Jagged Germany

Chapter 1640: Guild Wars (ask for a monthly ticket)

   "Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

  The anti-aircraft firepower on the warships of the main fleet of the German Navy's home fleet was firing violently, and the dense anti-aircraft firepower formed a network of anti-aircraft firepower over the fleet. It is undoubtedly very difficult for the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies to break through their air defense firepower network and attack those warships. After many carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies broke into the air defense firepower network of the German fleet, they were torn to pieces.

   "Asshole, fighter cover!"

  The F4U fighter jets of the U.S. and British navies shuttled nimbly through the air defense firepower network, as if they might be hit at any time, which seemed extremely thrilling.

  Several 20mm anti-aircraft guns launched intensive firepower against it, but still failed to hit the target.

   "Idiot, forget about those fighter jets! Shooting down those dive bombers and torpedo attack planes is the first priority."

   Indeed, for the huge warships on the sea, unless those fighter jets launch a suicidal attack, they will not pose any threat to them at all. In contrast, the threat posed by dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft is even greater.

   "Go to hell, German!"

  Four SBD2 dive bombers launched an attack on the German battleship "Kaiser". Bombs were dropped at a height of six or seven hundred meters above the sea. Aerial bombs weighing a thousand pounds slammed into the German battleships.

   It's just that, unfortunately, these bombs all fell into the sea. Although a high water column was splashed, it did not cause the slightest damage to the battleship.

   "Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the American pilots cursed.

  Although, during normal training, they may do well, and they can easily hit the target ship. However, in a real battle, it is not so easy to hit the target. In the face of dense anti-aircraft firepower, it is difficult for pilots to fire calmly and calmly as in usual training. After all, those sharp anti-aircraft firepower are enough to tear their fighter planes to pieces.

   "Idiots, you dropped the bomb too early. Dive to a height of 500 meters and then drop the bomb!" The squadron leader cursed.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The anti-aircraft firepower of the German fleet opened fire crazily, and every air defense soldier tried his best. With all their strength, they fired shells into the sky, hoping to shoot down the enemy's planes and protect their warships.


  A dive bomber was hit by intensive anti-aircraft fire, and the entire plane was torn to pieces in the explosion.

  Although the attack of the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British navies was very violent, under the attack of the intensive anti-aircraft firepower of the German army, the losses were very large. Carrier-based aircraft were continuously shot down, but the results achieved were very small.

   "The torpedo attack aircraft and the dive bomber cooperate with each other and act together!" The commanders of the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British navies, seeing this situation, could not help but issue orders again and adjust their tactics.

  Several TBD torpedo attack aircraft launched an attack on the battleship "Frederick the Great" from the flank. These torpedo attack aircraft descended and then prepared to release their torpedoes.

   "There are enemy torpedo planes on the left, kill them!" The air defense commander on the left side of the battleship discovered this threat and immediately issued an order.

   Several 88mm anti-aircraft guns, more 40mm anti-aircraft guns and 20mm anti-aircraft guns, launched an attack.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Intensive artillery fire enveloped the few torpedo attack aircraft.

  A TBD torpedo attack aircraft was hit on the spot, and the entire aircraft was torn to pieces in the explosion.

  The remaining four TBD torpedo attack aircraft successfully released the torpedoes. However, when the two TBD torpedo attack aircraft were pulled up, they were hit by anti-aircraft fire. The body structure was severely damaged, and it fell into the sea.

  Four 533mm heavy torpedoes rushed towards the battleship "Frederick the Great" at high speed.

   "A torpedo is found on the left, avoid it!"

  The battleship "Frederick the Great" immediately began to turn, trying to avoid these torpedoes. Although the lightning protection measures of the "Frederick the Great" are in place, it is an old warship that has been in service for more than 20 years. Once hit by a 533mm heavy torpedo, it will definitely be severely damaged. Therefore, finding ways to avoid these torpedoes is the most critical.

  The huge battleship began to turn in an emergency, and the huge centrifugal force even threw some unsuspecting sailors into the sea. The entire battleship is like a huge bison, going crazy on the sea.

  At this time, several SBD2 dive bombers also launched an attack. A squadron leader of the US military personally led the team to launch the attack.

   "Steady, steady!" Despite the fierce anti-aircraft fire, countless anti-aircraft shells exploded around them. But the squadron leader of the US military was still loudly instructing those pilots.


   The squadron leader gave the order to drop the bomb only when it was only 500 meters above the sea.

  Four heavy aviation armor-piercing shells weighing one thousand pounds hit the battleship 'Frederick the Great'.

  At this moment, the battleship "Frederick the Great" is mainly focused on avoiding torpedoes on the sea. For aerial bombs falling from the sky, it is somewhat powerless.


  A violent explosion sounded, and an aerial bomb hit the front deck of the 'Frederick the Great'. Deck armor was penetrated and bombs exploded inside the battleship.

  Fire and smoke rushed into the sky.

   "Great, I hit the German warship!" An American pilot yelled excitedly.

  However, tragedy is often staged at this time. When he pulled up the fighter plane, an 88mm anti-aircraft gun shell hit the SBD2 dive bomber. The huge power immediately tore the SBD2 diving battleship into pieces. The pilot was also killed on the spot.

   It's just that no one cares about the death of a pilot. In such a tragic war, people are killed every moment. Either the sailors of the German Navy were killed, or the pilots of the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British Navy were shot down.

   "Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

  Although the attacks of the carrier-based aircraft groups of the US and British navies were very fierce, their attacks did not achieve much results. On the contrary, the anti-aircraft firepower of the German fleet shot down many carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies.

  The seven capital ships of the German Navy's home fleet are all guarded in the center by cruisers and destroyers. This caused the carrier-based aircraft of the US and British navies, which directly attacked these capital ships, to be hit by anti-aircraft fire from all directions. As a result, they were often shot down by intensive anti-aircraft fire before they had time to drop bombs, let alone sink the capital ships of the German Navy.

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