The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 323: Planned to prove all such notions wrong

Chapter 323: Planned to prove all such notions wrong

"So that was your first step of revenge. Presenting her with a blood-stricken head. That was damn savage , woman !", said Xi Yuan as he stared at the girl with an amazed expression ,"And you handled Sun Weng just fine too. He wouldn't cause trouble for you , I am sure of that. He hates that woman more than anyone else in this world. By the way , how did he react when you told him about us ?"

One hour had passed since the two had been talking to each other over the video call. Their conversation didn't seemed to come to an end today. It was just the usual. The girl was doing all the talking while Xi Yuan listened to her every word with utmost interest and attention. She told him everything that had happened ever since he had gone and he told her about the situation in Mexico. He said he was still trying to figure things out there.

When the girl slipped in about what the three shareholders had said about her to Lu Wei , Xi Yuan was extremely furious. He was displeased and felt that Lu Wei had gone too easy on them. The man believed that no one had the right to comment or judge her because of her past or the Rongs. And that no one had the right to disrespect , to insult his woman. The girl had just laughed at the man then. The way he claimed his stake upon her , it was too adorable. She loved how he had already declared that she was his. For this lifetime , at least.

"He wants to meet me over dinner. To know me better.", the girl answered.

"Oh. Don't meet him just yet. Not without me.", the man said after sometime.

"Why ?", the girl frowned.

"I know how charming he can be , Xinghe.", the man smiled meaningfully at the woman ,"And I know how appealing , how templting you can be , Baby."

"Is President Xi jealous ?", the girl raised her brows as a soft laugh left her lips.

"If that keeps you away from other men , definitely ! Very jealous.", the man replied back , no hint of shame in his tone. 

"I can't believe I have fallen for such a hopeless man.", smiled Rong Xinghe.

"Hmm. So why are you at your brother's place ?", Xi Yuan changed the subject as he stretched his free hand and opened the window of his hotel suite , letting in a wave of cool breeze.

"He was worried that I would have nightmares. About the train incident. About my childhood. I used to have a lot of them. The nightmares. After I got out of the coma ten years ago. He didn't wanted me to be alone if that was to happen again.", the girl said , her voice more of a whisper.

"So those nightmares. Are they... um , memories ?", asked Xi Yuan ,"Do they-"

"Remind me of my past ? Yeah. Mostly. Its like I am reliving those days. How they used to assault me. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. And how I used to be cautious of everything. Even the movement of a dry leaf ; the sound of footsteps.", the girl answered with a wry smile.

The man couldn't express his regret at that time. He felt miserable. For not being their by her side. For not being able to hug her. Kiss her. Coax her to sleep. He hated this. The distance separating them. More than anything. 

"You are my strong girl , aren't you ?", the man tried to cheer up the girl ,"Promise me you will try to fight it. Till the end. Alright ?"


"And Xinghe , if you ever want to talk to me , even if its just to hear my voice , call me right away. Regardless of the time or situation. I am not saying this just for the sake of it. Okay ? I mean it."

"I understand.", the girl nodded her head ,"Hey ! Umm... Is it okay if I visit your parents tomorrow ? Can you ask someone to check upon their schedule ?"

"Wow.", the man was taken aback for a moment ,"Are you sure you want to do this so soon ? You can take more time if you want , you know ?"

"I want to do this Yuan.", the girl stated with certainty ,"Don't make me contemplate things."

"As you wish , then. I will text you the details later.", smiled Xi Yuan ,"Take Ying and Wei with you. They won't let things get awkward. Hmm ?"


At this time , the door behind Xi Yuan opened up and Xi Fang walked into the room with two briefcases in both his hands. He glanced at the girl on the screen of his brother's phone and smiled at her before he placed the cases upon the table beside him. 

"So I will have to let you off then , right ?", Rong Xinghe sighed , dejectedly ,"I love you , Yuan. Good night."

The man felt his heart drop as he looked at the girl's dull expression. He couldn't possibly let her sleep like that. So before the girl could disconnect the call , the man spoke up ,"Keep the phone on the side table."

"Huh ?"

"You can watch me work while you drift off to sleep , Xinghe.", the man explained ,"And my heart will be at ease , knowing that you are safe and fine. With no nightmares. It will be like I am there. Its more convenient this way. Please ?"

The girl shook her head helplessly as she followed the man's orders and placed her phone beside the lamp on her side table , and lied down on the bed. As she looked at the man flipping the pages of the documents , concentrating upon the affairs at hand , her heart fluttered rapidly. This was a rare sight for her. In fact , this was the first time , that she'd seen him indulged in his work. And damn ! This Yuan was more alluring. More stunning. Gradually , the girl fell asleep with a smile plastered across her lips. 

Few hours later , Xi Yuan lifted his head up to look at the girl. Her body enveloped by the blanket , her hands clutching at end of it. He soft red lips curled up in a sweet little smile , which meant that she was dreaming. He was sure it was a dream. And not a nightmare. That relieved his heart , and his mind.

The man then folded his hands and rested his elbows against the table in front of him. He couldn't bring himself to disconnect the call. He was still unsure of what could happen if he was to let her out of his sight for even a minute. At least , with the phone still on , his voice could guide her out of it. Out of her fears. Out of those dark memories.

With that thought , the man leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes , falling asleep almost instantly. The day had been pretty tiring for him too , after all.

Who said long distance relationships comprised only of pain and longing ? And that love just faded with time in such relationships. Clearly , Xinguan planned to prove all such notions wrong. Their love and their chemistry had always been an exception. 

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