The First Evolution

Chapter 299: Shameless Deal

Chapter 299: Shameless Deal

After Fang Linyan sent this message, it didn’t take long to find out through [Drone] that someone broke into the house… the residences on the opposite.

Okay, why the residences on the opposite side?

Because Fang Linyan had made a reserve when reporting the coordinates. There was a saying that better safe than sorry. At this time, it seemed that it was really necessary.

And the guys who broke into the house on the opposite side even threw a smoke grenade and flash grenade before rushing in. The ill intention was very obvious.

As expected by Fang Linyan, it wasn’t anyone else who came first, but the 2 guys from Codan Team, but their faces should be very cute after seeing nobody there.

After about 5 minutes, 2 more all-terrain vehicles drove over. Delto got out of the vehicle, followed by his men, but they soon found that there was no one there. There also seemed to be traces of fighting here.

Delto’s face was ashen. He must have been furious.

At this time, Fang Linyan did not show up on purpose, because how disappointed Delto was at this time, how surprised he would be later. This was the standard method of playing cat and mouse.

For example, when you go to see a netizen, you first see a face that is alluring, but in the end you find out that she is older than you. This must be very depressing. The more you love, the more you hate…

But if it was the other way round, you see that she is older than you, and you must be frustrated and disappointed.

But when meeting in person, you found that she was a soft and cute girl with fair skin and beautiful appearance. She is good in piano, chess, books, and flute. Will you suddenly feel that the God still treats you well? The door to the new world is slowly opening?

At this time, Fang Linyan cleverly used this kind of psychology. It was not until Delto got back into the vehicle that he pressed the button of the intercom and said in a hoarse and hesitant voice,

“Boss? Is that you?”

Delto’s eyes suddenly lit up. He grabbed the intercom as if a drowning man grabbing the last straw, and said anxiously,

“Wynch, is that you?”

Fang Linyan deliberately remained silent for about 10 seconds before saying,

“It’s me. I just reported a fake location on purpose, and I was attacked as expected. If I didn’t see boss, I wouldn’t dare to show up.”

Delto said urgently,

“I’m here, I’m right where you said.”

Fang Linyan said,

“I saw you.”

After saying that, he stood up slowly and waved to Delto on the street on the second floor.

Delto took the lead and rushed over to Fang Linyan’s side. He said eagerly as soon as they met,

“You really rescued…”

Before he finished his question, Fang Linyan had already pointed to the man curled up in the corner.

Delto rushed up immediately, turned the man over and compared it with the photo. He let out a long breath and shouted.

“Dorrance! Dorrance!!”

Dorrance was a medical staff brought by Delto. He was a retired Marine Corps medical soldier. He had also worked in the hospital for 8 years and had extensive clinical experience.

He checked Siwell hastily, then he said,

“He was tortured during the interrogation, then he was knocked unconscious, but there is no big problem. As for the reason why he hasn’t woken up yet… he should be drunk.”

Fang Linyan said,

“He woke up once before and was screaming, so I gave him vodka. The guy drank half the bottle in one go.”

Using alcohol to paralyze nerves to relieve pain was the most common thing. As long as Siwell was not in serious trouble, Delto was very satisfied. At this time, he had a sense of relief. He patted Fang Linyan on the shoulder and said,

“Well done!”

Fang Linyan received another prompt immediately,

“You have overperformed the mission that Delto assigned to you. Delto’s trust in you increased.”

“Your evaluation in this mission has improved.”

Seeing this prompt, Fang Linyan smiled.

Then, he said to Delto listlessly,

“Boss, since the mission of finding Siwell has been completed, can you help me arrange the return plane.”

After listening to Fang Linyan’s words, Delto suddenly said,

“Return? Why are you returning now! I’m short of manpower!”

In Delto’s heart, he was already the right hand man under his command. Of course, he wouldn’t let him go.

Fang Linyan said with an ugly expression,

“If I don’t leave, I’m afraid I will die at the hands of own people.”

This sentence was said very loudly, and the content was shocking enough. It immediately attracted the onlookers. Fang Linyan indeed wanted to make a big fuss out of it, so he said loudly and angrily,

“I used a one-time encrypted signal device to send the information here to the boss. It stands to reason that only Boss can know the content. However, what waiting for me was an insidious assault!”

