Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 163 163 The Enterprising Woman

Chapter 163 Chapter 163 The Enterprising Woman

As he passed through a grove of trees, the heat from the sun subsided for a bit;

'Selina, Selina, Selina, where the hell are you getting this strength from?'

But the answer was there- clear as day. The lady was a workaholic.

She was the type that got a boner whenever she concluded a good deal. It was what got her going. Nexus had seen it firsthand that day in the conference room. Her eyes had lit up when he offered her a deal that seemed to be too good to be true.

Those were moments she lived for.

Nexus eyebrows arched even closer;

'Damn, she's driving herself only on sheer force will?'

A new found respect for her crept over him like a shadow- forcing a new kind of admiration for the woman.

As soon as he emerged from under the canopy of thick green-leafed grove of trees, the ominous sight of a murder of black crows circled up above in the sky- croaking in a cacophony of annoying cries.

Nexus was snatched from his thoughts, and was violently hurled back into reality.

With a start, he realized just how much his environment had changed. Within the short while he had slipped into his thoughts, the landscape had turned a lot less grey, and was now a lot more greener.

From both sides of the road, handful of majestic manors rose up- surrounded by low picket fences, and towering green trees.

At once, Nexus' boots tapped the sides of his galloping horse and tightened his hands on the reins- breaking the horse's energetic gallop, and willing it to slow down.

From the low bent over position he was previously in, he straightened himself on the saddle, pivoting his neck from side to side, and surveying his new environment as the horse trotted quietly beneath him.

This was the southernmost part of the city.

From the rich scent of nature in the air, to the lush green pastures, and the majestic manors, Nexus' guessed that this was home to the rich farmland owners of the city.

He was in the right place.

At the last location he had visited, Nexus had been told that Selina had headed to a herb farm in the surburbs. And the description had led him right here- to this fine dreamlike dystopia of a place.

With his right hand on his right lap, and with his other hand clutching the reins, Nexus' hips swayed back and forth, corresponding with the movements of the trotting horse beneath him. He continued upwards on the road. Not stopping, until the wide span of a plantation greeted his eyes.

The green field spanned the size of at least three football stadiums.

In partitions, several rows of sugarcane stalks rose up from the ground, and towered upward in proud stalks. At another segment, what looked like coffee plants, covered a whole segment in a flush of green. In between the ridges, were a handful of workers in straw hats- tending to the plantation, and milling in silence.

Nexus pulled up to the gate, and tied his horse there.

Standing from a reasonable distance out, he greeted the first man he saw;

"Greetings stranger!" he called out.

The man jerked in Nexus' direction- eyeing him warily. His face was red, but his eyes were as white as milk;

"This is private property son. You might need to back off."

"I mean no trouble sir," Nexus showed his hands up; "I'm simply looking for the owner of this farm."

The man turned towards him fully- resting both his arms on the big metal belt buckle above his groin;

"I'm the manager here. Who's asking?"

"I'm Ni Yang," he placed his hand in his chest; "I work with a Pharmaceutical Company called True Potions. I heard my boss was here."

The man grunted; "The fine woman with the white hair's your boss?"

Nexus nodded; "That's right."

A low patronizing whistle came out from between his thin lips;

"Well, well, ain't that somethin'? You're quite a lucky chap to be working with Selina. I bet you've been tryina hit that haven't you?"

Nexus wisely pivoted; "Pardon me, I'm in a bit of a hurry. If she's still here, could you point me in her direction?"

The man shrugged; "Yeah, she's still here."

Nexus looked at him, expecting more information. But he made no move to tell Nexus exactly where she was. He simply turned around dismissively- like he was done with the conversation or something.

Seething under his breath, Nexus crossed over. Cursing southern hospitality under his breath, he headed to the gate and spied out the large farm. It was too broad to go looking from one end to another. Most likely, he could spend the remaining day doing that.

For a moment, he considered waiting right there- at the gate, hoping that maybe, she would come out sooner or later. So, he folded his arms across his chest, and leaned against the pole- thankful for his hat kept the sun's ray at bay.

"Mate what do you think you're doing?" the manager's voice came rasping at him from the other side of the wire-fence;

"This isn't a bus stop. You can loiter there."

"Damn," Nexus grumbled; "So much for southern hospitality huh. . ."

Shaking off the dust from his coat, he took the first step into the farm- in the direction of the herb garden. It was the most likely place to find her. As soon as his shadow darkened the earth at the gate, the stoic, flat voice of the system came cruising in his ears;


Nexus paused mid-stride, angling his ears, and tensed up.





At once, every single cell in Nexus being froze up.

Ears ringing, and eyes flashing, he raised his head upwards, scanning the landscape with a serious expression on his face, and training his gaze to fit the seriousness of the situation at hand.

With suspicion lurking in his eyes, Nexus looked over the handful of workers milling up and down the farm- searching for even the slightest sign of a problem, and ready to deflect any psychic attack.

'Why does it have to be a bloody illusionist?' he growled inwardly; 'I really hate illusions. . .'

Nexus' experience with Mrs. Russell had left him with a serious lesson- he couldn't afford to be caught slipping. The vein on Nexus' head screamed against his skin, as he delved in and out of his thoughts;

'Calm down Nexus. . .calm down. . .you're also an illusionist. . remember that. . .this should be a perfect opportunity to hone my skills and–'


At once, Nexus dropped to a low crouch.

What the fuck?!!

Hot blood rushed to his head in violent pressure waves, as his heart erupted into a frenzied thumping. Beneath his feet, Nexus had felt the full brunt of the explosive force. The acoustic reverberations raged through the crusts of the earth- triggering tremors at the explosion. Violently, it had erupted with a loud bang, temporarily deafening Nexus' ears. Instinctively, his sharp eyes darted back and forth, searching for the first sign of trouble.

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