Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 606 Beyond the realities

606  Beyond the realities [OP: ]

A bright place filled with countless sources of light, a space filled with countless ineffable spatial objects that were perhaps stars, or perhaps they were just particles of energy, or perhaps they were galaxies or perhaps it was just some lights dancing in this endless space.

There was perhaps nothing here aside from these lights or perhaps, there were so many things in this endless space that counting them would be an impossible task even for someone like Eon.

It was strange what this place was or how they were here in this moment when the last thing they remembered was standing on the summoning circle in their academy.

They didn't know what was going on how much time had passed what this place was or was even any space.

[{ Master… what are we doing… }]

[{ "I would like to know that as well Celes." }]

They could see what there was all around them but they couldn't feel anything. They could hear some noises but they seemed to be present in their heads instead of ringing in their ears like usual.

They couldn't feel any of their senses aside from their vision, but, after floating here for an unknown time, they believed what they were seeing was actually not what they were seeing through their vision either.

Perhaps all of their senses were gone and in this moment, they were experiencing something that could neither be described nor could be put into words.

They couldn't understand it properly, they didn't even seem to have any reason to do so either. They didn't seem to have any reason to do anything at all actually.

They were just floating, in this endless, colorful, beautiful space and they didn't know if they really existed there, they certainly knew this was not their physical bodies.

They were doing their summoning process the last time and after that, they found themselves in this unknown place, floating, moving perhaps, perhaps still.

Perhaps everything around them was moving except them, and perhaps all this was just a very powerful illusion from someone with a higher authority than a higher god.

Perhaps this was all real and this was, in fact, a real place and they were seeing it with their 'consciousnesses'.

Perhaps this was the truth and perhaps not. They didn't know. And even though he could ask Lucy for this answer since she was still with them, he didn't want to do that.

This place… this space… this beauty…

He wanted to just float here for a little more, stay here for a little longer, observe these beautiful lights all around them for a moment more… he wanted to exist in this place for just a little longer. It was fine since 'death' was not possible in this place in this 'form' they were in at the moment.

He could feel some of the things that he couldn't understand himself but, he was certain all of this had some kind of meaning. And if he waited here for just a little longer, floated in this pretty place for a while more, and enjoyed it as he had been, he would be able to get the answers to the questions he couldn't even ask since he did not have his voice.

[{ This is all pretty master… I want to eat them… }]

[{ "You can go try it if you want Celes. It's alright, perhaps. It should be okay to just eat a little light, right?" }]

"Ah… I believe that won't be possible this time. You see, this place is just a memory fragment."

He was allowing her to go play with these pretty lights, taste them, and perhaps if she finds out something about them, tell him later as well.

He was hoping he would be able to know even a little about what was going on but, just when Celes was about to answer cheerfully and come out of her mark, an unknown voice spoke up, like someone actually spiked something.

It wasn't just telepathic talk like what they could do at the moment but, an actual voice that was saying something strange. But what she had just said caught his attention.

He was prepared to ask his question, but he questioned how he would be able to say anything at all since he had lost his ability to speak, so he tried still, but his poor efforts didn't bear any fruit.

[{ "Haaa… looks like I can't talk for real." }]

"Sucks right? I know that feeling well."

[{ "Ohhh! You can understand what I'm saying with this? But how is that possible? And… why did I feel sadness when you said that?" }]

"UwU? You can tell it was sadness just from the feeling you got. Now that's impressive."

[{ "I… well, I just felt it, and I knew it was sadness." }]

"Do you know why you were able to identify my sadness when you are present among an abundant amount of solid emotions, Axion Helios Kromet… or is calling you Htwoz An-"

[{ "That's not me. Please do not use that name. I'm Axion. And you don't seem to be a bad person, so, you can just call me Eon." }]

"Hahaha, apologies. I didn't know that just mentioning that name would cause you so much pain. I could only feel the name in the memories of that other world. I did not know it would cause you so much pain. I apologize."

