Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 311 Ancient Oath (Part 1)

A few minutes ago:

Daimon and the girls were moving the rocky landscape of the underwater space in which they were, Daimon noticed blood stains from time to time, and clear signs of fight sometimes between people and others between magic beasts.

'Well, those Bottom Shredders need a lot of food, so I guess all the weaker magic beast were already hunted and devoured', he thought.

"Stop", Daimon extended his hand as he asked the girls to stop moving.

"Is there some problem?".

"Did you see something D… Gabriel?".

The girls stopped and asked Daimon why he told them to, once again Leslie nearly called Daimon by her real name, which made her shily giggle while her sisters gazed at her.

Then the girls all saw a huge explosion radiated a large amount of white light, which was visible even from afar.

"That's about ten kilometers away, what is happening?", asked Yvonne, she had to half close her eyes due to the increase in the brightness.

"Nothing that affects us", said Daimon as he proposed to leave.

Right now, he had not time to play with Adam, who thanks to his infinity eyes saw was being surrounded by a lot of Skelefiends and three Deep Bottom Shredders.

'They can see your light mana, you fool', thought Daimon as he casted his boost spell again, but then it was in that precise moment where Adam's frustration reached a high enough level, for him to be able to listen to his and his system administrator's conversation.

Though it was a bit distorted due to the distance, he more or less understood what they were talking about, he couldn't help but frown after getting such an interesting information.

'So, girls are one of the weaknesses of his system, popular but celibate, that's what "dense" is called, it fits a loser like him and that would explain why he was so angry about those two princesses just being near to me', thought Daimon.

'Well, not everyone can be a consequence less skirt chaser who benefits by adding women to the skill tree hehehe', of course Evangeline couldn't help but mess with Daimon a bit as she was able to listen to what Adam and his system administrator were talking about too.

'No consequences my ass, I remember a lousy system administrator forgetting to mention that upon reaching puberty, the pheromones of the Apex Predator body would be present in my first wet dream, making all the women in a wide area to lust after me, luckily mom and the others had already gone through it once so they weren't immediately charmed and threw me in a bathtub full of cold water to wash it away, while Erin eliminated till the last trace of pheromones in the bedroom with her darkness'.

'Pfft, I wish I was able to film it~', Evangeline nearly peed due to the laugh attack she had remembering one of the very few embarrassing moments Daimon has had in his life.

Even Narasha couldn't help but softly giggle, making Daimon sigh.

'Don't let Eve corrupt you Narasha…'.

Daimon then frowned, without him doing it, the vertical yellow lines that indicated the Drakolevia lineage was in effect, appeared in his pupils, then as he was about to ask Evangeline what was happening, the unmistakable sound of a notification ran on his ears.


[A new special mission has been unlocked due to a specific action]

[Oath from the ancient age: The descendant of the first daughter of the northern sky has fallen in a precarious situation where her survival chance is below 20%, nowadays the mutual help oath between the northern sea and the northern sky has been buried in the sands of time, the host has fulfilled the minimum amount of lineage concentration to renew the oath]

[Save the descendant of the daughter of the northern sky and keep her safe for the rest of the day <!>]

[Reward: New oath with the host as the holder (the oath will be updated and adapted to the system), the concentration of the lineage will increase in a total of 5% as the host will be fulfilling one of the promises of the son of the northern sea]

[Penalty in case of failure: The oath will be eliminated from the inheritances hidden in the Drakolevia lineage forever]

[Remaining review time: 30 minutes (adjusted due to the emergency of the situation)]

Aisha noticed her son had a contemplative expression on her face and she asked in a voice only he could hear.

'What happened darling?'.

'Apparently that girl who was with Adam has something to do with the secrets of this magic ruin, that explains why the Skelefiends and the pirates want to capture her', said Daimon, then a realization hit him like a truck.

'The main mission I got for the Clear Water kingdom was triggered because I blocked Adam when he was in a crucial moment, his plans clearly require that girl to die so she can't tell anyone about his betrayal… and if I save her not only, I will be screwing him over, but I'll even get a reward from the system, two birds one stone', he thought.

"I'll be back in a second, advance to the east, we'll avoid direct contact with that group of enemies", said Daimon as he accepted the mission, the countdown was of just 30 minutes, which was probably how long her spell was going to last.

Daimon already took the decision to not directly clash with those Skelefiends, not because of them but because of that Deep Bottom Shredder which had runes engraved on its skin, runes which he perfectly recognized as some of them were engraved in the walls of the black stone corridor from which he entered to the magic ruin.

Luckily, he didn't have to, those guys were being repelled by the light cube casted by Jasmin and… his skills weren't affected by the isolation formation, so blink was at the order.

Under Mellie's surprised eyes, Daimon's image flashed as he disappeared from where he was standing.

"What kind of movement spell is that, how can he move so fast?", mumbled Mellie, even for her whose observation abilities were one of her strong points, it was as if Daimon vanished into thin air for a split of a second to then reappear one hundred meters away from his original position.

