The First Evolution

Chapter 300: Enemy Attack

Chapter 300: Enemy Attack

Thinking of this, Delto felt that this was quite feasible, and he discussed with his confidants, Ishida and Tana. After hesitating slightly, he asked Fang Linyan to join.

There was no doubt that Delto’s action was regarding Fang Linyan as a confidant, so he was selected to enter the decision-making level. This undoubtedly made several people on the Codan Team even more angry.

15 minutes later, they hastily replenished the supplies and set off overnight.

According to Siwell who woke up, they had to go to the north first. After driving for 40km, they would come to an abandoned mining area, which was inaccessible. They could establish a new temporary camp here.

It was worth mentioning that Fang Linyan noticed that there were more than 10 expressionless, puppet-like people in the team. These should be the experimental subjects sent by the Duckland Company. They would be turned into biochemical weapons when necessary!

Because the Small Town Sandor was actually on the edge of a mountain basin, there were 50 to 60 square kilometers of wasteland nearby, and the wind is strong, so the traces of the vehicles were easily erased by the strong wind. As long as no one was following behind closely, they were hard to be tracked.

About half an hour after departure, Fang Linyan found an opportunity to hand over Lungie Hale’s diary to Delto, saying that he got it from the casino owner Madison when saving people.

Delto didn’t care about this. He just took pictures and uploaded them to the headquarters. At the same time, he remembered something, and said to Fang Linyan kindly,

“Wynch, did you find a warehouse last night and uploaded the photos?”

Fang Linyan had almost forgotten about it at this time. He should be talking about the goods in the building next to Bloody Dice Casino.

At that time, Fang Linyan was in a hurry to enter the casino, so he thought that the goods were likely to be rare ores, which should be valuable, so he took the pictures and uploaded them.

In fact, as far as his original intention was concerned, he was just doing it along the way. He didn’t expect this to attract Delto’s attention. This indicated that his intuition was good. He nodded and said,

“Yes, I was just passing by at the time. I saw that it was heavily guarded, so I took pictures. Why? Did the superior level say anything on it?”

Delto said,

“Now a special task force has been dispatched from the headquarters, specifically for this matter. They want to get relevant samples. If there are actual samples, then the credit for your work can be determined.”

Fang Linyan heard a move in his heart, quietly reached into his pocket, and squeezed the finger-sized sample he had obtained earlier into 2 pieces, then he smiled,

“What a coincidence. I took out a sample at the time, but it’s only the size of an orange. Is that okay?”

Delto immediately said with joy after hearing this:

“You have a sample? Why didn’t you say it earlier? Stop the vehicle, stop it.”

After the vehicle stopped, Delto reported the incident with the satellite phone. After receiving the instructions, he took out a drone from the box beside, put the ore sample in it and let it fly away.

The flight radius of this Duckland Company’s drone could reach about 150km, and it also had a solar charging panel, so the cruising range could exceed 300km in a sunny day.

After it was released, it had been monitored all the way by a specialist. It only needed to send the ore sample to a designated point outside the no-fly zone more than 100km away, then the people of the Duckland Company would collect it.

Fang Linyan got out of the vehicle and pretended to go to the side to pee. In fact, he had already hidden the remaining half of the ore sample, then he contacted Goat to collect it if there was a chance. That way he could get benefit from the Fincher Company too.


When it was almost dawn, the team arrived at the abandoned mining area. It could be seen that the house built here for the miners was dilapidated.

Only from those winds that swept through the valleys and ravines could one see the traces of the lively back then from the desolation of this large area.

Under the guidance of Siwell, they parked the vehicles here and camouflaged them, then they went to a spring in a nearby valley to supply water and began hiking.

This was a typical desert plateau terrain. Although the strong wind from last night had stopped, the climate was still very bad. The wind was also above level 5. There was still a lot of sand and dust in the wind. The entire sky was gray as if it was a world of sand and dust.

