Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 260: Abnormality of the corpse

Chapter 260: Abnormality of the corpse

In the Guanjiang community, a high-rise resident.

This is Wang Bin and Wang Haiyan's new home. The three of them huddled together for warmth before the despair came, comforting each other and giving confidence.

However, at this time.

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Shanshan, with a pale face, suddenly closed her eyes and collapsed weakly to the ground.

"Daughter, what's wrong with you?" Wang Haiyan was shocked and quickly helped Wang Shanshan up from the ground.

But when Wang Haiyan touched her daughter's body, she was startled.

At this time, the body, which was already lower than normal body temperature, was completely cold, and she couldn't feel any warmth at all. She quickly touched her daughter's chest.


Unable to help but scream, Wang Haiyan quickly withdrew her hand.

Her daughter's heart had stopped, she was dead.

"Husband, come over quickly, something's happened to our daughter..." Wang Haiyan called out to Wang Bin.

"Don't shout so loudly, do you want to attract that thing?" Wang Bin rushed out of the kitchen in a panic, almost covering his wife's mouth.

Although they hadn't entered the safe house, they knew how those ghostly things outside killed people.

But when Wang Bin learned about what had just happened, he was dumbfounded.

His daughter was dead?

"Yang Jian, yes, find Yang Jian and ask." Wang Bin subconsciously thought of Yang Jian.

He must know about his daughter's situation.

But when Wang Bin was about to make the call, he hesitated because he suddenly remembered a sentence his daughter had said before: if Yang Jian died, she would die too.

Could it be... Yang Jian was already dead?

Yang Jian was not just dead. At this moment, his body had already cooled, and he looked peaceful, hanging lifelessly, his shoes had fallen off, and his whole body was suspended in mid-air by an old grass rope, motionless.

The body had been in this position for a long time.

If nothing unexpected happened, his body would rot, maggots would appear, and eventually only a skeleton would remain.

It had been about four hours since he hanged himself.

"Drip, drip~!"

The black, ink-like drops of water falling from his feet began to increase gradually and became more frequent. The camera occasionally captured this, but it was just a flash, and it was unclear what it was?

"Just now... his feet were dripping water? Could it be that his internal organs have started to rot, causing corpse water to appear?"

Wang Xiaoming, who noticed this detail, was still puzzled.

Normally, decay wouldn't happen this quickly.

However, Wang Xiaoming then saw some strange things happening to Yang Jian's body.

His body began to sway~!

Slowly, it started to sway back and forth.

With the heavy swaying of the body, the ceiling of the room also creaked.

If anyone else had seen this scene, they would probably have been scared out of their wits.

The body that had been dead for several hours was swaying in mid-air.

"This situation... could it be that Yang Jian will come back to life? No, no, it's not Yang Jian's body moving on its own, it's the rope that's moving." Wang Xiaoming's eyes narrowed, beginning to realize why Yang Jian had chosen to commit suicide in this particular way.

He must have grasped some kind of rule of the evil spirits and wanted to use this rule.

As for what the final result would be, Wang Xiaoming didn't know.

"He hasn't lost, Yang Jian hasn't lost yet." A glimmer of hope surged in his heart once again.

In the video, Yang Jian's body hung in mid-air, swaying slightly. At first, the amplitude was small, but as time went on, the swaying became more pronounced.

And the black liquid dripping from Yang Jian's body became more and more.

These black liquids did not turn into a stagnant pool of water when they fell to the ground, but wriggled on the ground like living creatures, gradually spreading out from the point of impact.

The ground began to be covered in darkness.

"Damn it, my phone is running out of battery." Wang Xiaoming stared at these changes, realizing at this moment that his phone's battery was almost depleted.

He wanted to charge it, but he didn't because if his phone ran out of battery, Yang Jian's phone would also shut down due to battery depletion, and once that happened, the video would be cut off.

"There's about twenty minutes of battery left." He made an estimate in his mind.

But at a critical moment, it was unclear if twenty minutes of battery would be enough.

In the dim room.

Under the chandelier, Yang Jian's body continued to sway in mid-air, as if an invisible gust of wind was blowing.

But the room's doors and windows were tightly closed, and there was no way for the wind to blow.

At this moment, Yang Jian's body reached a limit in its swaying.

In this last sway, the body's feet touched the ghostly mirror in front of it.

Upon contact.

The body's feet were suddenly stuck to the mirror and couldn't be removed.

Because of this adhesion, the swaying stopped.

At this moment, Yang Jian's body was hanging in mid-air in a way that defied common sense.

The grass rope around his neck was taut, firmly holding him back, as if preventing the body from being sucked into the ghostly mirror.

At the same time, Yang Jian, who had a peaceful expression, suddenly began to tremble, and black liquid began to ooze from his body.

"So it's like this?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Xiaoming suddenly realized something, and in shock, he stood up, surprising the others in the safe house.Ignoring the gazes of others, Wang Xiaoming was incredibly shocked at this moment. Although he couldn't be certain, he was beginning to understand Yang Jian's true purpose.

If he wasn't mistaken, Yang Jian intended to exploit the characteristics of several ghosts to artificially create a contradiction and conflict, causing the ghosts to collide with one another.

"But it's impossible, there's still one condition missing. Even if he can perfectly instigate the conflict between ghosts, he's still dead..."

As soon as he said this, Wang Xiaoming abruptly paused, then stared intently at Zhang Wei.

What if the dead could be resurrected?

Just at this moment.

The ghost rope around the neck of Yang Jian's corpse was gradually being soaked by a black liquid, starting to be dyed a pitch black.

That substance wasn't actually a liquid, but a part of the ghost's shadow, just so dense that it was frightening, looking like ink.


Accompanied by a faint sound.

The ghost rope that had hanged Yang Jian lost its strength after being covered by the shadow and fell limply from mid-air.

The ghost rope finally retreated after stimulating the resurrection of the ghost's shadow.

It couldn't suppress the ghost's shadow that possessed a body, especially after its revival.

Not only that, but the ghost rope itself was now controlled by the headless ghost's shadow.

But the task of the ghost rope was already complete.

The moment the ghost rope drooped from above.

Yang Jian's corpse abruptly stood up in mid-air and finally, with a thud, collided against the ghost mirror in front of him.

No, not collided, but was absorbed by the ghost mirror.

Now, the critical moment began, creating a logical dead loop between the ghost's shadow and the ghost mirror.

Causing both ghosts to crash.

Once successful.

Yang Jian would be resurrected from death.

But at this moment, the phone's battery was drained, and it shut down automatically.

Wang Xiaoming only saw Yang Jian's corpse absorbed in front of the mirror before the connection was cut.


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