Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 143

The mountain people standing in the front are directly thrown to the ground by the tiger's tail, and the mountain people roll around with a donkey to avoid the tiger's smelly mouth.

The rest of them went up with wood knives. Although the tiger was big, it was very flexible.

Seeing that there were many people in the mountains, and with ferocity, the tiger's eyes flashed back.

However How could Chen Fu allow the tiger to escape? He jumped behind the tiger and stretched out his hand to pull the tiger's tail. The tiger's tail was like a steel needle, and Chen Fu could hardly hold it.

The tiger's tail was held by Chen Fu, and there was no time to escape. It was the woodcutter of the mountain people who met it.

A knife stabbed in the eyes, warm blood splashed on the mountain people's face, the tiger roared at the sky, and the tail flicked, directly throwing the Chen disaster in the back.

Chen Fu was suspended in the air and rotated 360 degrees. At the moment of landing, he lowered his center of gravity, which did not shock his lungs.

The mountain people are hard pressed to deal with the crazy tiger, and some of them are still decorated with colors.

However, the tiger is ferocious, one eye is injured, and there is a blind area of vision.

Le'er has been standing on the tree looking for opportunities. He finds the blind area of the tiger's vision. He holds the dagger in his hand and stabs the tiger into the other eye of the tiger when the tiger is entangled with Zhao Ping.

The dagger goes in, and Le'er turns over and dodges.

Sure enough

The crazy tiger rushes on and on, and the sprung fir tree is hit and broken by the tiger. If it doesn't get out of the way in time, then Le Er doesn't think his waist is harder than a tree.

"Good job, boy." Chen Fu praised the tiger and ran after him.

See tiger escape speed is too fast, the wood knife in hand throws.


Le Er's eyesight is very good. Can you see it clearly? The polished wood knife stabbed into a hole under the tiger's tail.

"The tiger is too injured and can't run far. It's in good health to follow me." After Chen Fu finished, five or six mountain people followed him away.

Le Er takes a look at the direction of Chen Fu's departure, and then looks at the mountain people who are dressing up their wounds.

In the end, instead of keeping up with Chen, he chose to stay.

Le'er opened the bag on her back and took out a small bottle with a high concentration of wine in it. Ning Niang Zi said that she had to use this to treat the wound after she was injured.

It's just

The mountain people who repaired in situ didn't do what shopkeeper Ning said.

"Master Chen taught us how to deal with the wound. I'll help you."

"Come on, boy." The mountain people applauded and closed their eyes.

Le'er poured out the liquid from the small bottle of Ningyan and wiped it with a special cloth.

The mountain people's face changed instantly.

"What did you do, boy?"

"Manager Ning said that alcohol, she said that when dealing with the wound, she had to rub it."

“……” Shanmin has nothing to say. If he handled the wound himself, he would not use it.

Wine. It's very expensive to have such strong wine. He had it himself, but he couldn't bear to use it. He planned to drink with wine and vegetables after going back.

Le Er took care of the mountain people's wounds seriously.

When it's done, change to another person.

After all the wounds of the mountain people were treated, Le Er looked in the direction of Chen Fu's departure.

The night is deep, too far away, you can't see clearly.

Le Er is a little uneasy.

Looking around, all the injured mountain people were resting, and their blood was still on the ground. After thinking about it, he dug the soil with a wood knife and covered the blood on the ground.

After all this, I still feel uneasy.

What has been overlooked?

Le Er couldn't think of it.

After waiting for half an hour, Chen Fu and others finally came back with the dead tiger. None of the people who came back were injured. This is probably good news.

"This time we were lucky. The blind tiger hit the mountain wall directly, which saved us a lot of trouble."

Chen Fu said and laughed.

"How are you doing? By the way, we have to report Xiao 11 from the tree."

After Chen Fu finished speaking, Le Er Cai suddenly realized that he had forgotten Xiao 11. This is something that should not have happened.

Why did you forget eleven in the tree.

"Don't hold it." Yue Er suddenly said.

"Why?" Chen Fu went to the tree, his body stopped and raised his eyes to the music of the tree.

The child grinned more brightly than the flowers. The scene of fighting the tiger just now did not scare the child.

If you think about it carefully, Chen Fu will know why.

Le'er and le-11 were born as beggars. Every year, more beggars died of cold than old people.

Beggars have long been faced with the competition between life and death. How can they be afraid of fighting tigers.

"I don't think it's right. Manager Ning won't make us so relaxed."

"Easy, Le Xiaoer, you think it's easy to beat a tiger!" When the mountain people wanted to say something, they were interrupted by Chen Fu."It's a little relaxed indeed."

"Yes Seeing that Chen Fu agreed with him, Le Er felt better.

It turns out that he is not alone in this feeling.

"No, master Chen. Do you think it's easy to fight tigers?"

"It's not easy, but relatively speaking, it's not hard to deal with." Chen Fu has seen the python skin from Ningyan.

He would not be naive to think that when Ning banquet went up the mountain, he just saw a peeling snake and picked up the python skin.

What's more, natural molting doesn't carry so much flesh and blood.

The big wine jar in the kitchen still contains the gall of boa constrictor.

For those who can beat python, a tiger can solve it alone.


This tiger just appears suddenly, not the arrangement of Ning banquet.

After Chen Fu figured it out, the whole person became serious.

"Come on, pack up, get out of here." They are injured at the moment. It's hard to say whether they will be killed if they meet something big again.

It's much easier to get out of here.

"Master Chen, are we all hurt?" Shanmin's brain is not as good as Chen's. I don't know what's next.

Said the unfriendly.

"It's an order." Chen Fu looked back at the speaker.

Stupid things, one more second, means more dangerous.

As for the tigers on the ground, Chen was reluctant to throw them away.

He asked several people to carry the tiger, and Chen Fu went to the river.

Where there is water, the serum on the body can be washed clean.

It's not a good thing to walk in the mountains with blood.


Before Chen Fu reached the river, he stopped. The wolf howled in the distance, and the sound was getting closer and closer.

Mountain people's faces are a little ugly. Most of them are injured. A wolf is OK and can easily deal with it.

But listen to the news, it is not a wolf.

"Take a break and get ready for the fight." Chen Fu said, taking out the bamboo tube in his backpack, tearing off the plug on the bamboo tube and pouring salt water into his throat.

I didn't have time to drink water when I was fighting with the tiger just now.

If you don't replenish the water at this moment, it will be very difficult for us to wait until dawn.

Who knows how many wolves have come and how long it will take to solve the problem.

Seeing Chen Fu stop, the mountain people have no doubt this time. They drink half of the water in the bamboo tube like Chen Fu.

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