Jagged Germany

Chapter 1641: The loss is huge (ask for a monthly ticket)

   "Sir, the Germans' anti-aircraft firepower is too fierce. It is very difficult to hit their capital ships! Our carrier-based aircraft have suffered too much loss." A U.S. squadron leader said.

"Yes, each of their warships has dense anti-aircraft firepower. If we want to attack their capital ships, we need to break through their dense anti-aircraft firepower network. This makes our carrier-based aircraft very easy to be shot down .” Another squadron leader also said.

   "It is necessary to sink the battleships on the periphery of their capital ship, tear apart their anti-aircraft firepower network, and then launch an attack." A squadron leader suggested.

  The carrier-based aircraft commanders of the U.S. and British navies adopted this suggestion: "Attention all aircraft, first kill the **** warships on the periphery of the German capital ships, and then concentrate their firepower on the core capital ships!"

   It's just that it's too late to adopt this tactic now.

  Although, the total number of carrier-based aircraft in the first wave of fleets launched by the U.S. and British navies reached 648. However, they had already suffered heavy losses under the interception of the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets. More than 300 carrier-based aircraft were shot down by the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets. Moreover, the lost carrier-based aircraft were mainly dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft. This has seriously weakened the carrier-based aircraft strike capabilities of the US and British navies.

   During the attack on the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet, a large number of carrier-based aircraft were shot down by the fleet's anti-aircraft firepower. This makes their strength further weakened. Even if the correct tactics are adopted now, it will be very difficult for them to work.

   While the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British navies were besieging the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet, the German Navy's carrier-based fighter jets had already begun to intercept their second wave of aircraft groups.

  During the previous battle to intercept the first wave of fleets, the German Navy lost dozens of carrier-based fighter jets. The total has dropped to around two hundred and seventy. Facing the 612 carrier-based aircraft in the second wave of the US and British navies, they are undoubtedly at a complete disadvantage in terms of numbers. However, except for 231 F4U fighter jets in the second wave of the U.S. and British navies, the rest are all SBD2 dive bombers and TBD torpedo attack planes. .

  The fierce air battle started immediately, and the fighter planes of both sides launched a brutal life-and-death fight. Fighters were constantly being hit and fell towards the sea. But in general, the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies still accounted for the majority, while the carrier-based fighter jets of the German Navy were shot down much less.

but. The carrier-based fighter jets of the German Navy had already fought a tragic battle before, which made them consume a lot of ammunition and fuel. This made them fight in the second fight, many carrier-based fighters had to withdraw from the battle early because the ammunition and fuel were about to be consumed.

   But even so, their interception still caused great losses to the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British navies. A large number of carrier-based aircraft were shot down, which sharply reduced their attack power, and the threat to the German Navy's fleet was also greatly weakened.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  A destroyer of the German Navy was besieged by the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the US and British Navy. Although the anti-aircraft firepower on the destroyer was firing crazily, the other warships around were also doing their best to support it. However, the destroyer of the German Navy still failed to survive the siege.

  Two heavy-duty aviation armor-piercing shells weighing a thousand pounds hit him one after another, and the violent explosion engulfed the destroyer in flames and thick smoke. The structure of the hull was severely damaged in the explosion, and sea water was poured into the hull like crazy. Soon, the destroyer was sunk.

  The sinking of a destroyer may be nothing to the German Navy. However, it caused the air defense network to be knocked out. The carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British navies can launch attacks on the cruisers in the inner layer of the fleet from here.

  Although, the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British fleets were constantly being shot down by intensive anti-aircraft fire during the attack. But after paying a heavy price, they sank several destroyers and cruisers of the German Navy one after another. As a result, many loopholes appeared in the originally perfect air defense firepower. The carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies took advantage of these loopholes to attack the capital ships at the core.

   "Torpedo, found a torpedo on the starboard side, feeling evasive!"

  The sailors on the starboard side of the battlecruiser "Weissenberg" found several torpedoes rushing towards them and immediately gave the warning.

  The huge battlecruiser immediately began an emergency turn. However, it was still a step too late.

  Among the several torpedoes, most of them were avoided. But two torpedoes hit the battlecruiser's midship and stern respectively.

  The warhead of the heavy torpedo exploded violently, and the huge force tore apart the waterline armor of the battlecruiser. Sea water was poured into the battlecruiser frantically.

  The damage control personnel immediately carried out damage control, trying to plug the loophole. However, it was later discovered that this was simply futile. As a last resort, the damage control personnel had to choose to close the watertight compartment to prevent the seawater pouring into the hull from further spreading to other compartments.

   But even so, the battleship was slightly tilted due to too much water, and the performance of the battleship was greatly affected by this.

   "Well done, if we work harder, we will be able to sink the German capital ship in one fell swoop!"

   However, despite the fierce attack of the carrier-based aircraft fleet of the US and British navies, the German Navy's home fleet capital ship formation suffered heavy losses. Some capital ships, destroyers and cruisers were sunk, and even the capital ships were injured. However, their first wave of fleet also suffered heavy losses. Almost all carrier-based aircraft have run out of bombs and torpedoes, and there is no way to cause more damage to the capital ship formation of the German Navy's home fleet.

   "Bastard, return to the voyage immediately, refuel and reload the ammunition, and then attack again. Next time, we must sink all these warships of the Germans!" The carrier-based aircraft commander of the US and British Navy ordered.

  However, they didn't seem to find that there were not many remaining carrier-based aircraft in their first wave fleet. Originally a huge fleet of 648 carrier-based aircraft, now there are only more than 150 aircraft left. The rest of the carrier-based aircraft have all been shot down in fierce battles. Such a loss is undoubtedly a huge loss compared to the results they obtained.

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