Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 259: The deceased Yang Jian

Chapter 259: The deceased Yang Jian

The Ghost Mirror

Yang Jian didn't even know if this thing could be defined as a ghost, but it was the kind of thing that, like human skin paper, seemed harmless on the surface, but actually harbored something terrifying in the dark.

The mirror shone on him, but it didn't show Yang Jian's shadow.

The mirror was blank inside.

But all of this was within Yang Jian's consideration. It takes some time for the ghost mirror to leave a person's shadow.

And within this time, Yang Jian had to finish the remaining tasks.

First, he controlled the ghost shadow to enter his body, while at the same time, he untied the gold foil wrapped around the ghost rope.

Both tasks were completed simultaneously, ensuring that he would not be controlled by the ghost shadow and unable to untie the ghost rope, leading to a confused death.

For this moment, Yang Jian had not slept all night, thinking about today's actions, so he was extremely cautious, not letting any details go wrong. He even borrowed a black suit from Zhang Xiangu to wear, and even adjusted the position of the phone's camera to avoid contact with the mirror.

At this moment, the only person who knew what was happening here was Wang Xiaoming in the safe house.

The screen of his phone showed that after Yang Jian uncovered the black cloth covering the ghost mirror, he stood in the middle of the room, untangling the gold foil wrapped around his neck, while a tall, headless black shadow slowly stood up behind him.

The eerie black shadow stood still behind Yang Jian, not moving.

"Is the headless black shadow the ghost that Yang Jian is controlling? Or has he lost control at this moment? Is Yang Jian trying to untie the rope now? This is suicide. That rope is definitely a ghost. Once it is untied, it will kill Yang Jian. He is currently unable to resist the attack of the fierce ghost."

"He is either going to die from the revival of the fierce ghost, or he will die from that rope."

Wang Xiaoming's expression changed, and with his research, he could see that Yang Jian was already entering a dead end, and he was about to meet two deadly conditions.

He couldn't figure out how Yang Jian would turn this deadly situation around. The less than 20% chance of survival that Yang Jian mentioned before simply did not exist. In this situation, the chance of survival was zero.

If he could survive, it would be like Jesus coming to earth, the Buddha descending, or the Bodhisattva appearing... Of course, these were all impossible.

"Now... the only thing that can turn this deadly situation around is that mirror. He chose to hang himself in front of the mirror for a reason, but he doesn't want to show me the entire mirror. No, that's not right. If he really wanted to do that, he could have completely changed to an angle that couldn't be filmed, and there would be no need for me to know about the mirror's existence." Wang Xiaoming furrowed his brow deeply.

"The only possibility is that he is avoiding it, he dares not to aim the camera at the mirror."

He carefully watched every detail in the video, not letting go of any strange places, the rope, the headless ghost shadow, the mirror... and the person hanging in front of the mirror.

These pieces of information seemed unrelated, but Wang Xiaoming vaguely felt that they were forming a strict line.

It's just that this line lacked the corresponding information to support it, so it was completely incomprehensible.

"I'm starting to look forward to you, Yang Jian." Wang Xiaoming felt an unprecedented sense of anticipation.

Yang Jian did not stop his actions.

The headless ghost shadow behind him could still be barely controlled, but at this moment, he already felt the restlessness of the fierce ghost reviving in his body.

He didn't know which ghost was so eager to revive.

"It doesn't matter." Yang Jian ignored this restlessness. He felt that he had finished what was in front of him before the ghost in his body revived.

After that, he would leave it to fate.

"Here it comes!"


At this moment, a new image appeared in the bright ghost mirror in front of Yang Jian.

A blurry figure slowly walked out from the depths of the mirror.

The horror of the ghost mirror began to show.

At first, the figure in the mirror was very small, only about the size of a thumb, appearing in the middle of the mirror. But as it continued to walk forward, the figure became larger and clearer.

At first, Yang Jian only saw a black, blurry outline in the mirror, but when the person walked halfway, he could already see the features and height.

As the person in the mirror covered about two-thirds, even the style of the clothes was clearly visible.

It was a person wearing a black suit, with dark skin, a stiff body, and the exact same features as Yang Jian.

The person in the mirror was walking towards Yang Jian, as if he was about to walk out from inside.

Yang Jian's face was solemn. He knew that the figure in the mirror was actually a ghost. Once he looked in the mirror for too long, he would be replaced by the ghost in the mirror, entering the ghost mirror, and the ghost would be able to escape from the mirror into the world.

"Let's begin."

He no longer hesitated.

At this moment, the headless ghost shadow behind him slowly entered his body like a thick fog.

Cold, numb, stiff.

As the headless ghost shadow invaded, Yang Jian felt that a large part of his back had completely lost sensation.

It was as if... he was already dead.

And as the headless ghost shadow infiltrated, Yang Jian felt that his blood had stopped flowing, his legs had lost their vitality, and finally, even his heartbeat was gone.

Except for his head, every part of his body was considered dead, becoming a corpse.

When his arm lost control and hung down from mid-air.

The last piece of gold foil wrapped around the ghost rope was torn off by him.

At this moment.

The ghost rope began to revive.In just an instant, Yang Jian felt the rough rope around his neck suddenly tighten, as if an invisible hand was squeezing the rope, making him feel like his whole neck was about to be strangled. At the same time, his body was invaded by a headless ghost, his blood stopped flowing, his heart stopped beating, and a strong sense of suffocation rushed into his mind.