Her voice was ethereal, and it didn't have any particular direction it was coming from.

It was a voice filled with power, a strange power that he could only compare to his master's.

He had never felt something like this, it was a stranger feeling than when he first heard her 'true voice' for the first time a few eternities back. He couldn't describe this either, just like all the other things in this place, but, he could certainly tell that the voice he was hearing, was coming from all directions, from all the things, from all the particles and all the lights present in this place.

It was like, this voice they were hearing right now… it was coming from every single thing, every single source of light present in this place. As if, everything was speaking the same thing, or in better words, she was everything present here speaking to them in her voice, from everything present here.

However, she said something about memory fragments a moment ago. And, if they were talking about a memory fragment, something he knew very well, he could only say one thing about this place right now.

[{ "It is fine, but… this place. Is this, inside your mind, or something similar?" }]

"Oh? You figured it out on your own, I see. You certainly are as smart as she said you were."

[{ "She…?" }]

"Your tea- no. You called her grandma, right? She talked about you like you were the only and most fascinating presence she had ever seen in all of her lives."

[{ "Wait… what? What, no, how… actully, who-" }]

"No, Eon. It's alright. Don't think too much about this. The time has not come yet for us to meet. You two still have many things to go through before you reach me. This is the location you will need to reach first, so, observe it carefully. Engrave it as perfectly as you can."

[{ "But what is this place-" }]

"You will find out on your own. I know you will. You don't have to give this much thought either. As you walk on your path, experience things together, and know more about both your selves, about the uniqueness of your existence, and the meaning you now possess in this nature… you will come to know more things and the truths."

[{ "But-" }

"Haha, no need to be so surprised little one. You will see beyond the realities in the future, that this place, or myself, is not much compared to what lies even further than this place.

I'm just a small resting spot you will stay at for a while, and perhaps I will join your journey, perhaps I might not, we do not know that.

The future is constantly changing, right? And even we could not predict this change."

[{ "…" }]

He didn't know what was going on right now. There was just too much to process right now. She was talking about the realities, his mastery, space, and truths, and she was talking in plural speech, so she was referring to them, but whom she was referring to, was a question to him as well.

After she said all those things, it even seemed like he was feeling a strange pain in his head, a sensation he had not felt from the moment he had entered this strange space.

"Alright then. Looks like our time is coming to an end. Ask me one question before we part ways. And choose your words correctly, young one. This moment is precious."

He couldn't understand most of the things that were going on right now. And both Celes and Lucy were silent for a while as if their voices were blocked.

He could feel them, their worried emotions but, their voices were not there, perhaps that's why he heard that question even more clearly, and from what she said and what he understood… There was one question he had to ask if it was the last between them.

[{ "Can I help you with your… pain?" }]

He didn't know why he was asking this question to a stranger he was only meeting for the first time today, but, that was the only question that came from his heart, or soul, or the deep mind, or from somewhere within him.

it was an instinctual question… and, she was happy to hear it.

"You can, yes. Perhaps, you are the only one who can. However, little one, don't be too concerned. Our meeting would still be a few years into the future in your time, even if the worlds are collapsed or the universes are shattered.

Even if the timelines are entangled, or the Truths are corrupted, we would certainly meet, perhaps in a little fifteen years, or perhaps in a little over five hundred years.

Perhaps we will only be able to meet after you have more people in your life to protect, precious people you would certainly burn the world if needed to.

I don't know how long it will take for us to meet, but, little one, we will meet. Certainly. And I have faith that by then, you both will be strong enough to help me, as well as wise enough to make the decision…"

The world around them started vanishing, the stars, the lights, the light, and brightness itself started to fade away.

"Take care of them, Eon."

And after that goodbye, with the disappearance of the pretty place, they also disappeared from that now dark, empty place, and reappeared on the stage of their garden, and looked around, only to find a small, cute looking turtle with a cuter looking snake wrapped around it, both floating in the air before them, looking straight in the eyes of the person beside him, Prince Alph, with a cheerful smile on their faces.

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