Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 171: Dark Sorcerer Hulk

Chapter 171: Dark Sorcerer Hulk

At a time when the whole world was in an uproar over Greenland Island.

Time passed bit by bit.

Gunshots and explosions gradually echoed around Greenland Island, clearly indicating that armies or armed forces were fighting against the demons.

These sounds gave some hope to the people who were trembling and hiding inside Greenland Island.

Moreover, the population of Greenland Island was rapidly decreasing because the demons, newly arrived on earth, had an enormous need for food and were eagerly hunting humans.

It is also worth mentioning that the residents of Greenland Island were actually quite fierce. Living by the sea and relying on fishing and hunting, almost every household had its own hunting weapons, including shotguns.

Although they were afraid of the demons, their desire to survive made their resistance quite strong.

It might not have had much effect, but it did buy some time.

The cold and gloomy atmosphere made the surroundings of Greenland Island appear even more terrifying. The flying demons and those wreaking havoc on the ground, capturing residents and causing destruction, quickly ruined the originally beautiful environment of Greenland Island.

Just as dozens of demons were destroying a residential building and preparing to kill and devour the hiding residents inside, a terrifying red light flashed by.

This red light flickered and swept across the world, making time seem to stand still for a moment.

All the flying demons, the ones causing destruction, and those grabbing terrified humans with their mouths wide open to eat, were all frozen in place. In the next second, an invisible force disintegrated these demons like sand.

In an instant, all the demons on Greenland Island were decomposed and killed by this invisible force.

The sky and earth were cleared, and the sounds quieted down significantly.

The surviving humans looked around in confusion, completely unaware of what had happened.

Those residents who had been caught in the sky by the demons began falling to the ground after the demons vanished. However, before they could scream, an invisible force gently brought them down safely to the ground.

These people, with faces full of disbelief, had no idea what had happened. Suddenly, someone pointed to the sky and shouted.

“Look, what is that?"

Less than a hundred meters above Greenland Island, several humans were clearly seen floating and looking down. Although the distance was far, making it hard to see their faces, their shapes and clothing made it obvious that they were humans.

“Did they save us?”

“Oh my God, they’re like angels.”

“No, they are sent by the Sea God to save us, they are the children of the ocean.”

“Uh, while I am very grateful to those people for saving us, I think the most important thing right now is to get out of here quickly, guys, let’s run and leave this place.”

Finally, someone realized that despite their gratitude, escaping was now the most important task.

If he hadn’t been a tourist without escape tools, he would have been the first to leave with his family.

Reminded by this tourist, the residents and other tourists on Greenland Island immediately reacted, rushing towards the docks in a frenzy. Some shouted at their relatives and friends to hurry.

In an instant, the survivors began filling any available means of transportation, including yachts, fishing boats, cars, and anything that could help them leave.

Watching the noisy and chaotic scene below, Wanda, Pietro, and Bella floating in the sky had few thoughts.

Kind-hearted Wanda, seeing that there were too many people but too few escape tools, immediately used her powers to create more boats and cars out of thin air.

Although she could directly teleport people, the large number of people and the uncertainty about the potential effects of her reality-altering abilities, along with the potential significant energy consumption, made her decide to create escape tools instead.

After doing all this, Wanda and the others looked towards the further part of Greenland Island, at a location in the Arctic Circle.

The purple storm spreading and the sky stained scarlet exuded a terrifying and ominous aura.

"Let's go."

After Wanda finished speaking, she turned into a flash of red light and flew towards the target point, followed closely by Pietro and Bella.

The frightening purple lightning storm, full of destructive power, was expanding and spreading. The ice was melting and breaking, causing the environment to change drastically and become unsuitable for human habitation.

Wanda, Pietro, and Bella were all well aware that this was the result of the collision between two dimensions.

Or rather, hell's forces were invading and infecting the Earth.

This was, of course, related to the demons that had appeared.

They had simply accelerated this process.

Breaking through the purple lightning storm, the demons that continuously flew in their path all met their demise before Wanda, Bella, and Pietro. These demons were instantly killed and were generally weak.

Typically, the stronger the demon, the larger its body since only a large body can contain vast energy.

Only a few powerful demons can freely change their size.

This might be due to their innate talent or some learned ability.

As of now, these demons are all low-tier, the lowest of the low in Hell, essentially mindless zombies acting on instinct alone, such as hiding from stronger enemies or hunting prey.

Hence, they rushed forward as cannon fodder.

Such demons exist in vast numbers in Hell, countless and never-ending.

The smarter demons either have bodies too large to fit through the passage for now or are waiting for the cannon fodder to scout ahead and ensure there’s no significant danger before making a move.

Caution is the key to survival for demons in Hell.

This gave Wanda and her companions the chance to proceed toward the area where the Hell Gate was opening without encountering powerful foes.

