Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 607 A young Eternity

607  A young Eternity

[Eon's POV: ]

[{ Masterrrrrrrrr! Masterrrrrr! What happened to you?! What was that voice?! }]

[{ *Master. You did say that you would be alright but it was really shocking when even I could not sense you for a moment. It was just too shocking how I was blocked from you when I was a part of you myself.* }]

Both of them were surprised and worried, I knew, I could feel them. I can see, hear, smell, sense, and feel the other things around me, which confined that I was back to the academy, on the stage, in my original body, far away from that place, from that being… from her.

[{ "It's alright now you two. It was a special invitation. And we were inside someone else in a way, so, it wasn't that special of an incident. Let's be careful the next time. It's alright now, and that person didn't mean us any harm. If anything, they helped us with many things, right Lucy?" }]

[{ *Yes… master. But still, stealing you away from us all was not a polite thing.* }]

[{ What do you mean helped with many things masterrrrrrr! I was so worrrrrrrried! }]

[{ "Sorry for worrying you Celes. But, it was all related to you, if I'm not wrong." }]

Lucy was smart so she had already grasped most of the things that had gone down in that place. And, she must have also learned many things from that experience if even I had gained such enlightenment. But, Celes was different.

She wasn't super smart or super knowledgeable. She was just a normal, super-talented, young, and cheerful crystal butterfly. She was different from Lucy, so, without me teaching her most of the things that went down when we were in that place, or when we were seeing that particular piece of memory would be a better way to put into words, it would be difficult for her to understand most of the things that went down in that space.

But that would be for later. Calming her was the most important task for now, and I knew just the way I could do it.

[{ "Ah, it's alright Celes. We are fine and back here, right? I'm fine as well, see? It's alright now, but, what do you think about this cute turtle and snake? Do you know what they are?" }]

The easiest way to calm down my little Celes was to distract her, just like a little child. And there was a very good distraction floating right before us, a very good and shocking one.

[{ Hmmm… this cute turtle and snake? Hmmm. Hmmmmm… I think I have shown them before. Hmmm, let me think. }]

She instantly forgot all about her worries and started thinking about this turtle and a snake, the creature that I was very, very surprised to see before me at that moment.

And, it was cuter than what was depicted in any old records or the stories I had heard from Grandma.

I never thought I would come across one of them but there was one before me, and it was too cute to be the creature I had read and heard about, but, I'm sure this is that creature.

'And this one's summoner is a special one himself so, it's certain that I'm not hallucinating.'

But still, this is surprising.

I had spent an unknown time in that strange space. Perhaps an hour had passed there, perhaps a day or a month, or perhaps a year or a few. A long time had passed there, that much I had been sure about but now that I was back here, it seemed like not that long had passed.

The first group that I had climbed the stage with was still here and there were creatures before every one of them except Alf, Rein, and me.

All of the others had creatures before them, some known, some rare. Alf was surprised to look at everyone who had summoned these creatures and was observing them closely with an excited, astonished expression.

Uto was on his head, looking at everyone else with a similar look as him. Those two certainly looked quite pretty a father-daughter pair.

On the other hand, El was still standing in the summoning proposition so, perhaps she was also experiencing something indescribable similar to us. But I don't know about that.

I will have to ask about her when she is back in this place. For now, there were some interesting creatures right before us, and even among all of them, there was a certain one looking happily at his summoner, perhaps talking in a stronger voice than his young, cute looks.

Well, it was a creature of Mythos. Something I didn't expect to see in a place like this. But his summoner was someone who possessed a Pinnacle skill, as well as a skill that would evolve him into a high species in the future. He was a smart person for one, and possessed a very powerful origin skill, and his talent was the main thing that allowed him to achieve everything he possessed today.

He was a special person, someone who was trying his best to earn my friendship while maintaining his status as a 'useless' person so that he could have his calm, carefree, easy life.

He loved his peace and to maintain that, he could go to great lengths if needed.

His life in the academy was going pretty well as well but now that this cutie was here…

[{ Ahhh! Master! I remembered! Isn't this that guardian beast called, ummmm, Great Worrier? The protector something? I remember you said they are scarrrrrrry creatures, right? This cute-looking one has quite a strong soul and it is strong overall as well. It's scary how this cute-looking thing is so dangerous that even you call it scary.

Ah, but now that it is that guy's partner, doesn't that mean this one's a good one and will become our friend? }]

[{ "Yes, and don't call him 'it'. He's a being of greatness even though he seems to be a young one.

From what I know, they have a very close familial bond and since he is a creature of mythos, I think his parents and ancestors were the only pairs remaining after the happenings before the known history.

But, that aside, why do you still call Prince Alph 'that guy'? He's not a bad person and he is kind of close to us as well, right?" }]

[{ Hmmm? But, he's still not your 'friend' yet, right? You still want him to prove himself so that you can actually take him as one of your own. So, until that happens, isn't he just a guy that plays with us sometimes? }]

Well, she wasn't wrong on this one. He certainly was more of an acquaintance similar to his brother and sister rather than a friend like Quin, Med, or Lizzy.

He was still just a person who had greater interactions with his other two siblings but that was it. He was still a distant person who enjoyed his own company rather than the others.

'But he won't be by himself from now on. From this moment forth, he is a parent and a guardian, and since the guardians of the north, the great [Gigentia], were creatures of mythos, and an eternity, they were very famous. That's why the people here will never accept that this cute-looking creature is the same thing that was talked about in the stories and the folklores.'

I can tell from the look everyone had on their faces at the moment that even though everyone was surprised by the appearance of this little turtle and snake duo, they were more in-depth about this than they were surprised by their sureness.

They didn't want to believe that this duo was the same creature that they had heard about and seen in ferocious-looking paintings, they might never fully accept it, ever. But, what did it matter actually?

[{ "They will finish the bonding now." }]

They must have had a pretty long telepathic conversation and perhaps they had got to know each other from that little talk a little bit.

His skill must have told him about this cutie a fair bit so he knew at least what he was dealing with, but, his soul was already resonating with his, so, the bond was inevitable.

He just had to accept the fact that he will receive a bad lot of attention from now on thanks to his cute baby, and he will have to face many challenges to go and meet his parents to sort things out with them regarding their child, but, he was a strong person, and even though he might ask for help from us and the academy, he was capable enough to sort these things out on his own.

'He has someone to look after now, so, he will have to be a little less lazy and do a few things to take care of this cute baby.'

The turtle and snake had already moved before him and placed their heads on Prince Alph's chest so a golden light had engulfed the two of them. The bond will be established soon and a familiar mark will be created.

They will bind together and become part of each other, part of each other's lives and souls. It will be the beguiling of their new lives, and I'm happy for them, as well as the others who found their families.

They all were in the middle of finishing their binding process but, Rein was still just standing as she had been, and I couldn't even sense any kind of energy movement from her as well, she wasn't even present in this place consciously.

She was somewhere else, and though a lot more time than usual had passed since the start of the summoning, I knew she wasn't in any kind of danger or anything.

If I have to say myself, she was perhaps in a confused and puzzled state from what I could feel at the moment.

She was perhaps experiencing something strange like we did but perhaps it was different from our experience.

'We do not know…'

We had no idea so, we could only ask her when she was out of this strange position of hers.

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