After walking for about 4 hours, the expedition led by Delto climbed to the top of a hill. The place was desolate with sand and dust all over the sky. The wind whistles were like ghost howls.

The only thing that was alive was a plant called Spenceria ramalana, which grew behind the rock. This was a kind of plant similar to cactus and agave with bulbous stems and 23 fat leaves.

When the weather was bad, these two leaves would wrap the bulbous stem and protect it firmly. Once the humidity in the air increases, the leaves would stretch out, and the bulbous stem would absorb any nutrition on it.

After identifying the direction, Siwell pointed to a nearby valley and said,

“Go this way.”

After entering this valley, the wind here dropped to about level 3. Tana found Delto at this time and suggested to take a break in the canyon.

His reasons were actually very good. Last night, only a few people successfully rested for a while. The rest of the people were all in action when they got off the plane. Now they even hiked for 4 hours with heavy loads. They were all exhausted.

Delto hesitated for a moment, and he finally nodded. After all, he knew very well that having a good rest might make the operation smoother.

They hastily set up tents and began to eat and rest. Some people even did not even set up tents. They found a place to shelter from the wind and wrapped themselves in sleeping bags. Immediately, they snored like thunder.

The unfortunate Codan Team still couldn’t rest at this time. Delto let them be lookouts and do the chores. They were very exhausted. Naturally, there were complaints in the team channel. If they had the ability to realize their words, then all the women in Delto and Fang Linyan’s family would have gone through a lot of calamities…

Of course, Fang Linyan went directly to the tent and fell asleep. After resting for about 3 hours, he was directly called up. He couldn’t help but have some complaints in his heart, but he saw Delto’s face was dark as black hole. His right hand was holding a pistol, looking rather annoyed.

Of course, he wouldn’t volunteer to be pointed by the pistol.

He quickly learned the reason why Delto was upset, because the country that sealed the airspace fucked up. Originally, it promised to seal it for 24 hours, which meant that it could be sealed until 8pm. However, the latest reply given now was that it could only last until 4pm.

Probably because of the benefits/stress from the outside world.

The advantage that was originally planned was suddenly lost a lot, so how could Delto not be upset? He hurriedly woke up everyone to hurry on.

After walking through the valley for about 2 hours, Ishida suddenly said,

“Something is wrong. The instruments on my side are out of condition, sometimes good and sometimes bad.”

Guide Siwell said,

“The place you are coming to is known as the place where the devil is imprisoned in our legends. Electronic components will often malfunction, but they will return to normal after a while.”

“Even this kind of interference can affect aircraft at an altitude of 10,000 meters. If it is a helicopter, it will be interfered more frequently and it is very easy to crash. If this phenomenon occurs, it means that we are almost there.”

Siwell’s words immediately shocked everyone. They immediately rushed forward. Before darkm they climbed to the top of a hill. Siwell stood on the top of the peak and gasped, saying with emotion,

“It’s been 3 years after I left this place.”

“The place you’re looking for is right there.”

Fang Linyan looked in the direction of Siwell’s fingers, and he saw that there were several valleys crisscrossed there. The wind occasionally rolled up a cloud of dust, and a dry river stretched through. He couldn’t see anything green except for some gray shrubs that grew close to the ground.

Delto asked,

“Where? More specific?”

Siwell said,


However, just after he said 1 word, his head exploded in an instant!

At this time, Fang Linyan rushed up, pushed Delto to the ground, and then shouted wildly,

“Enemy attack… What are you idiots doing, Codan! There is sniper at 9 o’clock!!”

Fang Linyan not only judged that there was a sniper at 9 o’clock.

He even determined that this sniper was a contractor in all likelihood!

The sniper rifle could make a decapitation effect on the headshot. With such a power, the technology probably surpassed at least 2 eras of this world.

Judging from the situation, the lookouts of Codan Team were hard to guard against……

But that didn’t stop Fang Linyan from shitting them.

Anyway, in the end, someone had to take responsibility for this matter. If it wasn’t the lookouts, then should Fang Linyan be blamed??

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