Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 312 Ancient Oath (Part 2)

After a couple of minutes of moving through the sky, Daimon focused his attention on the connection he shared with Aisha to feel her current location and found her about five kilometers away towards the east, it was a good distance from their original position.

He also noticed that the girl in his arms had started to wake up and considering how bad she was treated by that trash hero, Daimon didn't know how she was going to react if the first thing she saw was an unknown man carrying her in his arms.

After spending another quarter of his mana reserves on blink, he caught up with the girls and then descended from the sky a few meters away from them.

'For someone who was accusing that Adam guy of being too flashy, you did a pretty act yourself darling~', said Aisha directly to her son.

Daimon inwardly chuckled.

'It as different though, that guy's attacks are naturally flashy and eye catching, I had to do it like that to make those Skelefiends pay more attention to the attack, but if I had condensed all that battle aura and mana in a javelin, I could have eliminated at least two of the Bottom Shredders and heavily injure the third one'.

While Aisha was more interested in the potential that attack of her son showed earlier, the Risha sisters and even Mellie were directly gazing at the girl who was fainted in Daimon's arms.

"Isn't that the princess of the Elemental Sea of something like that?", mumbled Leslie, putting emphasis in the word "princess".

"Not really a princess, but both her grandparents are Stellar ranks so she might as well be considered one", said Mellie.

Daimon of course could notice the gazes of the girls piercing him like spears and he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, he was also in a bit of a predicament in how to explain why did he save her.

"Mellie, do you know anything about some kind of oath between the founders of the Clear Water kingdom and the Elemental Sea?", asked Daimon trying to divert the attention from Jasmin.

And to his surprise Mellie nodded.

"Sis knows more about old story than me, but I'm pretty sure I have heard her mention that the hero, in other words the only other known owner of the Black Armored Shark lineage in the history besides you had a… close "friendship" with the matriarch of the Light Palace sect, the one from which the current five sects derive".

"After the disappearance of the hero the relationship between the two forces cooled out, and we ended up in the current "allies by convenience" kind of relationship, why do ask?".

"Well, let's just say that I got an accidental "emergency call" from her, and it ended up being beneficial for my lineage to save her", said Daimon.

Mellie had a contemplative expression on her face as she made memory of some of the stories her sister has told her.

"Well, the hero supposedly never failed to his word, that's also one of the reasons as to why things cooled between our seas, he didn't help the matriarch of the light palace when she needed him, which resulted in her suffering the lethal wound that led to her death, it's worth researching more about the subject with sis once we retu said Mellie with a curious expression in her face.

Both the queen and princess sisters were curious by nature, and this is a subject that is probably related to the current state of Neptune so of course her interest was picked by it.

Of course, Daimon could feel the intense gazes of the Risha sisters on him, but he still needed to carry Jasmin for what he was about to do, though he changed the way he was doing it.

He wrapped his let arm around Jasmin, so that he had a free arm which he extended to the girls.

"Hold onto me, I saw a decent place to rest for a couple of hours".

The three Risha sisters held onto Daimon's arm though they didn't say anything their smiles gave them away, while Aisha and Mellie grabbed his shoulders.

Daimon chuckled, and after reminding Mellie to not let go of him, he jumped, just by physical strength and even with the six girls depending on his impulse, he reached about forty meters into the air before using blink to take more distance from the ground.

Yvonne, Leslie and Liliana already knew what travelling with Daimon while he used blink was like, but it was a first for Mellie and she was pretty surprised about it.

"This is unfair such an unfair spell, you can practically fly even if you aren't a peak mortal… Arch rank", mumbled Mellie, since she learned how the Wonder Myriad stellar chart classified their ranks, she agreed that it was more organized so at least in private she preferred it that way.

Daimon agreed with Mellie, blink is indeed one of the most useful skills he has, and the previous limitation he had due to physical objects blocking his sight, thus preventing him from knowing where he would appear, was solved thanks to his infinity yes.

And that allowed him to do something like what was about to happen, after a couple of uses of blink a small hill which was smooth from the outside without any sign of internal spaces, appeared in Daimon's field of vision.

"There it is, don't let go of me ladies", with one last warning, their images flashed but this time they didn't appear anywhere in the sky.

The Risha sisters, Mellie and even Aisha were surprised to see how their surroundings changed in a split of a second, from the open sky to a pretty much dark cave, Daimon simply created a small wisp of Demon Light which was enough to illuminate the whole place.

They were in a sixty square meters space, inside of the hill which they saw earlier, when Daimon was returning, he casually found this place, and it was so deep into the hill that no one had found it earlier, there were no signs of a magic beasts either, so it was a completely natural-made cave.

But now that they were inside Daimon frowned because he noticed that the wisp of Demon Light was slowly but surely being reduced, he changed the layer of the visual spectrum he was seeing with his infinity eyes, to focus on the flow of mana not inside other people's bodies, but the one that floated in the air.

