Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 270: Be One With The Elements

Chapter 270: Be One With The Elements

Greg felt an indescribable sensation all over his body. Every time Alice's voice sounded in his head, his body underwent great changes that not only affected his mind and body but his soul too.

For example, the very first time Alice talked inside his head, not only does his body became one with the air, but he felt he was air and wind itself. The feeling was quite hard to describe, but Greg knew that from this moment on, he was 10 times stronger and no one could harm him.

He had a power that not even a white Soul Stone holder had, and this fact alone made his body to tremble not only with joy but with excitement too.

"I can't wait to see what will happen after I surpass the God rank." smiled Greg gently and enjoyed the changes inside his body.

The heaven-defying pain he had felt so far had long ago vanished, so he could finally relax, but his complexion still showed huge exhaustion.

Enduring unfathomable pain and torture for straight of an hour-long, he thanked the gods above that he was able to survive. He would lie if he would say he didn't think about committing suicide, but luckily he was able to withstand it.

"Also, let's not forget Russ's help. If it weren't for him, my body would have been long ago below this building's debris." sighed inwardly Greg and watched at the six Flow melted and fused into his body completely.

From this moment on, Greg knew that all the 6 elements had become his, and now he will be able to use them all at the same time.

Just imagining as he used each element at the same time sent a shiver run down his spine in excitement. Just who in this wide world had the slightest power to defend against a barrage of 6 different elements? In Greg's opinion, there was none.

"I can't wait to try this new power of mine out!" smiled Greg and watched as the darkness that enveloped his body slowly vanished and turn everything back to its original shape.

"Congratulations on reaching the Mind Grade! From this moment on, you truly become my successor!" said Alice happily but causing Greg to frown.

"Successor?" thought Greg and wanted to ask Alice when his friend's voice sounded from his side.

"Congrats on reaching the God rank!"

Russ and the others walked closer to Greg as they examined him from up close. Right now, Greg's body was leaking such a powerful presence, that if they didn't know Greg before, they would have believed he was someone who reached the Evolution Step. Just his presence alone was on the top of the God rank, which left them completely speechless, unable to close their opened mouths even after minutes.

"How do you feel?" Emma who stood on the back walked forward and inspected Greg's body with keen stares.

"I feel much better, but my body feels sore. My breakthrough was a bit different from normal means. But if I rest for a bit, I will be perfectly fine." smiled Greg, thanking Emma's comfort.

Standing up and patting his clothes off from the dust, Greg looked around and sighed. Because of his breakthrough, the whole top of the main building had been blown off, causing thousands of priceless energy crystals to turn into ashes in vain.

Just the sight alone could make anyone go mad, let alone him, who in fact now didn't need them."

"I am sorry..." sighed Greg as he glanced at Joe and the others.

The group glanced at the cause Greg just created by his breakthrough, but after a smile just shook their heads.

"It is a problem, but not as big as you think. Even if you wouldn't have destroyed it, we wouldn't have been able to use it. Maybe sell the crystals for great fortune or consume a few for our own breakthrough, but in the end, they would have remained here unknown how long. So don't really overthink it." shook his arm Joe, but the next second he raised his eyebrow.

"Instead tell us what happened? We're you able to obtain the next key?"

That question made everyone present curious, waiting eagerly for Greg to reply.

Their sharp glares on his skin made Greg feel like a woman and felt a bit uncomfortable, but still nodded and extended his arm.

"Yeah, I did." said, and instantly a key made out of swirling wind blades appeared, making the 5 before him to squint their eyes just to be able to see the key.

"Now with this, there is only one left." smiled Greg, causing Russ's and Wayne's expressions to brighten instantly.

They were the very first ones who started to look for the keys, and they were also the very first ones who asked for Greg's help. Just remembering back for the moment where they obtained the very first key made the two's complexion to change slightly, making memories to surface onto their faces.

"Just one key, huh? We truly came far away." thought Russ hardly believing that one key and they will be able to meet with an ancient being that was referred to as Absolute!

"Just one key and we will be able to meet such being. I'm curious how it looked like." murmured Wayne on the side, visible deep in his own thoughts.

"Anyway, where were you guys? When I came back you weren't here." asked Greg breaking the silence, making Russ and Wayne come back to reality.

"Ah? Oh. Can you remember how we were attacked by the Voodoo Family before, but for some reason, we sustained no harm?"


"Well, we found out that on this insanely huge mountain, millions of small nullification Magic Circles had been placed, forming a huge and complex Magic Array!"

"Oh?" as Greg heard this he looked curious.

"So this means this whole mountain is impenetrable?"

"Not clearly." shook his head Wayne and pointed toward the ceiling, "Just like how the Dia Family was able to dig their way in until others don't use large-scale powers, those Magic Circles won't be activated."

"Yeah that is true." nodded Greg realizing this fact. He could clearly remember as hundreds of members of the Dia Family tried to dig their way in and attack them, and if it weren't for Greg's power this place would have been flooded with people from the Dia Family.

"Yes, and that is why we started to explore the surroundings. I thought that maybe Wayne and I could make a few changes and create a few Magic Arrays to strengthen this stronghold's defense, but who would have thought you would create such ruckus." laughed Russ, making Greg to scratch his neck with a wry smile.

"Anyway." said Wayne after Russ, and glanced at Greg, "Now that you are here, things could become even easier."

"Huh?" when Greg heard this, he stopped smiling and borrowed his brows.


"It's easy." smiled Wayne from behind his mask, and pointed at him, "With your current strength and powers, you are the perfect energy to create a Magic Array!"


The Federation was in turmoil. Since the news that the Charon Family had been almost wiped out escaped the Souther region, smaller family's acted and started to attack the weakened family.

Some went and assaulted the areas which had already been destroyed, robbing it off from its resources, while the bold ones attacked the Charon main base head-on.

But although weakened, the Charon Family wasn't one of the 5 Great Families out of a whim. The very moment other smaller families tried to steal their territory and resources with their insane amount of manpower they were able to defend off the assaults successfully.

Even though their 70% had been wiped out of the unknown caused incident, that remaining 30% of their power was perfectly enough to tamper anyone who tried anything funny against them!

They showed that no matter if they have lost 70-80% of their power, they were still on the top, and no matter who tried to fight them, they would destroy them with their sheer power!

However, there were still a few time where they were unable to stop every and all atta on the outer regions, because to tell the truth, defending against hundreds of Families were hard even for them, let alone in such weakened state.

And while these huge changes underwent in the Federation, Nos finally arrived before a small cave and stood outside unknown what to do.

Since the moment he met with that creature, he knew that he was way inferior to it both in power and intelligence, yet his boss sent him here to take him back.

Did he do insane or was he simply an idiot? No matter which, Nos knew that right at this moment, even the slightest mistake or misunderstanding could end not only his but his entire Family's end.

"The world went crazy!" thought Nos as he wiped his sweat off and after gulping down his saliva stepped forward, vanishing into the cave's darkness.

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