“If I didn’t make a reserve when sending the message, I would long be a dead corpse! The credit of rescuing the hostage will probably belong to someone else!”

When Fang Linyan said this, he was staring at the 2 people in the Codan Team: Bobek and Lato!

The rest of the people didn’t know that there was such a thing, and they all felt that it was really outrageous. Delto looked over with a gloomy face.

Codan really wanted to smash Fang Linyan into pieces a hundred times in his mind, but he could only force a smile and said,

“This should be a misunderstanding. They are also eager to save people, so they didn’t think properly!”

Fang Linyan sneered,


“Only the boss can know the encrypted information, why would they know! Is this a misunderstanding?”

“Besides, these 2 bastards threw a flash grenade and a smoke grenade into the house before they entered the house. Did your instructor teach you to save people like this?”

Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, the rest of the people first let out a series of laughter, then they looked at Codan’s group with contempt in their eyes. There was a commotion instantly.

No one was an idiot. Everyone could see that Codan and his men obviously tried to steal the credit. Not only that, but they also obtained the encrypted information received by Delto. These were 2 big taboos!!

Delto looked at his subordinates who were in a commotion, then he spoke to Codan with a gloomy face,

“You don’t need to say more. First, you guys will explore the path ahead. Second, if you don’t perform well in the following action. Your results will be counted as unqualified.”

As soon as Delto’s words came out, Fang Linyan immediately saw the faces of Codan and several people changed greatly. A sense of happiness surged from his heart.

Obviously, Delto’s praise could make the evaluation of the mission higher, so his reprimand could also make the evaluation lower!

At this time, another all-terrain vehicle approached in the distance, but Ishida, who jumped out of the car, didn’t look great. He was badly injured. He even had a long face.

When Delto asked, he realized that when they dispatched all forces, a group of unfamiliar enemies attacked the empty temporary base!

Ishida who stayed behind managed to escape, but some of the personnel and materials left behind were seized by the enemies.

For this matter, everyone was a little puzzled. They didn’t know how the enemies got the intel.

But only Fang Linyan knew that it was none other than Goat who attacked the signal control room.

When they first entered the world, Goat’s mission was related to the Fincher Company, 1 of the 3 giants. Of course, his specialty was to deal with plot characters, so it was not surprising that he had a connection with them.

Goat must be acting solo at this point, but did it matter?

After receiving the information from Fang Linyan, Goat immediately contacted the people of the Fincher Company again and told them that they had discovered some secrets of the Duckland Company.

At this time, the Duckland Company successfully sealed the airspace in the nearby area by relying on the first mover advantage, so that the rest of the competitors could not come to Sandor, the small town, through aircraft. They could only drive from hundreds of kilometers away.

Fincher Company was worried that their own people would not be able to arrive in time. and Goat’s refuge was what they wanted immediately, so they hit it off.

When Goat provided them with enough evidence and photos, the Fincher Company made a decisive decision and handed over a force of mercenaries they had reserved in Sandor to him – This resource was originally prepared for another team that was still rushing here.

After Fang Linyan contacted Delto and asked him to pick him up, he told Goat that in 10 minutes, the temporary stronghold of the Duckland Company would be empty…

Undoubtedly, Goat’s raid this time was a great victory. He immediately made the top management of Fincher Company look at him differently and regarded him as an important target. Goat’s authority naturally increased.

In this way, Goat would naturally be able to obtain more important intel for Fang Linyan.

In this shameless deal, the winners were undoubtedly Goat and Fang Linyan, and the losers… hehe, were of course the rest of the contractor team.

The fact that the temporary stronghold was attacked undoubtedly made Delto smell an ominous premonition.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he found that the loss of the temporary stronghold was not huge. It was just a few auxiliary personnel and some supplies, and the intel wasn’t important either, so it was still within the acceptable range.

Now he got the guide, and his subordinates had already obtained 3 all-terrain vehicles and a truck. After dawn, the armed organization Scimitar would investigate the incident in the Bloody Dice Casino, so it was better to set off overnight.

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