Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 269: Mind Grade

Chapter 269: Mind Grade

Enormous strength erupted from Greg's body, causing the surrounding around him to be blown away instantly.

Even though the mask was above his head and acted in time to prevent any unwanted harm, the power outbreak was so great that it could only reduce it a bit. 

And yet, even like this, the whole top of the main building got destroyed, turning the thousands of precious high-quality crystals into nothing more but mere pieces of dust.


Greg wanted to control the power that broke forth from his body, but no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to do so. The power was so vigorous and crazy that it felt like he wanted to tame a wild dragon in a storm. No matter what he tried, the power surged forward destroying everything around him into dust in no time.

Luckily, he had the mask's protection, if not because of that, he was quite sure the whole building would have collapsed under such pressure.

"Don't resist. Just let your body, soul, and mind melt together." Alice's calm voice sounded in his head, making Greg to relax, but deep down he was still worried.

This whole building had more than 30 floors, filled with thousands of precious energy crystals. Each floor could make any person to break into the God rank in no time, yet now, it seemed he will destroy it with his power. If his friends came back and saw this, he was not sure how he will explain himself.

Alice knew this too, but unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it. Because Greg was currently undergoing a crucial process, even if she wanted to she wouldn't be able to help him protect the Energy Chamber.

During the breakthrough into the Mind Grade, neither the owner nor the Guardian has the ability to use their powers. They needed to wait patiently until the breakthrough ended on its own while ignoring their surroundings.



"Not good!" thought kind of worried, watching as the ground around him formed deep cracks one after another.

It was obvious that his demon mask was unable to nullify the whole power outbreak, and it was only a matter of time when the whole building will collapse.




Bit by bit, the already debris filled ground, web-like breaks formed, causing the whole building to tremble slightly.

"How long does this breakthrough last?" asked Greg, knowing he must do something. If he lets things to continue like this, not only will the whole building collapse but there was a high chance that Greg will be buried alive deep into the debris.

He definitely needed to do something and fast!


However, just as things seemed to end in the worst, suddenly the whole building was enveloped by a strange power, making Greg to widen his eyes instantly.

"Who would have thought. We go away only for a bit and you make a ruckus behind our backs. How typical."

Before Greg, Russ, Wayne, and his friends appeared one by one, looking at him with a slight grin.

However, below their smiles and happy facades, great shock could be discerned without mistake. They have gone to discover Skyfall Mountain's proximity, in the hope they could build a defend mechanism in the future, but when Russ detected a great power outbreak here, they hurried back instantly.

First, they thought someone broke into their base and started to go berserk, but when they arrived and saw Greg on the top of the main building that was on the verge of collapsing, they were instantly flabbergasted.

Naturally, Russ was the one who used his power to stop the building from being destroyed, but he was just as surprised as any of the others.

"It is obviously a breakthrough into the God rank, but why does it feel... So strange?" thought Russ as he looked at Greg's body with a troubled expression.

Wayne and the others looked at Greg in the same way, because they also felt that Greg was attempting to break into the God rank, but for some reason, they felt strange too.

"Could it be because of his Guardian?" realized Russ as he thought back the moment he saw Greg's Guardian.

There was no one else in the whole world who had a Guardian as strange as Greg's. It was common knowledge that you were unable to communicate with your Guardian until you reach the Evolution Step, yet Greg' Guardian not only could speak, but also act on her own will.


While others stared at Greg in anticipation, Greg sighed with relief. Now that things had been saved thanks to Russ's arrival, he could relax without worry.

"Thanks." thought Greg and let go of his body fully.


And in that instant, a greater power broke out from his body, but because Russ used constant hi space ability to prevent harm to be caused, nothing happened.

However, maybe nothing happened on the outside, but inside Greg's body did. Immediately after Greg relaxed fully, each Flow inside his body moved.

The complex, web-like system inside his body started to tremble and move, and like snakes started to swirl, twist and turn inside his body.

When Greg saw this he looked surprised and thought he will feel pain, but strangely, what he felt was not pain but something not only him, but no human ever felt before. It was a feeling, a sensation that was foreign for the human brain to understand.

And as this sensation swept through his body, all the Flows inside his body started to expand and expand, engulfing every muscle, bone, cell, and inch inside his body.

Bit by bit, Greg's interior body had been engulfed completely by the Flows, affecting Greg's body instantly.

"Be as swift and undetectable as the wind."


As Alice's voice sounded, the Flow inside Greg's body lit up with a gentle silver light, while Greg's whole being turned half-transparent, filled with rotating wind blades.


When Russ and the others saw this, they looked stupified, not knowing how to respond. They watched Greg's body turn half-transparent before them, yet even they saw it, they were unable to see Greg's body. It was like his whole being became one with the air.

However, before they could have reacted, the amazing sight continued, causing their complexion to become more and more flabbergasted.

"Be as fierce yet passionate as flames."


Immediately, Greg's half-transparent body turned back to its original shape, but the next second his whole being got engulfed with golden flames. Right now, he looked like a terrifying ancient creature who just consumed a whole sun from the skies, radiating insane heat to its proximity.

"Let your mind and soul be as calm as the calmest river, yet as solid as glaciers!"


The flames around Greg vanished instantly while shining sky blue ice arose and formed on his skin, giving him an appearance like he was shaped from Jade. However, the most noticeable change wasn't that but the insane calmness his whole body leaked. 

Even though they were calm, the moment Russ and the others glanced at Greg's figure, they felt as both their body and mind started to get loose and relaxed. Maybe Joe, Mila, and Emma didn't feel anything, but Russ and Wayne did. Both of them knew that the current sensation they were feeling was extremely terrifying!

Just imagine yourself fighting against someone with 120% of concentration, but suddenly you lose focus because your body and mind start to relax uncontrollably! Fighting against enemies with such power was extremely scary and needed an insane amount of willpower to fight back!

"Control your fate with determination and steadiness as the earth!"


Quickly the Greg's Jade body evaporated, while his whole existence leaked indescribable determination. It was to the point that just by looking at him would cause anyone believe he could do anything!

"Never lose your purpose and give others hope as light would!"


Greg's determined presence vanished while his body turned into blinding white light, making his friends close their eyes in an instant.

Right now, Greg looked like a holy being leaking a presence that told others that no matter what would happen he was always there to help. Even if hell rises or heaven collapse, he will be there to protect and save lives!

"And be as merciless and frigid like darkness!"


Following the next eruption, the holy light around Greg disappeared, and what emerged around him was complete darkness. His whole being was engulfed with abyss darkness while giving others a chilling sensation even though he was just sitting in one place.

He was sitting in the middle of the floor with his body swallowed by abyss-like darkness, giving others a feeling that he was the very reincarnation of death. 

Right at the moment, Joe, Mila, and Emma felt like, only one glance from Greg could mean the end of their lives, no matter if Russ and Wayne were here to protect them or not. Just that feeling alone sent an ice-cold shiver to run into the very core of their body, causing them to tremble in fear.

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