Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 173: Asgard’s Reinforcement

Chapter 173: Asgard’s Reinforcement

Standing on the edge of an icy cliff, Phoenix (Jean Grey), Logan, and others gazed ahead alongside Tony Stark at the enormous pit and the strange, flowing scenery.

As Tony removed his mask, he immediately sensed something was wrong. The mask automatically lowered back down.


"Sir, the air contains unknown gas mixtures harmful to humans. The armor has activated its internal survival module."

"Be careful, the air contains unknown gas mixtures harmful to humans," Tony warned the X-Men members.

Everyone's faces changed.

"How can this be?"

They were here to explore and resolve the root of the issue, only to find that this place contained gasses harmful to humans. How were they supposed to complete their mission?

"Jarvis's analysis shows that the gas causes minor damage to humans, but its concentration is increasing. It is estimated that an average person would suffer cellular and organ damage after forty-five minutes in this environment."

Listening to Jarvis's analysis, Tony shared the findings with the X-Men members. He did not persuade the X-Men but left the decision to them.

"Everyone, set a timer for forty-five minutes. Regardless of the outcome, everyone must evacuate immediately," Scott quickly made a decision.


Everyone set their watches for forty-five minutes.

"We must find the cause first. Look, that thing is continuously expanding," Logan said grimly, staring at the enormous pit ahead.

"That group of disgusting things should have surged out from here, but now they are blocked by some force. Could it be those kids?"

Jean sensed something and discovered an inexplicable force around the giant pit, like some kind of barrier preventing the demons from surging out. She immediately recalled the images seen earlier on the Blackbird.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had unconditionally shared intelligence with the X-Men.

This included real-time footage recorded by agents on Greenland Island, where a massive demon army was wiped out by a mysterious force, and the agents saw three figures floating in the sky.

The X-Men members had also seen it clearly.

"Those kids are quite special." Tony had been hacking into the local network through Jarvis and saw Wanda and the others, just like the X-Men.

Tony didn't recognize Bella, but he couldn't forget Wanda and Pietro.

Especially the former, who had removed one of his abilities.

"Mr. Stark knows those kids?"

"Yeah, in a way, you could say I know them. Logically, they should have arrived before us. But why don't we see them?" Tony laughed awkwardly, looking around and finding the surroundings empty.

"Could they have gone inside?" Scott pointed to the giant pit ahead and guessed.

"No matter what, we..."

Tony wanted to investigate from above, but before he could finish, the ground shook violently, and a terrifying black energy column shot up from the giant pit into the sky.

The black energy column broke through Wanda's magical barrier around the pit, allowing a large number of demons to surge out.

Tony and the X-Men were stunned but quickly reacted.

"Let's go, activate combat mode."

Without wasting time, Tony's MK armor took off, heading towards the demons. As an arms dealer, Tony Stark never lacked firepower, especially knowing there were many monsters here. He carried a large number of missiles.

The shoulder armor retracted, and numerous micro-missiles streaked through the sky towards the demon army.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, massive explosions and flames erupted, killing many demons. However, the number of casualties was unexpected for Tony.

"Damn, these things are really tough?"

"Sir, the skin of those monsters is extremely hard. Standard missiles cannot destroy them."

"Yeah, I can see that. It's hard to imagine how Wanda managed to eliminate so many monsters at once." Tony felt that his weaponry was insufficient, especially lacking in lethality against such extraordinary creatures.

Fortunately, the MK armor's flexibility was quite evident. The demons had targeted Tony, pursuing him relentlessly, but he managed to evade them with agility.

At this moment,


A terrifying red beam pierced the sky in the distance, incinerating countless demons along its path. The beam changed angles effortlessly, clearing a large swath of the sky.

But it didn't end there. Thunderclouds roiled in the sky, and lightning poured down like rain, striking the demon army and decimating them further.

"Thanks a lot~~”

In the sky, Tony nonchalantly fired a particle pulse cannon at a demon trying to attack him. He glanced at the decimated demon army and then at Storm Ororo and Cyclops on the distant ice mountain.

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

The destructive power and lethality were far greater than his own, inspiring Tony. It seemed these abilities could be worth emulating.

For example, high-frequency particle cutting beams or electromagnetic pulse cannons. While just concepts, incorporating them into his armor would make for formidable weapons.

Of course, Tony couldn't afford to daydream, as the demon army, previously cleared, surged out of an expanding pit.

They covered the sky like locusts, making Tony's face turn pale.

"Damn it, we need to find a way to shut that thing down, or we'll never stop killing them." Tony grew anxious.

Relying solely on himself and the X-Men, who knew how long they could hold out against such a massive demon army? Besides, the environment only allowed the X-Men to stay for forty-five minutes.

Tony anticipated that if the portal wasn't closed, the only solution might be to use a nuclear bomb.

He never doubted the power of humanity's most destructive thermal weapon. However, whether it could destroy the portal was uncertain, and it might have worse consequences.

The result might be that the explosion enlarges the portal, leading to despair.

"Humans, fresh and delicious humans."

"Food, I smell food."

"I want souls~~"

A group of mindless low-level demons, oblivious to Tony's thoughts, greedily eyed him and the distant X-Men, eager for flesh and souls. They flapped their wings and rushed towards them.

Facing the overwhelming demons, Tony felt his scalp tingle. He ignited his particle jet engine and fled without hesitation. His MK armor's small frame would be torn apart if surrounded.

The X-Men, however, were in a much better situation.

With two stationary turrets clearing the battlefield, Storm Ororo controlled the weather, unleashing endless lightning and occasionally sending tornadoes to scatter the demons.

