Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 164 164 Who’s there?!

Chapter 164 Chapter 164 Who's there?!

'Curse my damn luck!' he cursed; 'I just had to walk into trouble didn't I?'


Doubling back a few hours before all that, Selina sat in her office- staring at the letter before her. It was unopened. But on the back, encased in cold red wax, was the official stamp of the Russell family.

Dressed in white as always, she leaned forward across the desk and stretched out her hand across the white desk to pick up the letter.

Under the shadows of her thick brows, the confident look in her eyes shimmered slightly as she winced in pain- feeling the sharp jut in her lower abdomen as it pulled, and twisted inside of her. On the pale white skin of her cheeks, patches of red bloomed as she bounced her knees under the table- trying to numb out the pain.

'Get it together. . .' she chanted; 'It's only pain. . .it doesn't define you. . .'

Her thin slit eyes slowly widened as she forced herself to rise above the pain. Cradling the letter in her hands, it crackled softly as she broke off the seal. She picked up her glasses, and held it up;

'Dear Selina,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

I understand just how much you love your privacy. But seeing that we've been best friends for three decades now, I hope you can forgive me for springing up Nexus on you without any warning.

For the most part, he's a pretty solid young man. I can personally vouch for his character. And that is why I am asking you, dearest friend, to help me watch out for him.

I fear turbulent times are ahead for my family. The Howard family seem to have it out for me. And after my last meeting with them, I can't really say I blame them. Even as I write this, I fear we might not see each other for a while.

But in all this, the doctor has been nothing but understanding.

And that is exactly why I need your help with him. Please, help me take care of Nexus. He deserves no part of this drama. I love you Selina, but I also need you to be CAREFUL as well. Wolves lurk among the sheep, and they only howl at night.

-Yours truly,

Lady Madeline Russell.'

Selina looked over the letter again and again through the refracted lens of her alloy rims.

Through her squinted eyes, she went over the fine details of the print- sparking with a rugged intelligence that burned brightly on her face.

'What's this. . .Madeline never sounds this formal in her letters- not even in the official ones. . .

Her curly white hair flicked in the wind like curtains of wool as she pondered on it. The message was simple, and yet, filled with a lot of complexities. What was this business with the Howards? And why did she want the doctor to be protected so bad?

Angling with intrigue, she peered closer at the letter again-

Madeline had done her best to disguise it,

But in between her words and artful calligraphy strokes were subtle evidences that she deeply valued his life. And worse still was the cryptic warning.

"Careful?" she scoffed as she pulled off the glasses; "Nahh, they should be the ones scared of me. . ."

Selina got up from her table and walked over to the broad open window- overlooking the city below, and mulling over her best friend's letter.

Her ego simply could not shake off the last part of the letter. Looking out on the bustling streets of Castra City, Selina reminded herself of just how powerful she had become.

Within certain circles, deep in high profiled discussions, her name was often spoken of in reverence. The name 'Selina' and the phrase 'Ice dragon' were two parallels that simply could not be disassociated from each other.

On a very good day, she could easily wipe out entire hosts without breaking a sweat. Yes, there was no mage powerful enough to defeat her. She brows shrunk together as she fought to give herself a little leeway;

"Okay. . ." she conceded; "At best, maybe there's a couple of masters that might actually succeed in putting a few scratches on me. But–"

On her full fleshy chest, her boobs swelled as she drew in a rich gust of oxygen;

"–that's just about it. Coming after me would be suicide."

When she remembered her new favorite ace up her sleeve, Selina's smile grew wider than the usual span;

"And of course, there's the Icecore elixir. . .with it, I'm basically unstoppable. . ."

Suddenly, in the streets below, a flash of red lapped in the crowds and caught her eye for the fraction of a second.

All of a sudden, on the spot, a wave of gastrointestinal irritation surged upwards from her belly. Selina whimpered softly, and placed her hand against the white marble pillar to her left- supporting herself.

Her whole body shuddered violently, and her eyes spun, causing her to sway dramatically. Thinking it to be another surge that was as a result of her resurfacing illness, she forced her eyes shut- feeling the room spin about her, as her vision blurred with a tinge of red.

Suddenly, just as soon as it came, the interruption disappeared in a moment.

Surprised, Selina opened her eyes and slowly lifted her head up- throwing her silvery locks of hair behind her as she emerged from her temporary bout of pain.

The pain itself was gone.

But instantly, Selina's eyes went dark. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Rotating her weight on the balls of the soles of her feet, she spun around with a silent quickness, cocking her head, and searching with her eyes- looking, but not sure what she was looking for.

In her cloudy eyes, the strong fiery confidence that was there only just a few moments ago, had dimmed into a pool of doubt, worry- and fear.

'What in the fuck. . .who's there?!' she yelled into the dark space behind the open door to? her office; 'I said who's there?!'

The ominous creaking of the door came in quiet laps- teasing her ears. On the back of her neck, all her white tiny hairs stood on their ends. Trembling slightly, her eyes hovered over the ceiling above. She swallowed hard.

An aura- naughty, dark and elusive, loomed over the room, brooding, trailing its unseen eyes all over her, and casting a dreadful shadow over the brilliantly white office space. Selina's skin crawled. From within her, her instincts screamed at her loudly- warning her of an invisible presence.

She couldn't see, smell, or touch it. But for some reason, in her mind, the presence had a single color- red.

At once, she rose up from her feet, heaving up her voluptuous body, and swirling her long white curly hair in the process. Selina was the farthest thing from a novice. Having logged three decades of battle experience, her instincts were spot on!

And at that moment, as the soul-snatching smell of blood curled up in the air all around her, weightless as air, and as silent as a shark- Selina felt, no, knew she was under attack.

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