Dizzy and disoriented, his vision almost blacked out.


Although Yang Jian was prepared to be hanged, the instinct to survive stimulated him to struggle and break free when the moment of death arrived.

But his body no longer belonged to him, it belonged to the headless ghost.

He could only make painful sounds, his body hanging like a lifeless corpse, limp and swaying in the air.

At the same time, the figure in the ghostly mirror had completely filled the front of the mirror, its appearance, and clothing now identical to Yang Jian's.

As Yang Jian was hanged, the figure in the mirror slowly rose, neck raised, limbs hanging down.

It was imitating Yang Jian's appearance when he was hanged.

At this moment, Yang Jian was not dead yet, but a look of extreme pain appeared on his face. He finally experienced the feeling of being hanged and suffocated to death.

His consciousness became confused.

He could see less and less clearly.

His brain was struggling to think.

He was almost dead...

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, one minute, two minutes...

The painful passage of time felt very, very slow, but as time passed, Yang Jian felt less pain, and his consciousness was rapidly fading.

After about four minutes, Yang Jian closed his eyes and became motionless, his shoes dropping to the ground with a thud.

But according to scientific calculations, he should only be unconscious due to lack of oxygen in the brain, not truly dead.

But the hanging continued.

At this point, no one would be able to take him down, so his death was inevitable.

"Is he dead?"

Wang Xiaoming, watching this scene on his phone, was now full of doubt.

He thought there would be some change in the situation, some unexpected turn.

But there was none.

Yang Jian was hanged to death as expected.

Through his phone, Wang Xiaoming could be very certain that Yang Jian had lost the vital signs of life. His heart had stopped beating, his fingers were no longer moving, and his body was beginning to stiffen in various places.

The signs of death came rather quickly.

But it didn't matter.

"Why did he have to die like this? Will there be some change that I don't know about, or has Yang Jian failed?" Wang Xiaoming stared at the screen with a deadpan expression.

Ten minutes had passed since the hanging.

Yang Jian still showed no signs of life.

Twenty minutes, still no movement.

An hour passed.

It was now completely certain that Yang Jian was dead, completely dead. There might have been a chance to save him if he had been hanged for only ten minutes, but now he was truly dead.

Wang Xiaoming stared at the phone screen for over an hour, and now he couldn't help but think that there would be no further changes. Yang Jian was truly dead, he had failed.

After all, he had mentioned before that there was less than a 20% chance of survival.

In other words, the possibility of death was very high.

"Did I lose the bet?"

Wang Xiaoming rubbed his sore eyes and sighed weakly.

But he didn't put down his phone, still watching.

It had been so many days, a few more hours wouldn't make a difference.

However, an hour and a half passed, and the video of Yang Jian still showed no movement, his limbs hanging weakly, his whole body hanging peacefully in mid-air.

Two hours passed, and it was still the same.

The body remained motionless, and the whole room seemed frozen, as if staring at the phone screen saver.

But in the mirror.

The figure in the mirror also seemed to be hanging in mid-air, with a peaceful expression.

The appearance and movements had already merged with Yang Jian's.

According to the rules of the ghostly mirror, Yang Jian, who had died, should have been resurrected in the mirror, just like Zhang Wei had appeared in the mirror after his death.

But there was no movement.

The figure in the mirror remained still, and Yang Jian's body outside the mirror also remained motionless.

The ghostly figure controlling Yang Jian's body was also motionless, and even the revived ghostly rope showed no movement.

But all this quietness was only on the surface.

In reality, in the unseen darkness, the battle between ghosts had already begun.

The ghostly figure had to overcome the revived ghostly rope to take over Yang Jian's body.

The ghostly rope hanging Yang Jian's body was beyond the control of the ghostly figure, and this latent struggle had begun.

So the revived ghostly rope seemed to have lost its power, and even if it was released, there was only one strand left. Normally, the ghostly rope would be densely covering the sky.

It seemed like nothing had changed, but in fact, changes had already occurred.

The ghostly rope had been suppressed.

Inside Yang Jian's body, the ghostly figure had gained the upper hand.

But the power of the headless ghostly figure was not enough to suppress the revived ghostly rope.

At this moment, Yang Jian's body began to inexplicably show black shadows, which became increasingly dense, as if turning into a dark mass.

The headless ghostly figure began to revive.

"Drip~!"However, three hours after Yang Jian was hanged, a drop of pitch-black substance, thick like ink, dripped down from the tip of his toes.

The video did not capture this, as the angle was insufficient to film every aspect.

This drop of ink seemed like a part of a headless ghost's body, forcibly separated by some force.

The Ghost Mirror joined in.

At this point, Yang Jian was already dead, and according to the current situation, he should have begun to resurrect.

However, the presence of the ghost shadow prevented all this. To normally operate such a law, expelling the ghost shadow from Yang Jian's corpse became the priority.

"Was the body just moved a bit?"

At this moment, Wang Xiaoming wasn't sure if it was an illusion, but he felt that the position of Yang Jian's hanging corpse had deviated slightly from before.

The deviation was not obvious, but he vaguely noticed it, having watched for so long.

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