Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 172: MK Armor First Appearance

Chapter 172: MK Armor First Appearance

Wanda, Pietro, and Bella were pulled into this Mirror Dimension, a powerful gravity pressing down on them.

The three immediately plummeted to the ground.

Fortunately, their physical abilities far surpassed those of ordinary humans, reaching a superhuman level. As they fell, their bodies twisted in a fluid motion, ultimately landing safely with a brief slide on the ground, dissipating the impact of the fall.

They quickly stood up, scanning their surroundings with vigilance, adopting defensive stances back-to-back.

The first thing they noticed was a faint group of figures in the distance.

"The Dark Sorcerer Cult?"

Bella said in surprise. It was her first encounter with these people.

However, they didn't quite match the descriptions she had heard. The sorcerers who had embraced darkness typically had eerie expressions and charred, blackened eye sockets. But the Dark Sorcerer Cult before her was entirely charred, resembling cracked, scorched lava, with strange purple light emanating from the cracks.

Their bodies were filled with a terrifying energy, as if they might explode at any moment from the overwhelming power.

"The great master has bestowed upon them immense power and a mission. Upon completing their mission, their souls will ascend to the dark dimension, granting them eternal life and supreme authority."

A deep voice reached their ears.

Looking up, they saw a giant, entirely black and clad in sorcerer robes, step from the real world into the mirrored space, standing less than a hundred meters from them.

This ambiguous distance alone demonstrated that Kaecilius had extensive combat experience.

"You are the closest to Shaw. Killing you will surely cause him grief and anger. I am eager to see such a scene." Kaecilius, occupying the body of the Hulk, had a face full of malice.

In essence, he had no real desire for revenge.

He did not hate Shaw. Whether he joined Kamar-Taj to learn magic or embraced darkness, he had only one goal: eternal life.

He did not want his life to be so fragile.

Bi Xiao had prevented his great master Dormammu's arrival, so he could not receive Dormammu's gift of eternal life.

Thus, Bi Xiao was merely an obstacle, an enemy.

All his actions aimed solely at eliminating Bi Xiao, his greatest adversary.

As for revenge, it was just a task from his master.

"I will handle him. You two deal with those guys."

A flash of white lightning, and Pietro appeared in front of Wanda and Bella, his eyes fixed straight ahead as he spoke.

He wasn't skilled in magic; to leave this space, Wanda and Bella had to resolve it. Although Kaecilius was dangerous, Pietro was no pushover.

Wanda and Bella exchanged a glance and nodded.

"Then let's start with you."

Kaecilius clenched his fists and smashed them into the ground.

Seeing Kaecilius's action, Pietro's eyes sparked with electricity. Time seemed to slow, the power of Speed Force taking hold, white lightning crackling as he tore through the air toward Kaecilius.

However, the oppressive gravity in this space immediately slowed Pietro significantly.

Yet, he still managed to reach Kaecilius before his fists hit the ground, delivering a powerful kick to his chest, surrounded by white lightning and monstrous strength.


The immense force sent Kaecilius flying back like a cannonball. Pietro pursued, tearing a long white streak across the ground, chasing the airborne Kaecilius.

Meanwhile, Wanda and Bella sprang into action.

Wanda's eyes glowed red as she floated, chaos magic surging from her body. She tried to control the mirror dimension with counter-magic, but found the returning force just as strong, if not stronger, than her own.

She realized that the dark energy forcibly infused into the Dark Sorcerer Cult by Dormammu, before their lives were consumed, made them more powerful than her.

Fortunately, she wasn't without help.

Seeing Wanda's actions and the trembling Mirror Dimension, Bella immediately understood Wanda's intentions and let out a sharp cry.

With hands crossed in front, a golden glow appeared, and a beautifully inscribed long spear materialized in his hands.

The spear rotated once in his hand, and with his right hand gripping the spear, he raised it high.


In the Mirror Dimension, dark clouds gathered in the sky in an instant, and terrifying electric flashes erupted densely. Endless thunder transformed into an ocean, and thick lightning bolts struck the group of dark sorcerers.

However, within the dark sorcerer cult, a man and a woman, both dark sorcerers, murmured while holding black crystal-formed instruments.

They smashed them onto the ground.


The earth shook, the ground cracked, and from the densely packed fissures, endless purple lightning spewed out, shooting straight into the sky. The lightning clashed, causing a spectacular display of electric light and sparks.

For a moment, the entire world was intermittently lit up by the explosions.

The whole scene was incredibly magnificent, yet behind this splendor lay a terrible crisis.


In the background, Pietro, entwined with white lightning, was struck by a massive black fist, sent flying and eventually crashing into a huge ice boulder, shattering it and causing ice shards to dance wildly. The next moment, the white lightning burst out again, landing on the ground.

The lightning from his Speed Force melted the ice covering Pietro. He looked seriously at the black monster about a thousand meters ahead.

Previously, he had kicked the opponent and followed up for further attacks, but he hadn't expected the opponent to react just as swiftly, with frightening speed, power, and explosiveness, striking him with a single punch.

