She's My Sleeping Pill



Cayenne went home with Stefan back to their house in Peach Wood. When they arrived, Jonas was pruning the trees and taking care of the garden to make sure that they're all doing good and won't wither.

"Thank you for your hard work." Stefan told Jonas while giving him a glass of juice. "I remember that you can cook delicious meals, can you do it for dinner? Cayenne wanted to visit her brothers after class. So, I thought it would be good to bring some homemade food for them."

"That would be fine. I can do that." Jonas agreed immediately with twinkling eyes. He wanted to do something for his sons and Stefan suggested something that he can handle so easily.

"We bought groceries and placed them in the fridge. You can use anything with it. In the morning, I don't eat breakfast here since I would go to Ayen's house. No lunch either since I'll be staying with her. In the evening, I will be working. Basically, you'll be on your own most of the time. You don't need to worry about the bills, it's automatically deducted from my bank."

Jonas stared at the man he once-served fifteen years ago. He's become a responsible adult and even married his stepdaughter. It was as if fate was making fun of them. "Stefan, I apologize for what happened fifteen years ago. I'm really sorry for taking away the person who loved you the most. I'm sorry for letting you go through a harsh and difficult life." He deeply bowed his head in front of him in apology.

"Let's forget it. Ayen and I wanted to start over again and let the past stay in the past. You don't have to think too much about it either. Let's get along well from now on, dad." Stefan's way of addressing him made Jonas raised his head in surprise. Tears welled up in his eyes but he soon wiped it away and smiled.


"What are you guys talking about?" Cayenne asked while poking her head at the door to the kitchen. "You've been whispering things since a while ago."

"We're just talking about the dishes for dinner." Jonas told Cayenne with a bright smile. It was a smile free of worry and anxiety. "You're planning to visit Kyle and Luiz after their classes are over, right? Can I come and see them? I'll just stay in the car."

"Sure. Sure." Cayenne skipped her way to the kitchen with her hands on her back. "What will you make? Can I help?"

In the end, the three of them worked harmoniously in kitchen to prepare their dinner. Stefan was responsible for making desserts while Jonas cooked their dishes and Cayenne was their assistant to wash the ingredients or the utensils. They looked like a team, not just an individual who wanted to please someone.

Around six in the evening, Jonas packed the dishes that will be brought to visit his sons. Stefan also placed the macaroons on a separate container to bring it to his brothers-in-law. It will be the first time that they'd see them after reconciling with Cayenne. And he wasn't sure yet if Cayenne had told them that they have reconciled or not yet.

"Are you ready to see them?" Cayenne asked in excitement.

"Hn. I've been longing to see them."

"Alright. Let's go."

The three of them went out of the house and Stefan drove the car to go to X University to find the two brothers. Since it was already evening, there weren't many students left in the campus.

"That's all for today everyone. See you in our next meeting."

"Goodbye Ms. Lin." Luiz bid farewell to his teacher together with everyone and stood up to leave the room. He packed his things and slung his bag as he walked outside.

"I thought I'd wait forever." Kyle commented as he walked towards his brother. "Yen, is coming to school to bring us some food. Let's go and meet her."

"It's not just about the food, right?" Luiz asked his brother as they walked down the corridor under the passionate gazes of the girls in school. "Have they reconciled?"

"We'll find out after seeing her." Kyle put his arm around his brother's shoulder and they went out of the campus to meet Cayenne at the gate. It's already evening so, visitors weren't allowed to come unless it was for emergency reason.

Females from different years and different departments looked at them as they walked on the school ground. When they arrived at the gate, Cayenne was sitting on the bench under the waiting shed. And she was leaning on Stefan who was sitting right beside her.

"Looks like you've guessed it right." Kyle told Luiz as they made their way to their sister and brother-in-law.

"My guts told me so." Luiz responded with a triumphant smile. "Yenyen!" He called his sister's name and ran towards her. "I'm so happy to see you here. Did you feel bored and decided to come out?"

"Yup. I felt so bored and I missed you guys."

"Not even a week has passed yet." Kyle commented and looked towards Stefan. "So, what is he doing here?"

Cayenne scratched the tip of her nose and laughed awkwardly. "I forgot to tell you that Stefan and I have reconciled."

"Really?" Kyle asked with a smug face. "Are you sure you want to be with him again?"

"Hn." Cayenne looked at her brothers with a faint smile.

"I'm not against it." Kyle walked towards Stefan and bumped into him chest to chest. "If ever you hurt her again, I won't let you see her – not even a shadow of her. Mark my words."

"Understood." Stefan responded and even gave Kyle a gentle pat on his head. "I'm glad that Cayenne have you guys as her brothers."

"Thanks." Kyle pulled back and took a few steps away from him. "And congrats for getting another chance from her. Don't waste it."

Stefan nodded his head and handed the two paper bags that he was holding. "These are for you. Cayenne made them with the help of a special someone."

"Special someone? You didn't mean yourself, right?" Kyle retorted while accepting them.

"If not me then, who else?" Stefan returned a question but Kyle didn't say anything to him anymore.

Luiz and Cayenne just watched them bicker with each other like a cat and dog. They got along really well which made Cayenne feel happy.

"We'll be going back home now. If anything comes up, let us know as soon as possible." She reminded her brothers, ready to leave the school and go back home.

"Ayen, I'd like to speak with your brothers for a while. Can you wait for me in the car?"

"Alrighty!" Cayenne waved her hands at them and walked back to the car.

Stefan moved closer to the two boys and whispered. "Have you noticed if someone's been following you or stalking you?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Kyle questioned with a confused expression showing on his face.

Luiz thought for a while and after sometime, he nodded his head. "I wasn't sure if I was just overthinking but yesterday, when I left the campus to buy some materials in the nearest bookstore, I felt that someone's following me. When I turned around to see who it was, there was no one behind. I only felt secured when I arrived inside the campus. During lunch break today, I went out to eat with my friend and I felt that someone's been watching me."

"You're not hallucinating. I noticed that someone's been watching you earlier but he left without your notice. Although, I'm not really sure if they're here for you or not. But, it's bad to start being cautious, don't you think so?"

"Thank you for letting us know." Kyle commented while scratching the back of his head. "Don't worry, we can protect ourselves."

"I see. Then, just do your best in school." Stefan waved his hand at them and turned around to go back to his car. His eyes were scanning the surroundings one last time before he got inside his vehicle.

Inside the car, they watched the two brothers left and get back inside the campus to return to their dormitory. "Stefan, was I seeing things or was the man stalking my kids?"

"I want to say you're wrong but my gut told me you've guessed it right." Stefan told Jonas as he pulled out his phone to call Chris.

"Which man? I didn't notice anyone." Cayenne stated with worry clouding over her face. "Are my brothers in danger?"

"I'm not too sure but let's take precautions to avoid any damage and injuries." Stefan responded to his wife before talking to Chris. He needed to hire more secret body guards to look after the people that Cayenne cared specially, her brothers.

He may look nonchalant and carefree but there were several people who had been following him secretly to take care of any hidden dangers waiting for him. When he states he'd divorced Cayenne, they also stopped following her in secret. Thus, he lost her. But now that he found her again, he won't let her fall into any harm or danger; and that protection expanded towards her family, too.

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