were coming down.

However, the bad news came back soon after! Gunshots came from the direction Damot went. After Fang Linyan and Goat hurried over, they found Damot and 2 other researchers lying in a pool of blood. Another guy named Hoss was missing.

Damot told Fang Linyan with his last breath that Hoth was a traitor. After he shot his back, he ran away. After that, Damot died.

To be honest, Fang Linyan was also puzzled by the fact that the rest of the companies were able to quickly grasp the whereabouts of the Duckland Company’s expedition team. He also considered the issue of traitors, but he did not expect it to become a problem at this juncture. This undoubtedly made the current situation even worse.

After Fang Linyan and Goat came to the hall where the electric forklifts were parked, they found that Hoss had also fallen on the ground there.

He was also wounded in the abdomen by Damot’s counterattack before his death. Because of his panic and blind running, he directly caused his internal organs to hemorrhage. He was dying with a pale face now.

After seeing Fang Linyan and the 2 of them chasing after him, Hoss showed despair in his eyes. He laughed miserably. Knowing the cruel way Duckland Company dealt with the traitors, he roared loudly, pointed the gun at his mouth and killed himself.

From the front, Hoss seemed to be intact without any fatal injuries, but a fist-sized wound was blown away at the back of his head. The brain juice flew all over the ground. It looked particularly tragic.

Needless to say, Hoss chose to defect at this time, so he must have carried enough valuable information with him. Otherwise, a traitor who couldn’t reflect his value wouldn’t live well even if he escaped successfully.

Goat searched Hoth carefully and found a thumbnail-sized USB flash drive on him. Not only that, he also got a very old-looking construction blueprint on the sole of his shoe.

Hoss probably didn’t report it after searching alone. He thought it was very valuable, so he took it with him.

Fang Linyan took a quick look at the construction blueprint, then he and Goat destroyed the rest of the forklifts, set up 2 booby traps, and drove 2 forklifts back to the laboratory.

Lanket, who was sitting in front of the monitor, looked anxious. When he saw Fang Linyan and Goat come back, he said anxiously as if he had found the support,

“You are finally back! 2 of the surveillance cameras in front of the elevator entrance are working. Now the first group of people has come down and is holding the spot. They are people of the Gumball Company!”

Fang Linyan nodded and said,

“Understood, let’s get on the electric forklifts and get out first.”

Lanket said,

“Where are we going?”

Fang Linyan said:

“I found a construction blueprint from Hoss. It has a map of the underground core area. Let’s go to the north passage first. There should be a power supply station for the entire underground core base. A small nuclear power plant is working. “

“This power plant should be copied directly from the nuclear-powered submarine, then the energy system is improved. Cut off the power supply first. As long as it is dark down here, it will be very difficult for them to find us.”

Lanket nodded and said,


After the internal strife, the number of the entire team had dropped sharply to only 6 people. 2 electric forklifts were enough to carry them.

They drove about 2 kilometers underground along a passage, then they an explosion sound from behind. Lanket’s eyes twitched. Fang Linyan said flatly,

“Our booby traps in the electric forklifts should have been detonated. Are you guys done at the laboratory?”

Another researcher Mesh said,

“It’s done. It’s a time bomb. It will detonate in about 10 minutes. After the detonation, there will be a big fire. The people of Gumball Company saw the layout in the laboratory and knew that the things inside are extremely important to them, so they will definitely stay to put out the fire.”

“Good!” Fang Linyan said.

After continuing on for about a kilometer, the space in front suddenly became larger. It could be seen that this place was no longer man-made, but an empty space in the middle of the mountain. The distance to the top of the cave was at least 40 meters.

After continuing to drive for another 2 kilometers, an iron fence appeared in front. However, the panic in the underground base at that time should also have affected here. The gate was half-closed. There was a half-faded atomic energy logo on it.

After Fang Linyan and his team entered, they closed the door. Then, they found Geiger measuring instruments, protective clothing, and other commonly used equipment in the lounge beside.

After testing with a Geiger measuring instrument, they found that the facilities here were still quite complete. The radiation index remained within the normal range. It could be seen that the nuclear reactor here was running well. It should be considered that there might be insufficient manpower when it was built, so there was a need of running on its own for a long time.

After some searching, they found the control room of the power station. After brushing off the thick dust on the dashboard, Lanket easily found the handle that controlled the power supply and turned it off.

But this was only the first process. When building an underground base, the principle is to ensure that the entire underground core area would not be powered off, so 3 power supply lines were set up.

Now they only cut off the main power supply line. There were 2 backup power supply lines that needed to be cut off manually. It was time-consuming because they had to look for blueprint and data to cut off the 2 power supply lines.

Needless to say, this kind of technical work must be handed over to several researchers. As the surviving armed men, Fang Linyan and Goat would not be idle here.

After some discussion, they decided to leave here to try to set up some traps, booby traps and the like. It would slow down the Gumball Company people as much as possible.

Probably because once the nuclear power plant had a problem, it would endanger the entire underground experiment base, so it was made extra solid. There were 3 entrances and exits.

Lanket said that after Fang Linyan and the others left, they would close the gate from the inside. This was a security measure taken to prevent nuclear leaks, so even if people from the Gumball Company came, they would probably not be able to open the gate in a short time.


Not long after the 2 left the nuclear power plant, they heard another explosion in the distance. It should be that the time bomb on the laboratory side was detonated, turning the place into a sea of ​​flames. Presumably, the people of Gumball Company were also in a hurry at this time.

At this time, Fang Linyan opened the construction blueprint and began to study it carefully. He discovered an amazing thing after looking closely.

It turned out that in the northeast direction of the underground core area, a large shadow area was marked on the blueprint. At first, he thought it was an undeveloped area, but now it seemed that there was actually something similar to a shipyard around the shadow. There could be a huge underground lake below.

TL: A lake? Could it be the source of catastrophe?

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