Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 144

Then he took the rag or wiped the wood knife in his hand.

The wood knife is clean.

The wolves are here.

Roughly speaking, there are at least forty or fifty wolves.

In front of the wolves, there is a slender figure jumping to this side, and the figure is almost integrated with the surrounding environment.

Looking at this figure, Chen Fu thought that he was right.

This is the real test.

"Ning Niang Zi was chased by wolves. My God, hurry to rescue Ning Niang Zi."

Chen Fu stretched out his hand and patted the speaker's head: "what to save, people don't need you to save."

"Master Chen, you may not be able to ignore other people because Ning Niang Zi is strict with you. It's good to be chased by wolves and not cry because of the strict requirements of empress Ning."

"You said that the girl once solved the problem easily for a team of hundreds of people. You said that the girl once killed a wolf with bare hands. Are you sure that such a person needs your help?"

“……” The mountain people were stunned.

Kill the wolf with your bare hands?

How could that be possible?

None of the leaders, who had scars among the villagers, had such skills.

Is Ning Niang Zi so fierce?

Some of the mountain people don't believe it.

"Fool, you see clearly, Ning Niang Zi didn't use all her strength at all. Look at the smile on people's faces?"

The mountain people looked at it and narrowed their eyes. As expected, they saw the smile on Ning Yan's face.


Is this still a woman?

Mountain people don't think about it. The smile on chuning's face proves that the wolves are close.

Hold the wood knife tightly.

On average, a person has to deal with two wolves, which is not only not easy, but also a little fatal.

If they are not injured, they can still pester for a while, waiting for the team of smart people to solve the wolf in charge and come to help.

At the moment, half of the injured people are injured. It is a good premise to have a wood knife in hand. It is just that if you have a wood knife, you may not be able to kill two wolves at the same time.

"Eleven up the tree."

"Good." This time, without Chen Fu's arms, Le Xi climbed the tree himself.

Sitting in the tree, Le 11 watched the wolves approaching.

Suddenly around a trance, Le 11 scared enough, turned to see Ning Yan, reached out to pat his chest.


"Well, Xiao Xi told the shopkeeper, what happened to the tiger?"

Seeing the tiger, Ning Yan's eyes were straight.

Originally, she planned to stay in the mountains for a period of time. After these people got used to it, she went to fight tigers.

But now, she's only been away for a while.

One more wolf on the ground.

It was a surprise.

"The tiger came by himself, and master Chen took them to death."

Le 11 said also glared Ning banquet one eye, don't think he is young don't understand, the wolf pack is Ning shopkeeper get.

Master Chen and others are so tired that they have brought so many wolves. If more than ten wolves are OK, but how can we solve these problems?

Looking down at the moment, Le 11 saw one of the clothes torn by the wolf's paws.

There was a bloodstain on the back.

Le Xi bit his teeth and clenched his small fist tightly.

"Why, do you want to go down? Do you want me to help you? "

"No, I didn't want to go down." Happy eleven stuffy says, in the heart some resent oneself is too young.

If you're older, you can kill wolves together.

Ning Yan jumped down from the tree and went to the tiger's corpse and poked the tiger's head.


Ning Yan squatted down and poked again.

The tiger's head is crispy?

How is this fight?

Is studying, a wolf quietly came over, rather banquet frown, her physical fitness is better than just through that time.

It used to be a trick to fight a wolf. Now

Ning Yan rolled on the spot, opened a distance with the wolf, watched the wolf rush over, stretched out his fist, a fist went down, the gray wolf fainted on the ground.

Even if the skull is hard.

It's not under her fist yet.

Ning Yan turned back and showed a defiant expression to the music eleven on the tree.

Le Xi stares big eyes, looks at Ning banquet, and then looks at his small fist. Finally, he is discouraged and can't be compared with others.

The sight falls on the mountain people. There are more and more corpses of wolves on the ground, and almost everyone's body has been decorated.

Fortunately, there was no death.

The remaining several wolves are still resisting, and it is finally determined that the enemy can not resist the mountain people with wood knives. Under the command of a white wolf, they flee and leave.

The wolf is the object of revenge. Chen Fu wants to catch up and solve the problem.But

Now it's late at night, and the mountain people's physical strength is at the end of their tether. If they meet any wild animals, they will be killed in a pot.

Chen Fu stopped thinking.

Go back to the crowd and start treating the wound.

"Remember to use alcohol to kill poison." Rather banquet see these people did not use her prepared alcohol, frown.

"Ning Niang, how about those spirits..."

"If you want to use it, what are you going to use?" Ning Yan yelled.

Shanminkai is obedient and obedient. He saw a wolf when he knocked out a fist just now.

So tough.

For a moment, the woods were filled with the smell of alcohol and blood.

Alcohol wipe the wound, the forest sounded one after another stuffy hum. Seeing these people being honest and obedient, Ning Yan felt a little relieved.

There is no rabies vaccine in this era, and there is no legendary plane exchanger in her body.

Only disinfect and clean as much as possible.

I don't know if it's because the news is not widely spread. In this era, Ningyan has not heard of rabies.

That's good news for now.

Take care of the wound, rather a look at the wolf's body on the ground, and then look at the dead tiger.

Looking at an injured person who can't be overactive, Ning Yan can only finish survival training ahead of time.

There are not many people who can play with their arms. Ning Yan can only cut down trees by themselves, weave ropes with bark, tie the wood together, and cut a round Gulu under it.

Pick up the wolf's body and throw it on the chopper. Of course, the tiger can't forget.

With two lumbers tied up, Ning Yan took the troops down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, it's almost dawn.

Ning Yan speeds up and moves the wolf's body home.

Curly hair smelled the strange smell, rushed out and called a few times. After seeing the tiger lying on the woodcut character, he was instantly quiet.

Squatting on the tree and wagging his tail.

If you don't know it, you think it's a fortune cat.

What's the future? I also plan to use curly hair to guard the door. Now it seems that raising curly hair is a wrong decision. This is for fun.

Ning Yan throws the tiger in the firewood room.

When the wolf skin is peeled off, some of the wolf meat is left at home, and the rest of the meat is left on the ground. Ning Yan is trying to send the meat to the shop under the charge of awan and Fan Jian. The wolf meat kebab sounds very stylish. After all, wolf meat is not eaten in ordinary days.

The rest was handed over to Mrs. Jia, who asked her to get more meat to supplement their health with these men.

Courtyard in the suburb of the county.

Several servant girls looked at the corpse of the wolf lying on the ground, covered his mouth, and was frightened. Was the master so cruel?

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