With his speed, coordination, and reflexes, it was rare for any attack to hit him.

Yet Kaecilius managed to do it.

Pietro could feel that the punch had indeed injured him, but thanks to his self-healing ability and Speed Force-enhanced healing, the injury didn't slow him down.

"Where did this monster come from? Where did that guy find this creature to possess its body?"

Pietro pondered, noting that the opponent's sheer physical prowess, strength, and speed were not inferior to Thor's, perhaps even surpassing him.

Why hadn't he heard of such a person on Earth before?

Could it be a being from another dimension?

Regardless, Pietro knew this battle would be extremely tough.

He glanced up at Wanda, shining brightly in the sky, and at Bella, who was fiercely battling the male and female dark sorcerers in the distance, wielding powerful magic that bombarded the ground like a missile strike.

Clearly, this situation would be at a stalemate for some time.

"What a bother."

Feeling the difficulty, Pietro had no choice but to speed up. Without any hesitation, white lightning exploded as he charged towards Kaecilius.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Due to Wanda's sweep and clearing of Greenland Island, even though Kaecilius arrived, she instinctively cast a spell before being pulled into the Mirror Dimension, significantly delaying the demons from invading Greenland Island.

This allowed the residents of Greenland Island to escape smoothly.

Simultaneously, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and armed forces were advancing slowly, but the fastest were Tony Stark and the X-Men members.

One representing the pinnacle of human technological achievement, the other a Blackbird jet, both flying at maximum speed towards Greenland Island without any obstacles.

The distance from the US to Greenland Island is just 320 kilometers, and at Mach 4 or 5 speeds of the MK armor and the Blackbird jet, it only took about ten minutes to arrive.

Both groups noticed each other in the sky.

Tony Stark was fine, although the MK armor’s scanners didn't yield results since the Blackbird jet, developed by Beast Hank, was equipped with anti-scanning coatings. However, through the glass windows, he saw Beast Hank, Phoenix Jean, and others, quickly identifying them.

The X-Men members in the Blackbird jet were more wary of the MK armor flying alongside them, surrounded by supersonic vapor cones.

"What the hell is that thing?"

Logan, feeling uneasy from his fear of heights, was wide-eyed seeing the supersonic MK armor flying beside them.

"Is it some kind of aircraft?"

"A drone?"

Storm and Scott were puzzled, while in the main cockpit, Beast Hank hesitantly concluded, "This is some kind of flying armor, probably piloted by a human."

"Holy crap, a flying armor? With a person inside?"

"How did he solve the energy and power issues? Such a small piece of armor, and we are flying at Mach 5.”

Although Scott does not understand technology very well, he at least knows the basics.

Flying at Mach 5 speed, and doing so in that armor configuration, at least the energy source would be the biggest problem, not to mention the output power and how the person inside could withstand the pressure from such high flight resistance.

With current human technology, who could create such a thing?

This should only exist in future technology depicted in movies.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the thing on the chest of that armor; that's the power source," Hank observed carefully. Although the distance was far and the flight was at high speed, both sides maintained a relatively static position.

Additionally, being a mutant with enhanced vision, Hank quickly noticed some important details.

"Just that little thing?" Storm said in surprise.

Jean touched her temple with one hand, trying to use her psychic power to communicate with the other side, but soon shook her head helplessly: "There should be a device in the armor that defends against psychic powers, making it impossible to connect."

However, Hank, who was piloting the plane, soon discovered that the plane's communication channel had been hacked.

A voice came through.

"Hey, guys, want to race?"

"Tony Stark." Hank immediately recognized the voice, confirming his earlier suspicion and named Tony.

"Wow, you actually recognized me. I must say, man, your skin is impressive."

"Thank you." It sounded a bit sarcastic, but Hank, being good-tempered and knowing Tony Stark's personality, didn't get angry. He just responded helplessly: "The thing on your chest should be a miniature version of the arc reactor. I have studied it, but without the design blueprints, I can't replicate it."

"It seems you have a lot of confidence. I remember your name is Hank, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark. Are you planning to go to Greenland Island?"

"Something unusual has appeared there, and I need to check it out."

"Mr. Stark, are you really sure? You should know those things might be the legendary demons," Hank said hesitantly. The armor technology was impressive even to a tech expert like him, but it seemed to be just a flying device.

Against enemies, which could be the legendary demons, it might be of no use at all.

"Trust me, buddy, don't forget my other identity," Tony's confident voice came through the communicator.

"Alright," Hank didn't argue any further.

After all, they didn't know each other very well.

They had already entered the vicinity of Greenland Island, and while speaking, they were already near the Arctic Circle. At the appropriate distance, the Blackbird jet slowly descended, landing on an ice mountain. At the same time, Tony Stark's MK armor also slowly floated down.


The hatch opened, and the X-Men members walked down from the deck one by one.

Turning their heads, they saw the MK armor descend.

"Cool~~" Scott confirmed the coolness of the armor.

After all, few men could resist such a thing. Tony landed, opened his mask, revealing his iconic face, and responded with a smile, "Thanks for the compliment, I think it's pretty cool too.”

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