Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 244: Breil region

Chapter 244: Breil region

I spent one more week with my apprentices, guiding them and helping them to further master their powers. It was important that they were fully prepared for what lay ahead.

During that week, I paid special attention to Lana, with her being the only dual-wielding mage with an affinity for both water and earth mana. I saw the potential within her, and I knew that with guidance, she could become a powerful force to be reckoned with, and be one of the most powerful mages of her time.

And so, I spent extra time with her, teaching her advanced ways to effectively use the mana, and helping her to gain control over her newfound powers. It was an odd feeling as I watched her grow stronger with each passing day, her determination unwavering. A part of me felt proud, as she quickly learned what I thought of her. Although our ways of handling mana were different, she was extremely talented, I had no doubt that her presence would be vital for the future of the magic world.

But despite the progress we made, it was time for me to leave. My search for a last apprentice called me to the borders between the Yadour empire and the Rimor kingdom, precisely in the disputed Breil region. This was where most of the wandering demons could be found.

And so, I bid farewell to my apprentices and set off towards the Breil region. The journey was long and mostly boring. I again chose not to fly over the main cities and avoided large human settlements, instead, opting for a more scenic path. I flew along Rimor's western coast enjoying the abundance of water mana, occasionally, I would swim for a while, and other times I would take to the skies. By the time I reached the borders between Rimor and Yadour, I changed my flight direction and headed northeast, deeper toward the Breil region.

It didn't take me long before I reached it. It was a vast expanse of barren desert, stretching for miles in every direction. The heat was oppressive, and the sands shifted constantly, making it a treacherous place to navigate. The lack of water elements in the area made me frown, but I did not mind it that much.

Despite its harsh conditions, the Breil region was rich in a certain mineral that made it a highly coveted resource since it could be used to produce swords that allowed knights to conduct their aura through them. The Yadour empire, had set its sights on the region, hoping to extract these minerals and use them to fuel their ever-growing power.

The Rimor kingdom, however, was not planning to let the empire have it. They saw the Breil region as their own, and were willing to fight to protect it.

The tensions between the two countries were palpable, and there was a sense of unease that hung over the region like a dark cloud. It was clear that something was going to happen. The only reason there was no fighting at the moment was the conclusion of the tournament and the ascension ceremony. The countries still had to solidify their positions, and their mages had to get used to their newfound powers.

As I journeyed deeper into the heart of the Breil region, I scanned the landscape that was dotted with the remnants of past battles, evidence of the fierce fighting that had taken place in this barren wasteland along the years.

My eyes constantly surveyed the desert landscape below, searching for any sign of the wandering demon settlements. Searching for my next apprentice that could be among them.

At last, I spotted a cluster of small huts in the distance, rising out of the sands like mushrooms after a storm. I knew that this was one of the places I had been searching for, and so I swooped down towards the settlement, my wings beating hard against the hot desert air.

As I approached, I could see the demons below, scurrying about their daily business. Some were tending to small fires, while others were digging in the sand or gathering what little vegetation they could find. They were scrappy and resilient people, survivors in a harsh and unforgiving world.

But I was not here to admire their resilience. I was here to find a demon apprentice, someone who could represent their race amongst the ascended mages. And so I hovered high above them, observing their actions and movements from afar. I watched as they went about their daily routines, looking for any signs of exceptional skill or talent.

After a while, I grew frustrated, as I had not yet spotted anyone who caught my eye. And so, I decided to land and give them a chance to prove themselves.

As I descended from the sky, the demons below cowered in fear and awe at the sight of me. Their eyes widened in amazement as they beheld the sight of a mythical creature, and I could sense their trepidation as they looked upon me with reverence.

I approached them, my great wingspan creating a gust of wind that caused the nearby sand to swirl and dance. The demons trembled before me, but I reassured them that I had not come to harm them.

"You do not need to fear me, for I am here in search of a worthy apprentice," I told them, my voice rumbling like thunder. "Someone who possesses great willpower, someone who is intelligent and is willing to learn."

The demons looked at each other in astonishment, whispering amongst themselves in hushed tones. They were surprised, shocked, and honored that I would consider them for such an opportunity. I had no doubts that they knew about the tournament and the ascension ceremony. News traveled fast in these lands, and although the demons here were wanderers, they were not out of contact with the outside world, so they should understand the magnitude of the opportunity I was providing them with.

A middle-aged female demon with golden hair and purple eyes, and a single horn extending from her forehead stepped forward, she kowtowed to me, the rest followed suit after her before she spoke;

"Great dragon, what must we do?" she asked.

'Straight to the point, I like that.'

As I glanced at the relatively large number of demons present, an interesting idea crossed my mind. I couldn't help but grin as I spoke.

"It's simple, those who wish to become my apprentices must pass a test. First, I will need test your intelligence, second, your bravery, and third, and finally, your willpower. The first to pass all three tests will become my apprentice, he or she will be reborn as an ascended mage. They will represent the demons and become my fifth and final apprentice," I paused and glanced at the crowd with a wide grin before continuing;

"So, are you up for the challenge?"

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