But the result was not what he expected, basically the mana was pretty much normal it roamed freely in the space, but when he looked at the wisp of Demon Light, he noticed that the proportion of mana in it had gone from the original 85/15, in other words 85% battle aura and 15% mana, to 60/40, he compensated the difference with mana or the flame would have extinguished but the integrity had suffered a bit, luckily, he was just using as illumination.

"The walls", mumbled Daimon, he saw some specific parts of the walls of the cave absorbing his battle aura, which was already in a bad spot as there were only some left overs.

The origin of it were some small dark green mineral ores incrusted inside the walls, which had managed to caught his attention, though it wasn't affecting also his mana like antinite would, the attraction for battle aura was strong enough to separate the one he poured into his Demon Light, just to be absorbed, but right now he just wanted to rest, so after taking out a blanket and letting Jasmin down on it, he stretched his body and then sat down.

The Risha sisters and Aisha noticed Daimon was pretty tired and after staring at each other and smiling between themselves, they prepared a little relaxing time for him.

Leslie took over illuminating the cave, while Yvonne, Liliana and Aisha prepared something to eat, Leslie heated the food with her flames, with Daimon providing the ingredients from his inventory of course.

He had to admit that seeing the four of them working together had a certain charm to it, normally he would have helped out more, but the girls told him to leave it on their hands, and his stomach was actually killing him.

The Apex Predator body already made it so his metabolism was monstrous, so he had to eat quite a decent share of food, in exchange his energy reserves were pretty high though, which was one of the reasons as to why his battle aura was so strong as it is produced by the mix of his life spark and the energy produced by his body.

Once the food was ready a pleasantly appetizing smell spread across the cave, the girls served for everyone and they soon started to eat.

As always Aisha personally fed her son with her fork and Daimon happily ate what she gave him, but there was a change this time, the Risha sisters stared at each other, before Leslie extended her hand to offer Daimon a spoon of the vegetable soup she was eating.

"Ahem, you are really hungry after using so much battle aura right… here you can have some of mine if you want to", needless to say but her cheeks were a bit red, as this was something only those who are close do, and that it was even more true for people like Daimon who have a really small group which he considers close to him.

Daimon was surprised to see the although energetic, shy when it comes to this kind of things, Leslie offering to give him food directly like Aisha does, but he still accepted it, as it is true, they have become closer to him during this small adventure, and after sleeping in the same bed this didn't seem like too much.

Seeing Daimon eating what she offered Leslie brightly smiled before she continued eating, giving some spoons to Daimon from time to time, of course she wasn't the only one, Yvonne and Liliana who were sitting besides Leslie previously, stood up and sat in front of Daimon, forming a circle, with Mellie sitting next to Aisha while she looked at them with curious eyes.

And then they also did the same, Yvonne with a piece of grilled meat and Liliana with some of the fruits she cut for herself since she mostly ate cold food.

Aisha who looked from the sides gave the Risha sisters thumbs up, even if it was just a small gesture, they were happy with it as that meant they had become closer with Daimon, and she as their friend was happy for them too.

Mellie felt a bit left out, but she understood that she was new in the group, so it was only normal, though after the other girls stopped feeding Daimon, they chatted with her too.

Daimon on the other hand ate plate after plate until he felt satisfied, before he took out one a bed from his inventory and laid down on it to rest a bit.

The girls casually sat on the edges of the bed, while Aisha was laying down next to Daimon and Mellie stayed on the blanket near Jasmin.

Daimon then proceeded to tell the girls what happened to Jasmin, including how Adam not only abandoned her, but he even made her use almost all her mana before doing it, so that her death was practically assured.

Of course, the girls were incensed about it, while they didn't know Jasmin, they couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards a decent girl whose trust and gratitude were taken advantage off, by a piece of trash like Adam.

"What an idiot, even my sister has told me some of the good deeds the granddaughter of the shaman from the Elemental Sea has done", said Mellie.

While they were talking about what happened, Daimon's ears caught a change in Jasmin's heartbeat and an increase in her breathing rhythm, which meant she was already walking up.

'Time or the truth', thought Daimon as he prepared to suppress Jasmin if needed.

"Mm, where am I?", Jasmin's eyes slowly opened and she noticed the obvious change in her surroundings compared to what she remembers before she passed out.

She turned to see her surroundings, and contrary to what Daimon expected, she didn't freak out and instead her eyes got teary, but she bit her lips and forced herself to not break down.

Then without any warning, Daimon's pupils changed as a vertical yellow line appeared on them, but that wasn't nothing out of normal, what did surprise everyone, Jasmine included was that her pupils changed too, but for her instead of lines it was a white halo what appeared in them.

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