They slaughtered countless low-tier demons along the way until they finally reached the location of the Hell Gate, situated hundreds of kilometers away from Greenland Island, in the Arctic Circle. Beneath an expanse of ice, there appeared a massive pit with a diameter of about a thousand meters.

The depth of the pit is unknown, but at the bottom of this crimson-tainted pit lies the connection to the world of Hell. Crimson light pervades the pit, with streams of red vapor rising and spreading, transforming the surrounding area.

The ice around the pit has begun to melt.

Demons continuously pour out from this Hell Gate. More critically, Wanda, Pietro, and Bella can clearly sense that an invisible force is expanding the pit, causing the gap to widen. If left unchecked, the diameter of this opening will be unimaginably large.

“Where is the thing causing this gap? Do you see it?”

The white-haired young man, now more composed, wore a specially crafted black outfit adorned with mysterious inscriptions. It looked quite appealing but was more than just a simple garment.

It resembled Asgardian armor, though unlike the medieval-style Asgardian armor, this was more akin to a garment with less defensive power but more convenience and some auxiliary functions.

Wanda wore a red coat, and Bella wore a plaid shirt jacket of the same type.

All of these were crafted with Bi Xiao’s support.

Pietro scanned his surroundings sharply, using a searching spell through his vision and senses to gather the information he needed.

Unfortunately, he found nothing.

“I can’t find it either. It’s strange,” Wanda and Bella, after searching around, also shook their heads.

Frowning, their expressions were serious.

The object that could open the Hell Gate was an ancient artifact, a tangible item that couldn’t be hidden. But despite searching the area, it wasn’t found, implying that...

Wanda, Pietro, and Bella quickly understood.

Their eyes turned towards the pit.

Or rather, towards the other side of Hell.

“They actually threw it over there. So we have to go in?" Pietro scratched his face, looking eager. Hell was somewhere he had never been.

“Are you serious?”

Wanda gave a beautiful sidelong glance, displeased with her foolish brother: “There are countless powerful demons watching from the other side, including many Hell lords. If you go in, aren’t you just walking into a trap?"

If Pietro went in alone, he would first face an enormous army of low-tier demons, with no known upper limit to their numbers. Following them were the powerful demons and even more terrifying Hell lords watching from the shadows.

Any Hell lord with malicious intent could easily capture Pietro.

He wouldn’t stand a chance.

Quick, what good is being quick? A single glance from a Hell lord, or a casual use of black magic or a curse, would immediately turn Pietro into a weakling.

The difference in levels of life is not so easily challenged. Pietro is not the protagonist of some TV show with a lucky aura.

"So, what do we do now?"

Pietro, scolded by his annoying sister, immediately changed the subject, looking somewhat troubled at the demons continuously emerging from below, only to be promptly eliminated by Wanda and Bella's magic.

They couldn't just ignore this. Even if they stayed here, the gates of hell would continue to expand. Eventually, stronger demons might emerge instead of these cannon fodders.

"Seal off this area for now. We need to understand the situation on the other side first."

Wanda thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up as she suddenly came up with a good idea. Just as she was about to take action...

Suddenly, a terrifying energy quietly surged in from afar. Wanda and the others immediately sensed it and vanished from their positions without looking back.


In the next moment, a huge, terrifying figure passed through the spot where Wanda and the others had just been and crashed into the ground far away, creating a massive crater and shaking the earth.

Amidst the billowing dust, a faintly visible figure could be seen.

The three of them hovered in the air, forming a triangular formation, staring below. As the dust settled, their pupils contracted.

A towering figure, over two meters tall, was looking up at them. His skin was pitch black, his muscles were terrifying, and the huge crater proved his immense strength. He was wearing something resembling a wizard's robe, though it looked somewhat out of place on him.

"Wow, what a disgusting guy."

Suspended in the air, Pietro looked full of disdain, but his eyes were serious. He could feel the overwhelming energy emanating from the figure, pure darkness and evil.

Especially the malice and coldness in his eyes, which showed this guy was not to be trifled with.

He was extremely dangerous.


Wanda uttered the name, recognizing that the body wasn't originally Kaecilius. The other had occupied it through soul invasion.

A powerful dark sorcerer who had pledged allegiance to the Dark Lord Dormammu and now occupied a physically strong body.

This combination of power was not just additive but exponentially increased.

With a flash of red in her beautiful eyes, Wanda glanced at Pietro and Bella, and the three of them immediately formed a tacit understanding to attack and kill this guy at once.

However, before they could act...

The sound of space shattering suddenly echoed. Wanda, Pietro, and Bella reacted immediately, ready to counterattack, but a mysterious force momentarily restrained them.

In that moment, Wanda and the others were pulled into a strange world, a space isolated from reality.

The Mirror Dimension.

A magical space where one can see reality but cannot touch it.

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