Cyclops Scott was even more at ease.

As his name suggested, his eyes connected to another energy-filled dimension, emitting powerful laser beams. He expended no physical or mental energy, so he kept his eyes open, firing laser beams that incinerated or pierced any approaching demons.

Logan, Beast Hank, and Phoenix Jean stood guard, handling any that slipped through.

Despite the apparent chaos, the expanding pit brought out more demons, increasing the pressure on both sides.

These low-level demons, though mindless, sensed danger. They started to circle the attack range, making Storm and Cyclops busier.

Beast Hank and Logan struggled. They were strong but insufficient against the demons, while Jean used telekinesis to repel them, but with limited effect.

Tony Stark continued to flee, fighting and dodging in the sky, looking increasingly desperate.

The pressure and danger surged, but reinforcements arrived at that moment.


A dazzling seven-colored light beam descended near the pit, its terrifying energy piercing many demons. Next, a hammer crackling with electric sparks flew out, circled the ice mountain, and incinerated the attacking demons.

It even flew into the sky, rescuing the beleaguered Tony Stark, destroying the demons chasing him.

The hammer returned to the beam and was caught by a strong hand.

The sudden change caught Tony and the X-Men's attention. They saw a group of armored figures, like actors in a medieval play, holding hammers, spears, swords, and axes, radiating danger and determination.


"Unable to detect, sir."

"OK, seems like another group of unexpected guests, but they should be on our side?" Tony wasn't surprised, knowing Jarvis was limited by current technology. Many things, like this situation, were undetectable.

However, Tony planned to upgrade Jarvis.

On the ground, Tony Stark and the X-Men were watching. In fact, the unexpected visitors also glanced at them, but their attention ultimately remained focused on the huge pit ahead.

"Thor, that thing is indeed a passage. Someone forcibly opened a dimensional portal, and it will continue to expand. If we don't stop it, it could affect the entire Midgard."

A handsome man dressed in a green robe, wearing a golden horned helmet, and holding a spear said softly.

He was none other than Loki, the God of Mischief.

This group of people had come from Asgard to Earth via the Bifrost Bridge, led by Thor.

"We need to find that ancient artifact first."

Thor looked around curiously and asked, "Where are Wanda and the others? At times like this, I believe they wouldn't ignore the situation."

"Someone has trapped them in the mirror dimension."

Loki immediately understood the situation.

"Can you see what's happening inside?" Thor asked without turning his head, his eyes flashing with lightning as he looked at the demonic army that had once again covered the sky.

"No, this mirror dimension has a power from another world. This world is in chaos, and it seems Wanda is fighting for control over it."

Loki shook his head.

"Then it means we can't help them."

"Maybe they don't need our help," Loki smiled lightly.

"Alright, let's deal with that army first."

Thor didn't mind. He laughed heartily, swung his hammer, and turned into lightning, charging into the sky. The lightning tore through the air and began to slaughter the demonic army.


Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun looked at Loki.

"Enjoy this battle, gentlemen."

Loki wasted no words. He immediately floated up, raised his spear, and instantly, the weather changed. A violent ice storm swept through, and the spinning ice shards in the air pierced the demons like sharp knives.

Sif and the Warriors Three whistled.


From the sky came the cries of horses. Four white-winged Pegasus flew down, and the four of them mounted their steeds, charging at the demons in the sky.

These were Asgard's unique creatures, the Pegasus.

With wings allowing them to fly, Pegasus were the dream mounts of every knight. It's said that they are from the lineage of Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse. Despite being horses, they could easily crush their enemies.

As part of Odin's mount lineage, their bloodline was extraordinary. Each Pegasus was extremely strong in endurance, strength, and flight speed.

They also had powerful abilities to assist their riders in battle.

Once, Asgard had a royal guard entirely mounted on Pegasus, known as the Valkyrie.

Unfortunately, the Valkyrie were disbanded or all killed for unknown reasons.

Though the Pegasus remained, without their former partners, they were put aside.

Luckily, Sif and the Warriors Three had different relationships and each had their own Pegasus. As they lacked flying abilities, the Pegasus compensated for their air combat deficiencies.

The Asgardians fought fiercely. Whether it was Thor, Loki, or even the slightly weaker Sif and the Warriors Three, they all had the divine bloodline of Asgard.

Their combat abilities were extremely strong.

The low-level demons were no match for them; it was essentially a massacre.

This scene left Tony Stark and the X-Men in disbelief.

Storm stared at the man wielding lightning within the army, her face full of disbelief: "That guy's control over lightning is terrifying?"

She could control lightning, but her power was nothing compared to Thor's. Thor's lightning was unstoppable; it killed any demon it touched, injured any it grazed, its power several times greater than hers.

In comparison, her only possible advantage was the large range and number of her lightning strikes.

But then she saw the man raise his hammer, summon endless terrifying lightning, and clear the sky.

Okay, she couldn't match that advantage either.

"Wow, those horses have wings. So cool." Hank was envious and curious. He couldn't believe there were flying horses in this world.

Moreover, those horses were formidable. He saw a Pegasus carrying a large man, opened its mouth, and shot a beam of energy that pierced several demons' heads.

One kick sent a demon flying.

This indicated that the Pegasus's combat ability was much stronger than his.

"This is more like mythical figures and creatures."

Cyclops Scott, with one finger on his visor, continuously fired laser beams to kill approaching demons, speculated.

The way Thor and his companions arrived, along with the Pegasus and their formidable combat abilities, clearly didn't belong on Earth.

Especially Thor's fighting style with the hammer reminded him of mythical figures.

"Thor, the God of Thunder?”

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