Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 243: The magic system

Chapter 243: The magic system

"Does this mean that we can have two cores instead of just one?" Wane asked in confusion.

"Her aura is definitely stronger than ours, add to the fact that she can use two elements, then I suppose it's safe to assume she is stronger than all of us," Morena replied in wonder.

"Master, does this mean the next step to improve our strength and perfect our ascension, is by creating another core?" Jon who was usually quiet and reserved asked as he turned his gaze toward me.

"It might just be," I answered lightly, "I myself do not know. As I mentioned before, the magic system is still in its infancy stages, there are a lot of unknowns as we- you, thread down its path."

"My core is in my head," Halbor spoke up, the rest turned to glance at him waiting for him to continue, "Does that mean that the next course of action would be creating a core for my heart," he tapped on his chest as he said that, "and one in my solar plexus?" He tapped his stomach.

"If so, then that would mean the current magic system is divided into three stages," Lana who finally seemed to have gotten the hang of her newfound powers spoke as she approached us.

All eyes turned to her as she continued her explanation, "Think about it. Both of my cores are connected to each other. But it is my heart core that connects me to the mana stream,"

Halbor frowned before replying, "As I said, mine is in my head,"

Lana shook her head before answering, "That, I know. And perhaps that's as far as our differences go. My second core feels like an extension of my magic, it helps facilitate the flow of mana inside my body. It does not simply help me use another element, no, it's much more than that. Still, I can feel like something is missing, I feel like there's still something more."

"Something more, you say," I spoke causing them all to quiet down and turn to me.

"Ah, I apologize, m-master," Lana muttered hesitantly, she carefully studied my expression, and after seeing that I did not mind her new form of address, she sighed a small sigh of relief before continuing, "I'm getting ahead of myself here."

"No, it's good to be curious. As I've said before, you are the pioneers of this new era. This magic system is going to be built by you, I am merely a guide," I explained causing them to fall silent. The weight of the responsibility that hung on their shoulders was quite heavy.

"I would suggest, you stay neutral from the mortal world's politics," I turned my gaze to Halbor before I continued, "Your presence itself should be a deterrent to potential enemies that mean harm to your race, but like I said, I believe it's best to steer away from the politics. You have all surpassed the limits of mere mortals, so it's best that you be careful."

"I-I understand, master." Halbor hesitated before replying with a nod.

The others quickly followed suit.

As I glanced at my five apprentices, I observed each of their unique traits. Jon was calm and reserved, a master of earth magic, with a steady hand and unwavering focus. Morena, the water mage with fluid movements and a nurturing spirit, held a quiet strength. Wane, the young fire mage, was filled with curiosity and eagerness to learn. Halbor, was wise, knowledgeable and calculated in his actions. And finally... Lana, the only dual-wielding mage with affinity to both water and earth mana, she had a fierce determination and extraordinary will that matched her skill.

As I observed them, Wane raised his hand and asked me a question that seemed to linger in their minds. "But master, what is our goal? What is our mission? What did you help us ascend for?" he inquired, his eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

I took a deep breath before replying, "Your ultimate goal in the end, is to protect the mortal plane and the mana stream itself. You must further develop the new magic system and ensure that it is used for the greater good. You will eventually take my place and guide the mortals. As for me, I shall leave this plane and return to my home, in the forbidden continent, leaving you in charge of keeping the balance."

My apprentices looked at me with a mixture of surprise and determination. With this knowledge in their hearts, they will continue their training, honing their skills and mastering their craft. And with every passing day, they will grow stronger, wiser, and more prepared for whatever may come.

"We will not disappoint you, master!" Wane replied. Jon nodded and gave me a bow, the others quickly followed suit.

"Master, I have a suggestion," Lana said.

"Hmm, speak. What is it?"

"If we were to keep the balance in the mortal plane, I believe it would be necessary to add one more apprentice."

Jon frowned and turned to Lana, "Master knows better, if he wants to take another disciple, that is up to him, not us to decide."

"I agree, it is not our decision to make," Wane added. Morena on the other hand remained silent.

Halbor, let out a sigh before continuing, "Forgive my insolence, master. But Lana is right."

"You too?" Jon raised his brow.

"Tsk-" Wane clicked his tongue in annoyance and was about to speak when I interrupted him.

"And why is that?"

Halbor turned to Lana and motioned for her with his eyes. She nodded and began to explain, "The mortal world does not only have humans or elves, it also has demons. If our group does not have a demon in our midst, then the mortals may take it as a sign that the demons have fallen from your favor, and from that of the esteemed Dragon God. They might use this as an excuse to further discriminate, enslave, and perhaps even hunt them."

Halbor who was standing by her side nodded, he lowered his head and spoke, "Indeed. Although I do not particularly like the demons, I believe the presence of an ambassador from them is necessary to create a balance."

"I see," I nodded and raised my head to glance at the sky deep in thought. My apprentices remained quiet in an attempt to not disturb me. Their reasoning was solid.

'Hmm, it seems like I need to make one final detour before going back.'

"So be it, I will bring back one final apprentice, who will represent the demons."

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