She's My Sleeping Pill



That night, Stefan sent Cayenne to her house and went back to the hotel to deal with some paper works that Chris brought for him.

"Have you worked on the additional secret guards that I need?" Stefan asked Chris while taking off his suit to give himself some breather.

"Yes. They'll be here tomorrow."

"Alright. I'll leave it to your care." Stefan responded and walked towards his desk to start working. "In the next few days, you can send everything to Ayen's house. I'll be staying with her in order to protect her. And please assign two guards to keep Jonas safe. I don't want my wife to be troubled with safety and precautions."

"Noted." Chris stuffed his tablet on his briefcase and closed it. "Do you need anything else before I leave?"

"Nothing comes to mind. You can go home now and rest."

"Okie dokie. Bye boss." Chris left the Presidential suite and went home. He has a lot of things to do tomorrow specially that there will be additional secret guards that he needed to manage. Thankfully, Seiji stopped giving them headaches and his work was a lot easier and lighter now compared to the last few weeks.

Early the next morning, Stefan left the hotel and drove the car to go to his wife's house. Chris also left his apartment to go to X university in order to talk to the school head and Luiz' class adviser regarding the people who will be coming to check on him and his brother Kyle.

"Hey Chris!" Luiz waved his hand to him when he saw the man coming out of the administration building. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to the school head and the present administration about something."

"I see. Are you leaving now?"

"Nope. I'm going to look for your class adviser regarding some business matter."

"I'll come with you, then." Luiz smiled at him and walked together with him to his classroom. Student looked at them with hot gazes but he only smiled faintly at them.

"Where's Kyle?"

"Bro's class with start at nine in the morning today." Luiz responded as they continued to walk. "By the way –" he turned to Chris but he found him looking into something or rather someone somewhere. "Are you looking at the young woman with a high ponytail who's wearing a black slack with a white tank top and blazer?"

"Yeah." Chris replied in whisper. When he realized it and turned to look at Luiz, the young man was already grinning from ear to ear.

"You have good eyes." Luiz commented with a thumbs up. "That's my class adviser. Her name is Rissy Chan. She's twenty-five years old. And she's single."

"Little guy, why are you telling me this information?"

"Nothing. I just thought that you might be interested to know these important details." Luiz winked at him before turning around to continue walking. "She'll be in our class any moment. Let's go."

Chris wouldn't deny what Luiz had said. His attention was indeed caught by the little lady who walked with elegant and poise. She wasn't wearing anything revealing or sexy clothing but she looked so sexy in his eyes. Her charm was making him look at her; and look only at her with no space for anyone else in his eyes.

Luiz arrived in his classroom together with Chris. He placed his bag on the side of his desk before going out to accompany his brother-in-law's secretary.

Many students started to arrive as well and all of them couldn't help but look towards Luiz and Chris. To begin with, Luiz was already known in the whole campus as one of the most handsome and most sought out young man together with his older brother Kyle. Now, he was standing in the hallway, looking so handsome and fresh in the morning with another handsome man who looked mature and capable.

"Luiz, is he your brother as well?" one of the female students asked.

"Nope. He's my uncle." Luiz answered with a straight face. He knew that the students were trying to hit on him but he has no time for such things.

"Uncle? He looked so young." The student replied with hearts in her eyes.

"I know." Luiz commented and turned his back to look at the man beside him. "You don't prefer the students here, right?"

"Nope. I prefer your teacher." Chris whispered which made Luiz chuckle. "Don't tell her though."

"Sure. Sure. I'll keep it for you."

The two of them waited for Ms. Chan at the hallway. When she arrived, Chris couldn't take his eyes away from her. He was even imagining her walking down the aisle towards him.

"Chris, don't let your imagination run wild." Luiz whispered to the man beside him which pulled him back to reality. "Ms. Chan, my uncle came to find you."

"Me? Why? Is there anything wrong?" His teacher approached them with worry reflecting on her face. "Would you like to come and talk to me in the office instead?"

"No, there's no need. You've had to walk from the office to the classroom; must be tiring. I won't take much of your time so we can just talk here."

"Uh. Sure."

"Luiz, you can go inside your room first." Chris told Luiz and the young man immediately left. "I'm here with the concern of his safety. Lately, we've found out that there were people stalking him and we're worried that something might happen to him." Chris told the teacher in a low voice. He didn't want anyone to hear their conversation. Most of the students were inside their classroom already but he was still a little bit worried that someone would overhear them.

"Are you really his uncle? I haven't heard him mention anything about you."

"Actually, I'm not his uncle by blood but he treats me like one. I'm his brother-in-law's secretary. My name is Chris Hawkins."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hawkins. I'm Rissy Chan. Regarding your concern, I'm not aware of what's happening outside the moment that the students leave the campus unless they share it with me. As for Luiz, if my memory serves me right, he's currently staying in the school dormitory. Is he being stalked inside the campus or outside the campus?"

"Outside the campus. We have no way of monitoring them inside the campus before which was why we decided to have me visit the school today. We'd like to have your cooperation in this matter."

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