The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 324: "What's with the formalities , Xinghe ?"

Chapter 324: "What's with the formalities , Xinghe ?"

Next morning , 9:00 a.m. :

Rong Xinghe woke up with the rays of the sun hitting her eyes and almost instantly , turned to look at her phone placed on the side table. The man was still working , a cup of coffee and a dish of scone placed in front of him. 

"Good morning...", the girl whispered with a frown ,"Did you stay awake all night ?"

"Of course not. I took a nap of three hours. Took a shower after that. Made coffee and cookies then.", the man explained with a smile ,"And good morning , Wifey."

"Well. Impressive , I must say.", the girl giggled ,"And you didn't disconnected the call because..."

"Because my girlfriend looks super hot when she's asleep. Is it a crime to just look at her , my lord ?!", the man imitated a lawyer ; one of those frustated by the judiciary.

"Right.", Rong Xinghe could feel the heat growing in her cheeks ,"But I need to go shower now."

"So take the phone to the washroom , Honey.", Xi Yuan winked , a smirk spreading across his lips.

"Shameless ! What's gotten into you so early in the morning ?!", the girl glared at the man ,"I am hanging up. Got to meet your Mom and Dad. Bye !"

Xi Yuan squinted his eyes at the girl ,"Bye ? Just like that ?" He was enjoying how her ears and lips were turning red. She was totally blushing. He could do this all day. Messing with her like this. For hours.

"I love you.", the girl gritted her teeth and stared back at the man.

"So much sincerity can kill me someday , woman.", laughed Xi Yuan ,"I love you too. And don't let them look down on you. My girl is as mighty and fiesty as a lioness. Remember that. Alright ?" 

"Got it.", the girl smiled.

As the call got disconnected , Xi Yuan picked his cup of coffee and turned around to look at Xi Fang , already standing at the door ,"You sure you took the shower ?"

"Are you kidding ? I am all messed up.", Xi Yuan laughed ,"Could you tell the butler to arrange a bath for me ? I haven't even selected my clothes yet."

"Then why did you lie to Sister-in-law ?", Xi Fang was confused.

"You have no idea how much I worry her. If I was to tell her that I slept here , on a chair , all night and that I didn't even had a bite since last night , it would've stressed her out like nothing. She would've been more worried about me than herself. And that's the last thing I want for her. Not now that she needs to focus on her own health more than anything else.", the man explained as he pinched the space between his brows.

"Not to mention , the six tigers would have killed me for troubling their sister. And suicide isn't exactly one of my plans right now , Fang."

"True.", Xi Fang nodded his head. Earlier , he couldn't understood as to why would his brother want a T-shirt in the middle of the night. But things seemed to be pretty clear now. 

It turned out , President Xi was just looking out for his wife. Damn ! This couple was going to be the death of him someday. Their PDA alone could stab him thrice , straight in the heart !


Lu Wei and Ningtao soon woke up to the sound of pop music and couldn't help but cover their heads with the pillows beside them. God ! The lady devil was up. But what was she upto this time ?

"Wei , please have a look. What if she needs something ? Its just eight in the morning.", Ningtao requested as she placed a soft kiss against her husband's forehead.

"She is going to get quite a lecture today !", glowered Lu Wei as he took in the sight of Ningtao's swollen eyes. How could she trouble his wife ?!

"Hey ! Don't you dare. I don't want you yelling at my baby Xinghe. Okay ?", Ningtao warned the man ,"This is her home too , you know ? She can do whatever she wants to do. All you are supposed to do is help her. Go and make yourself useful."

"How the hell am I stuck between you two ?!", the man groaned as he strode towards the bedroom door. 

"But you love us even so , don't you ?", the woman smirked.

"That I do.", mumbled Lu Wei as he closed the door.

The man then climbed down the stairs and followed the direction from which the sound of music was coming. 

"Seriously ? Cooking ?!", the man folded his arms as he leaned against the kitchen entrance , glaring at the girl chopping tomatoes ,"Exactly how many times have we had this discussion ?"

The girl was so taken aback by the man's sudden appearance , the knife almost slipped down her hand.

"What the... Wait ! Were the speakers too loud ? Did I-"

"Woke up your Sister-in-law ? Yeah. You kind of did.", Lu Wei mocked and snatched the knife away from the girl ,"Why the sudden motivation to cook , though ?"

"Just bored.", the girl shrugged and minimized the volume of the music ,"So came over here to grab a bite. But the refrigerator was empty. Couldn't wake you up as well. Then I thought why not prepare some noodles !"

"Firstly , what did you mean by 'couldn't wake you up' ?!", Lu Wei rebuked , trying his best to keep his voice low ,"Since when have you started acting all courteous and polite and ladylike in front of your brothers. What's with the formalities , Xinghe ? Let me get this straight , I am not liking this , young lady.

"And secondly , noodles ? Really ?! That's your idea for a healthy breakfast ? Unbelievable !"

"Sorry.", the girl whispered , looking down at the ground guiltily.

As he looked at his Kiddo sister's awful expression , Lu Wei shook his head and relented his rage the next second ,"Its alright , Xinghe. Come here." He said , as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rubbed her back lightly.

"Maybe I came off too strong a while ago. And I apologise for that. Its just that.. I want you to know that just because your brothers have family , doesn't and shouldn't change the beauty of our relationship. Of 'us'. 

"I want you to know that you can still cause trouble in the middle of the night , and we will be there to clean up the mess after you. I don't want you to forget that. Ever."

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