The Risha sisters stared at each other with smiles on their pretty faces, since Daimon they had travelled with Daimon while he used blink to teleport them too, they knew it wasn't a movement spell, but a genuine spatial ability similar to what Half Emperors can do.

"Let's start moving, we need to leave the area that those guys will be searching through right from the bat, Yvi I leave erasing our traces to you".

"Mm", the girls nodded and then they used their respective boosting spells to put get some distance, while Yvonne made sure to erase their traces with darkness mana, Daimon didn't need to track them as he could feel Aisha's presence anyway.

Once Daimon had taken some impulse he jumped and then used blink to raise into the sky, before he advanced frontwards.

"Aerial mobility is such a huge advantage over those below the Arch ranks", mumbled Daimon as his image flashed through the sky, they were underwater so there weren't clouds her, but due to the abrupt change in temperature due to the clash of the currents from the different seas, there was mist which functioned the same for his purposes.

It didn't take Daimon too much to be get a glimpse of the small army of Skelefiends, mostly because the Deep Bottom Shredders outstood quite a bit.

"Mm?", the Skelefiend who seemed to be the leader of the whole group, and was occupying the body of a high ranked noble descendant from the Clear Water kingdom, had a sudden bad premonition, but no matter where he looked at, he didn't see anything that justified said premonition.

Daimon who was on freefall about one kilometer from the ground, smirked, he took a deep breath and then his body exploded in white flames, cancelling the dark curtain in the last moment and then using blink to slow down enough to land safely.

While his body didn't clash against the ground, nothing stopped the literal tsunami of white flames from falling at a high speed from the sky.

"Watch out!", the leader of the Skelefiends felt the dread coming from above and his face paled, he threw a black and green spear at Daimon as he shouted before jumping behind the enhanced Bottom Shredder, some of the Skelefiends managed to react on time to use the Bottom Shredders as meat shields, while others didn't.

"Booom!", the sea of flames impacted the ground with enough force to create a small tremor, followed by the flames spreading all over the place in the nearby area, all the Skelefiends who weren't fast enough were vaporized while the others along with the Bottom Shredders were blown away due to the shockwave.

Daimon who was yet to touch the ground dodged the spear, but he was still scratched by its blade, luckily Narasha jumped out of the inventory and blocked most of the attack with Disaster, but Daimon was still pushed back a few dozen of meters.

'A mage possessing the body of a knight', thought Daimon.

He saw the light cube standing strong in the now disaster-like area, and he used blink to appear next to it, while at the same time he gathered all the remaining flames and formed a dome to cover his escape.

'I hope this thing doesn't attack me', he thought, previously he saw all the attacks of the Skelefiends and even the Bottom Shredders being bounced back right at them by the light cube.

So, it would be troublesome if he was recognized as an enemy, but luckily that wasn't the case in fact it was all the contrary, as soon as Daimon's hand made contact with the cube, it became small white particles which then covered Jasmin adapting to her shape, so he could easily carry her.

'That's convenient', thought Daimon as he carried Jasmin like a princess, then taking advantage of the chaos he used blink to soar into the sky disappearing in the mist a couple of seconds later before anyone even noticed he left the white flames dome.

The leader of the Skelefiends shook his head to get out of his daze, and noticed he was bleeding.

"What are you waiting you bastards, destroy that flame dome we can't leave that bitch slip between our fingers or Uncle Horrorclaw will crush your bones!".

The remaining Skelefiends obeyed and started casting spells to destroy the white flame wall, while the leader evaluated the damages.

'Fucking hell, that monster bastard out half of us, one of the Bottom Shredders is beyond reparation too and the enhanced one lost an arm… what the hell!', swore the leader in his heart.

One of the Bottom Shredders was now burning in the ground, while it was still alive his body was beyond help, even the enhanced Bottom Shredder refused to eat it.

To be fair, Daimon basically used all his battle aura reserves and half of his mana reserve in one go, which resulted in a sphere of Demon Light of about one hundred meters of diameter, it was the by far the strongest attack he has ever performed without activating core synchrony.

"Lord Tonguespike, that guy is gone", the shouts of the other skelefiends returned the leader back to reality.

"What!", the body of the leader Skelefiend shook due to anger and then his head tilted back as he shouted in such a high volume that his voice reverberated through the whole area.

"I don't know who you are but you are dead meat!".

Daimon who at this point was about five kilometers away from them, heard the outraged voice of the Skelefiend and he grinned.

"The next time we meet will be the last", mumbled Daimon as he accelerated the rate at which he used blink, he had already depleted a whole round of his mana reserves and had replenished it, which of course took a toll in his stamina, specially because he used all his reserves of battle aura.

But a headache was a really small price to pay given the how things resulted back there, about 20 Skelefiends killed on the spot, one Bottom Shredder and the arm of another, it was a good dead count.

Also the Bottom Shredder was registered in his plate, so he now had 300 points, while the event didn't mattered for most people as they will be busy surviving, his mission required him to win, so couldn't just ignore the beast hunt.

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