Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 242: Success

Chapter 242: Success

I no longer needed to will any mana inside her body, instead, the elements were pouring into her from the surroundings without me needing to command them. It was a s a process that confused me as the mana core had already formed around her heart.

"Could it be-" I muttered in surprise as the mana continued to circle inside her body. Lana's face was contorted into a painful frown. Her entire muscles were shaking from the pain, yet she had no choice but to endure it all. I wanted to help her, but I was not sure what I could do. If anything, I was afraid of my interference would be detrimental instead.

My apprentices seemed to have figured out that something went wrong when they caught my expression. The growing aura of Lana was also a clear indicator that something definitely was not right. Still, they did not say anything and instead watched with bated breath, afraid of breaking Lana's concentration.

I had a few guesses about what was going on. It was pretty clear, I figured. She was going to have more than a single core. I did not know how was that possible, but then again, why wouldn't it be? There was still a lot I, we, did not understand about this new magic system.

For instance; what did two mana cores signify? Could it be that she was going to be able to use more than a single element? If so, was a second core always needed for that? What if it wasn't a second element, what if it was something else? Then there was the question of the location of the second core. Where would it be?

'Hold on, Lana,' I silently cheered on the redhead. Her cheerful face was twisted in pain as sweat constantly dripped down her forehead.

It didn't take long before my curiosity was sated. After four more circles inside her body, and just as I thought that she could take it no longer, the mana suddenly conjured around her solar plexus, and slowly but surely formed a second core, similar to the first one around her heart.

Under my gaze, I could see a thin thread connecting the two cores with each other. The line that linked her to the stream appeared soon after, it was directly connected to her heart core.

A sigh of relief escaped Lana's mouth before she collapsed with her back to the ground, breathing heavily.

"I-I did it..."

"You did, you made it," I couldn't help but reply. Compared to my size, her figure was tiny, yet as I glanced at her, I found myself growing to respect the little redhead. I have seen men, and women crumble under the strain that the mana core when trying to create a single core. Yet she did that and then did more. She managed to endure the process of creating not one, but two mana cores. If anything her will was truly admirable.

"Is it over?" Wane asked hesitantly.

"It is," Jon replied.

"But why do I feel like her aura is different than ours?" Morena questioned with a frown.

"I feel the same, but I don't know what it is," Wane shook his head and replied. It was then that Halbor who did not say anything spoke for the first time, "She has two different mana cores inside of her body."

All eyes turned toward him as he spoke.

"She what?!" Wane questioned in disbelief.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, the elf replied, "Focus your energy and you should feel it as well, you dimmwit."

"What did you just call me?!"

"Enough, did you forget that we are in Master's presence?" Jon spoke in a harsh tone silencing Wane.

"It's true, the flaw of the elements inside her body has not calmed down yet, so I can feel it. She does have another core..."

"But what does that mean?" Wane muttered.

"It means you are no longer the number one genius. She just took over that spot," Jon answered with an expressionless face.


I ignored their antics and instead focused on Lana as she slowly regained her breath.

"How do you feel?" I asked. The others paused and turned to glance at her in awe and wonder.



As the ascension ceremony came to an end, I could feel the power coursing through my veins. It was a feeling unlike anything I had ever experienced before - a surge of energy that left me feeling invincible. The pain was unlike anything I had ever experienced in her life, and it was not something I wanted to experience ever again, but the aftermath... The aftermath made it all worth it.

As I slowly rose to my feet, I could feel the changes that had taken place within me. My body was lighter, more nimble, and more youthful. I moved my hands to touch my face, the lines faded away, leaving me with a youthful glow that made me feel... beautiful.

As I looked down at myself, I could see that my clothes no longer fit as they once had. My waist was smaller, my hips more pronounced, and my breasts, my damn breasts were fuller. I looked down at my hands, and saw that they too had changed - my fingers were longer and more delicate, my nails perfectly manicured.

But the most striking change was the aura that surrounded me. It was a radiant light that seemed to emanate from my very being, casting a warm glow over everything around her. I could feel the power pulsing within me, and knew that I was now capable of things I had never before thought possible.

"I feel great!" I couldn't help but laugh. I felt better than ever!


"Good," I nodded slowly. Two elements seemed to surround her constantly as her aura had yet to stabilize.

'Water and Earth, interesting,' I inwardly noted.

"Try to reach out to the elements, feel their power, and ask for their help," I gently guided her.

Lana's expression turned serious as she nodded before closing her eyes. I watched on with a gaze full of curiosity, the mana core surrounding her heart stirred first as its connection to the stream was activated.

As expected It began to fill up with the water elements, and soon a small floating water ball appeared above Lana's extended palm.

"Oh, another water mage," Wane spoke.

"No, it's not over yet," Halbor interrupted him again.

With her left palm controlling the water ball, Lana extended her right palm. As everyone watched on n shock, her second core stirred, and soon enough a stone appeared floating above her hand.

"What the-"

"Two elements..."

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